400 Boy’s Names That Start with B

Choosing a name for your baby boy is an exciting yet challenging task.
If you’re drawn to names beginning with the letter B, you’re in for a treat.
Picking a name that starts with B for your son can offer several advantages.
Here’s why you might consider a B name:
First letter impact: Names that begin with B often sound strong and memorable. The “buh” sound at the start can make a lasting impression.
Alphabetical order perks: Your son’s name will be near the top in school and other settings where names are listed alphabetically.
Easy to spell and say: Most B names are straightforward to spell and pronounce. This can make life easier for your child as they grow up.
Ready to explore B names for boys?
Let’s get started!
Who knows? Your future son’s name might be waiting just a few scrolls away.
List of 400 Boy’s Names That Start with B
English Names for Boy’s That Start with B
1. Bailey
Meaning: Bailiff or steward
Pronunciation: BAY-lee
2. Baker
Meaning: One who bakes bread
Pronunciation: BAY-ker
3. Barclay
Meaning: From the birch meadow
Pronunciation: BAR-klee
4. Barnaby
Meaning: Son of consolation
Pronunciation: BAR-nuh-bee
5. Barney
Meaning: Son of comfort
Pronunciation: BAR-nee
6. Barry
Meaning: Fair-haired
Pronunciation: BAR-ee
7. Bart
Meaning: Son of the earth
Pronunciation: BART
8. Bartholomew
Meaning: Son of Talmai
Pronunciation: bar-THOL-uh-myoo
9. Basil
Meaning: Royal, kingly
Pronunciation: BAZ-il
10. Benedict
Meaning: Blessed
Pronunciation: BEN-uh-dikt
11. Benjamin
Meaning: Son of the right hand
Pronunciation: BEN-juh-min
12. Bennett
Meaning: Blessed
Pronunciation: BEN-it
13. Bentley
Meaning: Meadow with coarse grass
Pronunciation: BENT-lee
14. Bernard
Meaning: Brave as a bear
Pronunciation: ber-NARD
15. Bertram
Meaning: Bright raven
Pronunciation: BUR-trum
16. Bill
Meaning: Resolute protection
Pronunciation: BIL
17. Blake
Meaning: Dark or pale
Pronunciation: BLAYK
18. Bobby
Meaning: Bright fame
Pronunciation: BOB-ee
19. Boris
Meaning: Fighter
Pronunciation: BOR-is
20. Bradley
Meaning: Broad meadow
Pronunciation: BRAD-lee
21. Brady
Meaning: Broad eye
Pronunciation: BRAY-dee
22. Brandon
Meaning: Broom-covered hill
Pronunciation: BRAN-dun
23. Brayden
Meaning: Broad
Pronunciation: BRAY-den
24. Brendan
Meaning: Prince
Pronunciation: BREN-dan
25. Brett
Meaning: From Britain
Pronunciation: BRET
26. Brian
Meaning: Strong, virtuous and honorable
Pronunciation: BRY-un
27. Broderick
Meaning: Brother
Pronunciation: BROH-de-rik
28. Brodie
Meaning: Little ridge
Pronunciation: BRO-dee
29. Brooks
Meaning: Of the brook
Pronunciation: BROOKS
30. Bruce
Meaning: From the brushwood thicket
Pronunciation: BROOS
31. Bruno
Meaning: Brown
Pronunciation: BROO-noh
32. Bryan
Meaning: Strong, virtuous and honorable
Pronunciation: BRY-un
33. Bryce
Meaning: Swift
Pronunciation: BRYS
34. Bryson
Meaning: Son of Brice
Pronunciation: BRY-sun
35. Buck
Meaning: Male deer
Pronunciation: BUK
36. Bud
Meaning: Friend
Pronunciation: BUD
37. Buddy
Meaning: Friend
Pronunciation: BUD-ee
38. Byron
Meaning: Barn for cows
Pronunciation: BY-run
39. Beau
Meaning: Handsome
Pronunciation: BOH
40. Blaine
Meaning: Slender
Pronunciation: BLAYN
Biblical Names for Boys That Start with B
41. Barak
Meaning: Lightning
Pronunciation: BAR-uk
42. Barnabas
Meaning: Son of encouragement
Pronunciation: BAR-nuh-bus
43. Bartholomew
Meaning: Son of Talmai
Pronunciation: bar-THOL-uh-myoo
44. Baruch
Meaning: Blessed
Pronunciation: buh-ROOK
45. Barzillai
Meaning: Man of iron
Pronunciation: bar-ZIL-ee-eye
46. Basemath
Meaning: Spice
Pronunciation: BAS-muth
47. Benaiah
Meaning: Yahweh has built
Pronunciation: be-NAY-uh
48. Benjamin
Meaning: Son of the right hand
Pronunciation: BEN-juh-min
49. Benoni
Meaning: Son of my sorrow
Pronunciation: be-NO-nee
50. Bethuel
Meaning: House of God
Pronunciation: be-THOO-ul
51. Bezalel
Meaning: In the shadow of God
Pronunciation: bez-uh-LEL
52. Boaz
Meaning: Swiftness
Pronunciation: BO-az
53. Boanerges
Meaning: Sons of thunder
Pronunciation: bo-uh-NUR-jeez
54. Baasha
Meaning: Boldness
Pronunciation: BAY-uh-shuh
55. Balaam
Meaning: Foreigner
Pronunciation: BAY-lum
56. Balak
Meaning: Devastator
Pronunciation: BAY-lak
57. Barabbas
Meaning: Son of the father
Pronunciation: buh-RAB-us
58. Barsabbas
Meaning: Son of Sabas
Pronunciation: bar-SAB-us
59. Bartimaeus
Meaning: Son of Timaeus
Pronunciation: bar-ti-MAY-us
60. Bela
Meaning: Destruction
Pronunciation: BEE-luh
61. Belshazzar
Meaning: Bel protect the king
Pronunciation: bel-SHAZ-ar
62. Ben
Meaning: Son
Pronunciation: BEN
63. Benhadad
Meaning: Son of Hadad
Pronunciation: ben-HAY-dad
64. Benhanan
Meaning: Son of the gracious one
Pronunciation: ben-HAY-nun
65. Beninu
Meaning: Our son
Pronunciation: be-NYE-noo
66. Beno
Meaning: His son
Pronunciation: BEE-no
67. Beor
Meaning: Burning
Pronunciation: BEE-or
68. Berechiah
Meaning: Blessed of Yahweh
Pronunciation: ber-uh-KYE-uh
69. Beriah
Meaning: In calamity
Pronunciation: be-RYE-uh
70. Besodeiah
Meaning: In the counsel of Yahweh
Pronunciation: bes-o-DEE-uh
71. Bilgah
Meaning: Cheerfulness
Pronunciation: BIL-guh
72. Bilhan
Meaning: Timid
Pronunciation: BIL-han
73. Bimhal
Meaning: Son of circumcision
Pronunciation: BIM-hal
74. Binea
Meaning: Fountain
Pronunciation: bin-EE-uh
75. Binnui
Meaning: Built up
Pronunciation: BIN-oo-eye
76. Birsha
Meaning: With wickedness
Pronunciation: BUR-shuh
77. Bukki
Meaning: Wasteful
Pronunciation: BUK-eye
78. Bul
Meaning: Rain
Pronunciation: BULL
79. Bunah
Meaning: Understanding
Pronunciation: BOO-nuh
80. Buz
Meaning: Contempt
Pronunciation: BUZ
Greek Names for Boys That Start with B
81. Basil
Meaning: Royal, kingly
Pronunciation: BAZ-il
82. Bias
Meaning: Strong
Pronunciation: BY-us
83. Bion
Meaning: Life
Pronunciation: BY-on
84. Blaise
Meaning: Lisping
Pronunciation: BLAYZ
85. Boris
Meaning: Fighter
Pronunciation: BOR-is
86. Brontis
Meaning: Thunder
Pronunciation: BRON-tis
87. Byron
Meaning: Cottage
Pronunciation: BY-run
88. Baucis
Meaning: Delicate
Pronunciation: BAW-sis
89. Basilides
Meaning: Son of the king
Pronunciation: buh-SIL-i-deez
90. Blasius
Meaning: Lisping
Pronunciation: BLAY-zee-us
91. Borus
Meaning: North wind
Pronunciation: BOR-us
92. Bosphorus
Meaning: Ox-ford
Pronunciation: BOS-fur-us
93. Broteas
Meaning: Mortal
Pronunciation: BRO-tee-us
94. Bucolus
Meaning: Cowherd
Pronunciation: BYOO-kuh-lus
95. Bacchus
Meaning: God of wine
Pronunciation: BAK-us
96. Belen
Meaning: Arrow
Pronunciation: BEL-en
97. Briareus
Meaning: Strong
Pronunciation: bry-AR-ee-us
98. Brontes
Meaning: Thunderer
Pronunciation: BRON-teez
99. Butes
Meaning: Ox-driver
Pronunciation: BYOO-teez
100. Briseis
Meaning: To strengthen
Pronunciation: bri-SEE-is
101. Byzantius
Meaning: From Byzantium
Pronunciation: bi-ZAN-shus
102. Balasi
Meaning: Spring
Pronunciation: buh-LAH-see
103. Bellerophon
Meaning: Wielder of missiles
Pronunciation: buh-LER-uh-fon
104. Balius
Meaning: Dappled
Pronunciation: BAY-lee-us
105. Boreas
Meaning: North wind
Pronunciation: BOR-ee-us
106. Borus
Meaning: Devouring
Pronunciation: BOR-us
107. Briseus
Meaning: Strength
Pronunciation: BRIS-ee-us
108. Battus
Meaning: Stammerer
Pronunciation: BAT-us
109. Bianor
Meaning: Strong man
Pronunciation: by-AY-nor
110. Bomilcar
Meaning: Servant of Melqart
Pronunciation: bo-MIL-kar
111. Brotachus
Meaning: Noisy
Pronunciation: BRO-tuh-kus
112. Buzyges
Meaning: Ox-yoker
Pronunciation: BYOO-zi-jeez
113. Biston
Meaning: Wild
Pronunciation: BIS-ton
114. Bromus
Meaning: Noisy
Pronunciation: BRO-mus
115. Bucephalus
Meaning: Ox-headed
Pronunciation: byoo-SEF-uh-lus
116. Bebryx
Meaning: Babbler
Pronunciation: BEE-briks
117. Belus
Meaning: Lord
Pronunciation: BEE-lus
118. Boethus
Meaning: Helper
Pronunciation: bo-EE-thus
119. Borus
Meaning: From the north
Pronunciation: BOR-us
120. Broteas
Meaning: Mortal
Pronunciation: BRO-tee-us
Latin Names for Boys That Start with B
121. Balbus
Meaning: Stammerer
Pronunciation: BAL-bus
122. Baldus
Meaning: Bold
Pronunciation: BAL-dus
123. Basilius
Meaning: Royal, kingly
Pronunciation: buh-SIL-ee-us
124. Bellator
Meaning: Warrior
Pronunciation: bel-LAH-tor
125. Benedictus
Meaning: Blessed
Pronunciation: ben-uh-DIK-tus
126. Benignus
Meaning: Kind
Pronunciation: be-NIG-nus
127. Blasius
Meaning: Lisping
Pronunciation: BLAY-zee-us
128. Blandus
Meaning: Charming
Pronunciation: BLAN-dus
129. Bonifatius
Meaning: Good fate
Pronunciation: bon-i-FAY-shus
130. Brutus
Meaning: Heavy
Pronunciation: BROO-tus
131. Burrus
Meaning: Red-haired
Pronunciation: BUR-us
132. Balbinus
Meaning: Stutterer
Pronunciation: bal-BY-nus
133. Balthasar
Meaning: Protect the king
Pronunciation: BAL-thuh-zar
134. Barbatus
Meaning: Bearded
Pronunciation: bar-BAY-tus
135. Bardus
Meaning: Slow, dull
Pronunciation: BAR-dus
136. Bassus
Meaning: Short, low
Pronunciation: BAS-us
137. Belinus
Meaning: Bright
Pronunciation: be-LY-nus
138. Bellicus
Meaning: Warlike
Pronunciation: BEL-i-kus
139. Bellius
Meaning: Handsome
Pronunciation: BEL-ee-us
140. Benevolus
Meaning: Benevolent
Pronunciation: be-NEV-o-lus
141. Bibulus
Meaning: Fond of drink
Pronunciation: BIB-yoo-lus
142. Blandinus
Meaning: Flattering
Pronunciation: blan-DY-nus
143. Blossius
Meaning: Red-haired
Pronunciation: BLOSS-ee-us
144. Bonosus
Meaning: Good
Pronunciation: bo-NO-sus
145. Bruccius
Meaning: From Bruttium
Pronunciation: BROO-shus
146. Bruttius
Meaning: From Bruttium
Pronunciation: BROO-shus
147. Bulbus
Meaning: Bulbous
Pronunciation: BUL-bus
148. Bussulus
Meaning: Little kiss
Pronunciation: BUS-oo-lus
149. Buteo
Meaning: Hawk
Pronunciation: BOO-tee-oh
150. Balduinus
Meaning: Bold friend
Pronunciation: bal-doo-EE-nus
151. Baricius
Meaning: From Bari
Pronunciation: ba-RIS-ee-us
152. Barnabus
Meaning: Son of consolation
Pronunciation: BAR-nuh-bus
153. Baro
Meaning: Warrior
Pronunciation: BAR-oh
154. Basiliscus
Meaning: Little king
Pronunciation: bas-i-LIS-kus
155. Battus
Meaning: Stutterer
Pronunciation: BAT-us
156. Beatus
Meaning: Blessed
Pronunciation: bee-AY-tus
157. Bellator
Meaning: Warrior
Pronunciation: bel-LAY-tor
158. Bellovesus
Meaning: Fond of slaughter
Pronunciation: bel-oh-VEE-sus
159. Benignus
Meaning: Benign, kind
Pronunciation: be-NIG-nus
160. Bestia
Meaning: Beast
Pronunciation: BES-tee-uh
Irish Names for Boys That Start with B
161. Bran
Meaning: Raven
Pronunciation: BRAN
162. Brendan
Meaning: Prince
Pronunciation: BREN-dan
163. Brian
Meaning: Noble
Pronunciation: BRY-an
164. Brody
Meaning: Ditch
Pronunciation: BRO-dee
165. Brady
Meaning: Spirited
Pronunciation: BRAY-dee
166. Brennan
Meaning: Descendant of Braonán
Pronunciation: BREN-an
167. Barry
Meaning: Fair-haired
Pronunciation: BAR-ee
168. Brogan
Meaning: Shoe
Pronunciation: BRO-gan
169. Brychan
Meaning: Speckled
Pronunciation: BRIK-an
170. Byrne
Meaning: Raven
Pronunciation: BURN
171. Bevan
Meaning: Son of Evan
Pronunciation: BEV-an
172. Blayne
Meaning: Slender
Pronunciation: BLAYN
173. Bairre
Meaning: Fair-haired
Pronunciation: BAR-uh
174. Bárrfhionn
Meaning: Fair-headed
Pronunciation: BAR-in
175. Bearach
Meaning: Sharp
Pronunciation: BAR-akh
176. Bearnard
Meaning: Brave as a bear
Pronunciation: BARN-ard
177. Benen
Meaning: Blessed
Pronunciation: BEN-en
178. Berach
Meaning: Sharp
Pronunciation: BER-akh
179. Bláthán
Meaning: Little flower
Pronunciation: BLAW-hawn
180. Blinne
Meaning: Lean, slender
Pronunciation: BLIN-uh
181. Bodb
Meaning: Crow
Pronunciation: BODB
182. Bohan
Meaning: Descendant of Buadhachán
Pronunciation: BO-han
183. Breandán
Meaning: Prince
Pronunciation: BREN-dawn
184. Breogán
Meaning: Mythical king of Spain
Pronunciation: BREE-oh-gawn
185. Brigh
Meaning: Strength
Pronunciation: BREE
186. Brión
Meaning: Noble
Pronunciation: BREE-on
187. Brónach
Meaning: Sorrowful
Pronunciation: BRO-nakh
188. Bruadar
Meaning: Dreamer
Pronunciation: BROO-a-dar
189. Buadhach
Meaning: Victorious
Pronunciation: BOO-akh
190. Builín
Meaning: Little loaf
Pronunciation: boo-LEEN
191. Barra
Meaning: Fair-headed
Pronunciation: BAR-uh
192. Beacan
Meaning: Little one
Pronunciation: BAK-an
193. Bláthnat
Meaning: Little flower
Pronunciation: BLAH-nat
194. Bláthnaid
Meaning: Little flower
Pronunciation: BLAW-nid
195. Bradán
Meaning: Salmon
Pronunciation: bra-DAWN
196. Breasal
Meaning: War
Pronunciation: BRAS-al
197. Brón
Meaning: Sorrow
Pronunciation: BROHN
198. Brogan
Meaning: Little shoe
Pronunciation: BRO-gan
199. Brollach
Meaning: Breast
Pronunciation: BROL-akh
200. Bronn
Meaning: Sorrow
Pronunciation: BRAWN
Scottish Names for Boys That Start with B
201. Bruce
Meaning: From Bruis, France
Pronunciation: BROOS
202. Blair
Meaning: Plain, field
Pronunciation: BLAYR
203. Barclay
Meaning: Birch meadow
Pronunciation: BAR-klee
204. Baird
Meaning: Bard, poet
Pronunciation: BAYRD
205. Boyd
Meaning: Blond
Pronunciation: BOYD
206. Brodie
Meaning: Little ridge
Pronunciation: BRO-dee
207. Bertram
Meaning: Bright raven
Pronunciation: BER-trum
208. Blaine
Meaning: Yellow
Pronunciation: BLAYN
209. Bryce
Meaning: Speckled
Pronunciation: BRYS
210. Bowie
Meaning: Yellow-haired
Pronunciation: BO-ee
211. Buchanan
Meaning: House of the canon
Pronunciation: byoo-KAN-an
212. Beathan
Meaning: Life
Pronunciation: BEE-an
213. Baillie
Meaning: Bailiff
Pronunciation: BAY-lee
214. Bhaltair
Meaning: Army ruler
Pronunciation: VAL-ter
215. Blythe
Meaning: Cheerful
Pronunciation: BLYTH
216. Bellamy
Meaning: Fine friend
Pronunciation: BEL-uh-mee
217. Braeden
Meaning: Broad
Pronunciation: BRAY-den
218. Bryson
Meaning: Son of Brice
Pronunciation: BRY-son
219. Brock
Meaning: Badger
Pronunciation: BROK
220. Berach
Meaning: Sharp
Pronunciation: BER-akh
221. Balloch
Meaning: Spotted
Pronunciation: BAL-okh
222. Beathan
Meaning: Life
Pronunciation: BEE-an
223. Beiste
Meaning: Beast
Pronunciation: BAY-ste
224. Beoir
Meaning: Beer
Pronunciation: bee-OR
225. Bhreac
Meaning: Speckled
Pronunciation: VREK
226. Binnean
Meaning: Little hill
Pronunciation: BIN-yan
227. Bláth
Meaning: Flower
Pronunciation: BLAH
228. Bonar
Meaning: Honorable
Pronunciation: BON-ar
229. Bràighe
Meaning: Upper part
Pronunciation: BRY
230. Brann
Meaning: Raven
Pronunciation: BRAN
231. Bratach
Meaning: Standard, flag
Pronunciation: BRA-takh
232. Braw
Meaning: Fine, handsome
Pronunciation: BRAW
233. Breac
Meaning: Speckled
Pronunciation: BREK
234. Brechin
Meaning: Speckled
Pronunciation: BREK-in
235. Brèagha
Meaning: Beautiful
Pronunciation: BREE-uh
236. Brioc
Meaning: Speckled
Pronunciation: BREE-ok
237. Brochan
Meaning: Porridge
Pronunciation: BROKH-an
238. Broderick
Meaning: Brother
Pronunciation: BROD-er-ik
239. Brùnach
Meaning: Brown-haired
Pronunciation: BROO-nakh
240. Buachaille
Meaning: Shepherd
Pronunciation: BOO-uh-khil-yuh
French Names for Boys That Start with B
241. Baptiste
Meaning: Baptist
Pronunciation: ba-TEEST
242. Bastien
Meaning: Venerable
Pronunciation: bas-TYAN
243. Benoît
Meaning: Blessed
Pronunciation: ben-WAH
244. Bernard
Meaning: Brave as a bear
Pronunciation: ber-NAR
245. Bertrand
Meaning: Bright raven
Pronunciation: ber-TRON
246. Blaise
Meaning: Lisping
Pronunciation: BLEZ
247. Bruno
Meaning: Brown
Pronunciation: broo-NO
248. Brice
Meaning: Speckled
Pronunciation: BREES
249. Barnabé
Meaning: Son of consolation
Pronunciation: bar-na-BAY
250. Barthélemy
Meaning: Son of Talmai
Pronunciation: bar-tel-MEE
251. Basile
Meaning: Royal
Pronunciation: ba-ZEEL
252. Baudouin
Meaning: Bold friend
Pronunciation: bo-DWAN
253. Benjamin
Meaning: Son of the right hand
Pronunciation: ben-zha-MAN
254. Berenger
Meaning: Bear spear
Pronunciation: be-ron-ZHAY
255. Boniface
Meaning: Good fate
Pronunciation: bo-nee-FAS
256. Boris
Meaning: Fighter
Pronunciation: bo-REES
257. Briac
Meaning: Noble
Pronunciation: bree-AK
258. Brieuc
Meaning: High, noble
Pronunciation: bree-UH
259. Brieux
Meaning: Noble
Pronunciation: bree-UH
260. Balthazar
Meaning: Protect the king
Pronunciation: bal-ta-ZAR
261. Barnard
Meaning: Brave as a bear
Pronunciation: bar-NAR
262. Barthélémy
Meaning: Son of Talmai
Pronunciation: bar-tel-may-MEE
263. Béatrice
Meaning: She who brings happiness
Pronunciation: bay-a-TREES
264. Beaumont
Meaning: Beautiful mountain
Pronunciation: bo-MON
265. Bélanger
Meaning: Good-looking
Pronunciation: bay-lon-ZHAY
266. Bellamy
Meaning: Fine friend
Pronunciation: bel-a-MEE
267. Béranger
Meaning: Bear spear
Pronunciation: bay-ron-ZHAY
268. Berger
Meaning: Shepherd
Pronunciation: ber-ZHAY
269. Berthelot
Meaning: Bright wolf
Pronunciation: ber-te-LO
270. Blanchard
Meaning: White
Pronunciation: blon-SHAR
271. Boileau
Meaning: Drink water
Pronunciation: bwa-LO
272. Bonnaire
Meaning: Good-natured
Pronunciation: bo-NER
273. Bonnet
Meaning: Good
Pronunciation: bo-NAY
274. Bouchard
Meaning: Powerful
Pronunciation: boo-SHAR
275. Boucher
Meaning: Butcher
Pronunciation: boo-SHAY
276. Boudreaux
Meaning: Little warrior
Pronunciation: boo-DRO
277. Bouffard
Meaning: Jester
Pronunciation: boo-FAR
278. Boulanger
Meaning: Baker
Pronunciation: boo-lon-ZHAY
279. Bourdeaux
Meaning: From Bordeaux
Pronunciation: boor-DO
280. Brouillard
Meaning: Fog
Pronunciation: broo-YAR
German Names for Boys That Start with B
281. Bastian
Meaning: Venerable
Pronunciation: BAS-tee-an
282. Benedikt
Meaning: Blessed
Pronunciation: BEN-uh-dikt
283. Bernd
Meaning: Brave as a bear
Pronunciation: BERNT
284. Bernhard
Meaning: Brave as a bear
Pronunciation: BERN-hart
285. Bruno
Meaning: Brown
Pronunciation: BROO-noh
286. Burkhard
Meaning: Strong as a fortress
Pronunciation: BOORK-hart
287. Baldur
Meaning: Prince
Pronunciation: BAL-door
288. Berthold
Meaning: Bright ruler
Pronunciation: BERT-holt
289. Björn
Meaning: Bear
Pronunciation: BYORN
290. Bodo
Meaning: Commander
Pronunciation: BO-doh
291. Burghard
Meaning: Castle protection
Pronunciation: BOORG-hart
292. Bertram
Meaning: Bright raven
Pronunciation: BER-tram
293. Balduin
Meaning: Bold friend
Pronunciation: BAL-doo-in
294. Barnabas
Meaning: Son of consolation
Pronunciation: BAR-na-bas
295. Bartholomäus
Meaning: Son of Talmai
Pronunciation: bar-to-lo-MAY-us
296. Basilius
Meaning: Royal
Pronunciation: ba-ZIL-ee-us
297. Berchtold
Meaning: Bright ruler
Pronunciation: BERK-tolt
298. Bernward
Meaning: Bear guard
Pronunciation: BERN-vart
299. Bertold
Meaning: Bright ruler
Pronunciation: BER-tolt
300. Botho
Meaning: Messenger
Pronunciation: BO-toh
301. Brandolf
Meaning: Sword wolf
Pronunciation: BRAN-dolf
302. Burchard
Meaning: Fortress strong
Pronunciation: BOOR-khart
303. Balthasar
Meaning: Protect the king
Pronunciation: BAL-ta-zar
304. Barthold
Meaning: Bright ruler
Pronunciation: BART-holt
305. Benno
Meaning: Bear
Pronunciation: BEN-oh
306. Berger
Meaning: Mountain
Pronunciation: BER-ger
307. Bernhardt
Meaning: Brave as a bear
Pronunciation: BERN-hart
308. Bertwin
Meaning: Bright friend
Pronunciation: BERT-vin
309. Bonifaz
Meaning: Good fate
Pronunciation: BO-nee-fats
310. Borwin
Meaning: Friend of the fortress
Pronunciation: BOR-vin
311. Brandolf
Meaning: Sword wolf
Pronunciation: BRAN-dolf
312. Burghardt
Meaning: Castle protection
Pronunciation: BOORG-hart
313. Baldewin
Meaning: Bold friend
Pronunciation: BAL-de-vin
314. Bardo
Meaning: Ax
Pronunciation: BAR-doh
315. Barnhard
Meaning: Brave as a bear
Pronunciation: BARN-hart
316. Barthold
Meaning: Bright ruler
Pronunciation: BART-holt
317. Bendix
Meaning: Blessed
Pronunciation: BEN-diks
318. Bernold
Meaning: Bear power
Pronunciation: BER-nolt
319. Bertil
Meaning: Bright helmet
Pronunciation: BER-til
320. Botulf
Meaning: Commanding wolf
Pronunciation: BO-toolf
Spanish Names for Boys That Start with B
321. Benito
Meaning: Blessed
Pronunciation: beh-NEE-toh
322. Bernardo
Meaning: Brave as a bear
Pronunciation: ber-NAR-doh
323. Blas
Meaning: Stutterer
Pronunciation: BLAHS
324. Bruno
Meaning: Brown
Pronunciation: BROO-noh
325. Baltasar
Meaning: Protect the king
Pronunciation: bahl-tah-SAR
326. Bartolomé
Meaning: Son of Talmai
Pronunciation: bar-toh-loh-MEH
327. Basilio
Meaning: Royal
Pronunciation: bah-SEE-lyoh
328. Beltrán
Meaning: Bright raven
Pronunciation: bel-TRAHN
329. Benjamín
Meaning: Son of the right hand
Pronunciation: ben-hah-MEEN
330. Berto
Meaning: Bright
Pronunciation: BER-toh
331. Borja
Meaning: From the castle
Pronunciation: BOR-hah
332. Braulio
Meaning: Bright
Pronunciation: BROW-lyoh
333. Buenaventura
Meaning: Good fortune
Pronunciation: bweh-nah-ven-TOO-rah
334. Baldomero
Meaning: Bold, famous
Pronunciation: bahl-doh-MEH-roh
335. Baudilio
Meaning: Bold
Pronunciation: baw-DEE-lyoh
336. Benigno
Meaning: Kind
Pronunciation: beh-NEEG-noh
337. Bonifacio
Meaning: Good fate
Pronunciation: boh-nee-FAH-syoh
338. Brayan
Meaning: Strong, virtuous
Pronunciation: brah-YAHN
339. Bautista
Meaning: Baptist
Pronunciation: baw-TEES-tah
340. Benedicto
Meaning: Blessed
Pronunciation: beh-neh-DEEK-toh
341. Bernardino
Meaning: Little brave bear
Pronunciation: ber-nar-DEE-noh
342. Bosco
Meaning: From the woods
Pronunciation: BOHS-koh
343. Baltazar
Meaning: Protect the king
Pronunciation: bahl-tah-SAR
344. Baruc
Meaning: Blessed
Pronunciation: bah-ROOK
345. Bertín
Meaning: Bright
Pronunciation: ber-TEEN
346. Bogar
Meaning: Bow warrior
Pronunciation: boh-GAR
347. Benancio
Meaning: Well-wishing
Pronunciation: beh-NAN-syoh
348. Bienvenido
Meaning: Welcome
Pronunciation: byen-veh-NEE-doh
349. Brigido
Meaning: Strength
Pronunciation: BREE-hee-doh
350. Balduino
Meaning: Bold friend
Pronunciation: bahl-DWEE-noh
351. Barnabé
Meaning: Son of consolation
Pronunciation: bar-nah-BEH
352. Berengario
Meaning: Bear spear
Pronunciation: beh-ren-GAH-ryoh
353. Bienve
Meaning: Welcome
Pronunciation: byen-VEH
354. Bonoso
Meaning: Good
Pronunciation: boh-NOH-soh
355. Braulio
Meaning: Bright
Pronunciation: BROW-lyoh
356. Berto
Meaning: Bright
Pronunciation: BER-toh
357. Benicio
Meaning: Blessed
Pronunciation: beh-NEE-syoh
358. Bienvenido
Meaning: Welcome
Pronunciation: byen-veh-NEE-doh
359. Baltasar
Meaning: Protect the king
Pronunciation: bahl-tah-SAR
360. Baudilio
Meaning: Bold
Pronunciation: baw-DEE-lyoh
Italian Names for Boys That Start with B
361. Bruno
Meaning: Brown
Pronunciation: BROO-noh
362. Benito
Meaning: Blessed
Pronunciation: beh-NEE-toh
363. Benedetto
Meaning: Blessed
Pronunciation: beh-neh-DET-toh
364. Biagio
Meaning: Stutterer
Pronunciation: BYAH-joh
365. Bernardo
Meaning: Brave as a bear
Pronunciation: ber-NAR-doh
366. Bartolomeo
Meaning: Son of Talmai
Pronunciation: bar-toh-loh-MEH-oh
367. Battista
Meaning: Baptist
Pronunciation: baht-TEE-stah
368. Baldassare
Meaning: Protect the king
Pronunciation: bahl-dahs-SAH-reh
369. Basilio
Meaning: Royal
Pronunciation: bah-SEE-lyoh
370. Benigno
Meaning: Kind
Pronunciation: beh-NEENG-noh
371. Beppe
Meaning: God will add
Pronunciation: BEP-peh
372. Bonifacio
Meaning: Good fate
Pronunciation: boh-nee-FAH-choh
373. Brando
Meaning: Sword
Pronunciation: BRAHN-doh
374. Bruna
Meaning: Brown
Pronunciation: BROO-nah
375. Berretto
Meaning: Cap, hat
Pronunciation: behr-RET-toh
376. Baldo
Meaning: Bold
Pronunciation: BAHL-doh
377. Beniamino
Meaning: Son of the right hand
Pronunciation: ben-yah-MEE-noh
378. Bortolo
Meaning: Son of Talmai
Pronunciation: BOR-toh-loh
379. Bonaventura
Meaning: Good fortune
Pronunciation: boh-nah-ven-TOO-rah
380. Beltramo
Meaning: Bright raven
Pronunciation: bel-TRAH-moh
381. Bastiano
Meaning: Venerable
Pronunciation: bah-stee-AH-noh
382. Benvenuto
Meaning: Welcome
Pronunciation: ben-veh-NOO-toh
383. Baldomero
Meaning: Bold, famous
Pronunciation: bahl-doh-MEH-roh
384. Barnaba
Meaning: Son of consolation
Pronunciation: BAR-nah-bah
385. Bortolino
Meaning: Little Bartholomew
Pronunciation: bor-toh-LEE-noh
386. Bettino
Meaning: Blessed
Pronunciation: bet-TEE-noh
387. Berto
Meaning: Bright
Pronunciation: BER-toh
388. Bernardino
Meaning: Little brave bear
Pronunciation: ber-nar-DEE-noh
389. Bonfilio
Meaning: Good son
Pronunciation: bohn-FEE-lyoh
390. Beltrano
Meaning: Bright raven
Pronunciation: bel-TRAH-noh
391. Beato
Meaning: Blessed
Pronunciation: beh-AH-toh
392. Bellino
Meaning: Handsome
Pronunciation: bel-LEE-noh
393. Bartolo
Meaning: Son of Talmai
Pronunciation: BAR-toh-loh
394. Baccio
Meaning: Kiss
Pronunciation: BAH-choh
395. Bonaventura
Meaning: Good fortune
Pronunciation: boh-nah-ven-TOO-rah
396. Benvenuto
Meaning: Welcome
Pronunciation: ben-veh-NOO-toh
397. Bassano
Meaning: From Bassano
Pronunciation: bahs-SAH-noh
398. Bernardone
Meaning: Brave bear
Pronunciation: ber-nar-DOH-neh
399. Bertrando
Meaning: Bright raven
Pronunciation: ber-TRAHN-doh
400. Buono
Meaning: Good
Pronunciation: BWOH-noh
Wrapping Up
We’ve journeyed through various cultures and traditions, from English and Biblical names to Greek, Latin, Irish, Scottish, French, German, Spanish, and Italian origins.
This diverse selection shows how rich and varied B names can be.
Some key takeaways:
- B names often have strong, positive meanings like “blessed,” “bright,” or “brave.”
- Many B names have stood the test of time, remaining popular across generations.
- There’s a B name for every style preference, from classic to more unique options.
- The letter B offers names that are easy to spell and pronounce, which can be a practical consideration.
Remember, choosing a name is a personal decision. Whether you’re drawn to a name’s meaning, its cultural significance, or simply how it sounds, the perfect B name for your little boy is out there.
We hope this list has inspired you or helped you find the ideal name.