List of 400 Boy’s Names That Start With L

List of 400 Boy's Names That Start With L

Looking for an awesome name that starts with “L”? You’re in the right place! From brave lions to light-bringers, this list of boys’ names starting with L has it all.

Whether you want a name that sounds like a superhero or a historical king, you’ll find something cool here. Names like Liam and Leo are classic, while Luca and Lyle are perfect for a modern twist.

Each name has a fun meaning, like “bringer of light” or “lion-like,” making them extra special! So, if you’re trying to find the perfect name, check out this list.

It’s packed with options that are just waiting to make their mark. Get ready to meet some seriously cool names and pick the one that’s as awesome as the person it’s for! Let the name game begin!

English Names for Boys That Start with L


1. Liam

Meaning: “Resolute protection”

Pronunciation: LEE-uhm

2. Lucas

Meaning: “Bringer of light”

Pronunciation: LOO-kuhs

3. Logan

Meaning: “Little hollow”

Pronunciation: LOH-guhn

4. Leo

Meaning: “Lion”

Pronunciation: LEE-oh

5. Luke

Meaning: “Light-giving”

Pronunciation: LOOK

6. Landon

Meaning: “Long hill”

Pronunciation: LAN-duhn

7. Levi

Meaning: “Joined” or “attached”

Pronunciation: LEE-vy

8. Lincoln

Meaning: “Settlement by the pool”

Pronunciation: LING-kuhn

9. Luca

Meaning: “Bringer of light”

Pronunciation: LOO-kuh

10. Lachlan

Meaning: “Land of lakes”

Pronunciation: LOCK-luhn

11. Lewis

Meaning: “Famous warrior”

Pronunciation: LOO-is

12. Louis

Meaning: “Famous warrior”

Pronunciation: LOO-ee

13. Lawrence

Meaning: “Laurel-crowned”

Pronunciation: LOR-uhns

14. Lennon

Meaning: “Lover”

Pronunciation: LEN-uhn

15. Leonidas

Meaning: “Lion-like”

Pronunciation: lee-oh-NY-duhs

16. Luka

Meaning: “Bringer of light”

Pronunciation: LOO-kuh

17. Lennox

Meaning: “Elm grove”

Pronunciation: LEN-uhks

18. Lucian

Meaning: “Light”

Pronunciation: LOO-shuhn

19. Lyle

Meaning: “Island”

Pronunciation: LYL

20. Leander

Meaning: “Lion man”

Pronunciation: lee-AN-der

21. Lance

Meaning: “Land”

Pronunciation: LANS

22. Lionel

Meaning: “Young lion”

Pronunciation: LY-uh-nel

23. Leon

Meaning: “Lion”

Pronunciation: LEE-on

24. Louie

Meaning: “Famous warrior”

Pronunciation: LOO-ee

25. Lloyd

Meaning: “Gray”

Pronunciation: LOYD

26. Leighton

Meaning: “Meadow town”

Pronunciation: LAY-tuhn

27. Luciano

Meaning: “Light”

Pronunciation: loo-chee-AH-noh

28. Leopold

Meaning: “Bold people”

Pronunciation: LEE-uh-pohld

29. Leroy

Meaning: “The king”

Pronunciation: lee-ROY

30. Ledger

Meaning: “Lies near water”

Pronunciation: LEJ-er

31. Langston

Meaning: “Long stone”

Pronunciation: LANG-stuhn

32. Leland

Meaning: “Meadow land”

Pronunciation: LEE-luhnd

33. Layton

Meaning: “Settlement with a leek garden”

Pronunciation: LAY-tuhn

34. Lucca

Meaning: “Bringer of light”

Pronunciation: LOO-kuh

35. Lawson

Meaning: “Son of Lawrence”

Pronunciation: LAW-suhn

36. Lachlan

Meaning: “Land of lakes”

Pronunciation: LOCK-luhn

37. Lukas

Meaning: “Bringer of light”

Pronunciation: LOO-kuhs

38. Lyndon

Meaning: “Linden tree hill”

Pronunciation: LIN-duhn

39. Linus

Meaning: “Flax”

Pronunciation: LY-nuhs

40. Lochlan

Meaning: “Land of lakes”

Pronunciation: LOCK-luhn

Biblical Names for Boys That Start with L


41. Laban

Meaning: “White”

Pronunciation: LAY-buhn

42. Lamech

Meaning: “Powerful”

Pronunciation: LAY-mek

43. Lazarus

Meaning: “God has helped”

Pronunciation: LAZ-uh-ruhs

44. Leah

Meaning: “Weary” or “Wild cow”

Pronunciation: LEE-uh

45. Lemuel

Meaning: “Devoted to God”

Pronunciation: LEM-yoo-uhl

46. Levi

Meaning: “Joined” or “Attached”

Pronunciation: LEE-vy

47. Libni

Meaning: “White”

Pronunciation: LIB-ny

48. Lot

Meaning: “Covering” or “Veil”

Pronunciation: LOT

49. Luke

Meaning: “Light-giving”

Pronunciation: LOOK

50. Lysanias

Meaning: “Ending sadness”

Pronunciation: ly-SAY-nee-uhs

51. Lael

Meaning: “Belonging to God”

Pronunciation: LAY-el

52. Lahad

Meaning: “Dark-skinned”

Pronunciation: LAY-had

53. Laish

Meaning: “Lion”

Pronunciation: LAY-ish

54. Lamech

Meaning: “Powerful”

Pronunciation: LAY-mek

55. Lapidoth

Meaning: “Torches”

Pronunciation: LAP-i-doth

56. Lazarus

Meaning: “God has helped”

Pronunciation: LAZ-uh-ruhs

57. Lebbaeus

Meaning: “Man of heart”

Pronunciation: leh-BEE-uhs

58. Lemuel

Meaning: “Devoted to God”

Pronunciation: LEM-yoo-uhl

59. Letushim

Meaning: “Hammered ones”

Pronunciation: leh-TOO-shim

60. Levi

Meaning: “Joined” or “Attached”

Pronunciation: LEE-vy

61. Libni

Meaning: “White”

Pronunciation: LIB-ny

62. Likhi

Meaning: “Learned”

Pronunciation: LIK-hy

63. Lo-ammi

Meaning: “Not my people”

Pronunciation: loh-AM-my

64. Lot

Meaning: “Covering” or “Veil”

Pronunciation: LOT

65. Lucas

Meaning: “Light-giving”

Pronunciation: LOO-kuhs

66. Lucifer

Meaning: “Light-bearer”

Pronunciation: LOO-suh-fer

67. Lucius

Meaning: “Light”

Pronunciation: LOO-shus

68. Lud

Meaning: “Strife”

Pronunciation: LUD

69. Luke

Meaning: “Light-giving”

Pronunciation: LOOK

70. Lysanias

Meaning: “Ending sadness”

Pronunciation: ly-SAY-nee-uhs

71. Lysias

Meaning: “Dissolving”

Pronunciation: LIS-ee-uhs

72. Ladan

Meaning: “Order”

Pronunciation: LAY-duhn

73. Lahmam

Meaning: “Provisions”

Pronunciation: LAH-mam

74. Lakum

Meaning: “To stop”

Pronunciation: LAY-kum

75. Lalush

Meaning: “Lion”

Pronunciation: LAY-lush

76. Lasea

Meaning: “Rocky”

Pronunciation: luh-SEE-uh

77. Lashah

Meaning: “Fissure”

Pronunciation: LAY-shuh

78. Lazarus

Meaning: “God has helped”

Pronunciation: LAZ-uh-ruhs

79. Lebana

Meaning: “White”

Pronunciation: leh-BAY-nuh

80. Lecah

Meaning: “Journey”

Pronunciation: LEE-kuh

Greek Names for Boys That Start with L


81. Leonidas

Meaning: “Lion-like”

Pronunciation: lee-OH-nee-das

82. Lysander

Meaning: “Liberator”

Pronunciation: ly-SAN-der

83. Lazaros

Meaning: “God has helped”

Pronunciation: LA-za-ros

84. Loukas

Meaning: “From Lucania”

Pronunciation: LOO-kas

85. Leandros

Meaning: “Lion man”

Pronunciation: lee-AN-dros

86. Lycurgus

Meaning: “Wolf-worker”

Pronunciation: ly-KUR-gus

87. Lambros

Meaning: “Bright, shining”

Pronunciation: LAM-bros

88. Lykourgos

Meaning: “Wolf-work”

Pronunciation: lee-KOOR-gos

89. Laertes

Meaning: “People’s ruler”

Pronunciation: lay-ER-teez

90. Leonardos

Meaning: “Brave lion”

Pronunciation: le-o-NAR-dos

91. Lysias

Meaning: “Initiation”

Pronunciation: LI-see-as

92. Labros

Meaning: “Impetuous”

Pronunciation: LA-bros

93. Linos

Meaning: “Flax”

Pronunciation: LEE-nos

94. Lysimachos

Meaning: “Ending strife”

Pronunciation: ly-SI-ma-kos

95. Leontios

Meaning: “Lion-like”

Pronunciation: le-ON-tee-os

96. Lykaon

Meaning: “Wolf”

Pronunciation: LY-ka-on

97. Lampros

Meaning: “Radiant”

Pronunciation: LAM-pros

98. Lysimachus

Meaning: “Loosening battle”

Pronunciation: ly-SI-ma-kus

99. Leontes

Meaning: “Lion-like”

Pronunciation: le-ON-tees

100. Lykos

Meaning: “Wolf”

Pronunciation: LEE-kos

101. Leochares

Meaning: “People’s grace”

Pronunciation: le-O-ka-res

102. Lytras

Meaning: “Liberator”

Pronunciation: LEE-tras

103. Laomedon

Meaning: “Ruler of the people”

Pronunciation: lay-O-me-don

104. Lysikles

Meaning: “Loosening glory”

Pronunciation: LY-si-klees

105. Lachares

Meaning: “Very graceful”

Pronunciation: LA-ka-res

106. Leonteus

Meaning: “Lion-like”

Pronunciation: le-ON-te-us

107. Lysippos

Meaning: “Loosening horses”

Pronunciation: ly-SI-pos

108. Lemnos

Meaning: “From the island of Lemnos”

Pronunciation: LEM-nos

109. Lycaon

Meaning: “Wolf”

Pronunciation: ly-KAY-on

110. Lachesis

Meaning: “Allotter”

Pronunciation: LA-ke-sis

111. Leodamas

Meaning: “People’s tamer”

Pronunciation: le-O-da-mas

112. Lycophron

Meaning: “Wolf-minded”

Pronunciation: LY-ko-fron

113. Leagros

Meaning: “People’s hunter”

Pronunciation: le-A-gros

114. Lysistratos

Meaning: “Disbander of armies”

Pronunciation: ly-SI-stra-tos

115. Lygdamis

Meaning: “Clear”

Pronunciation: LIG-da-mis

116. Leontiades

Meaning: “Son of a lion”

Pronunciation: le-on-TI-a-dees

117. Lykidios

Meaning: “Wolf-like”

Pronunciation: ly-KI-dee-os

118. Leos

Meaning: “People”

Pronunciation: LE-os

119. Lykophon

Meaning: “Wolf-voice”

Pronunciation: LY-ko-fon

120. Lamachos

Meaning: “Eager for battle”

Pronunciation: LA-ma-kos

Latin Names for Boys That Start with L


121. Laberius

Meaning: “From Laberia”

Pronunciation: luh-BEER-ee-us

122. Labienus

Meaning: “Lip”

Pronunciation: la-bee-EN-us

123. Lactantius

Meaning: “Milky”

Pronunciation: lak-TAN-shee-us

124. Laelianus

Meaning: “Belonging to Laelius”

Pronunciation: lay-lee-AH-nus

125. Laelius

Meaning: “Chattering”

Pronunciation: LAY-lee-us

126. Laetitius

Meaning: “Joy, happiness”

Pronunciation: lay-TI-shee-us

127. Laevinus

Meaning: “Left-handed”

Pronunciation: lay-VEE-nus

128. Lambert

Meaning: “Land bright”

Pronunciation: LAM-burt

129. Lancelot

Meaning: “Servant”

Pronunciation: LAN-suh-lot

130. Landry

Meaning: “Ruler”

Pronunciation: LAN-dree

131. Largus

Meaning: “Abundant”

Pronunciation: LAR-gus

132. Laurence

Meaning: “From Laurentum”

Pronunciation: LOR-ens

133. Laurentinus

Meaning: “From Laurentum”

Pronunciation: lor-en-TEE-nus

134. Laurentius

Meaning: “From Laurentum”

Pronunciation: lor-EN-shee-us

135. Lavrentios

Meaning: “From Laurentum”

Pronunciation: lav-REN-tee-os

136. Lazarus

Meaning: “God has helped”

Pronunciation: LAZ-uh-rus

137. Leander

Meaning: “Lion man”

Pronunciation: lee-AN-der

138. Lentulus

Meaning: “Slow”

Pronunciation: LEN-tuh-lus

139. Leo

Meaning: “Lion”

Pronunciation: LEE-oh

140. Leon

Meaning: “Lion”

Pronunciation: LEE-on

141. Leonardo

Meaning: “Brave lion”

Pronunciation: lee-oh-NAR-doh

142. Leonidas

Meaning: “Lion-like”

Pronunciation: lee-ON-i-das

143. Lepidus

Meaning: “Pleasant, charming”

Pronunciation: LEP-i-dus

144. Licinius

Meaning: “From Licinia”

Pronunciation: li-SIN-ee-us

145. Linus

Meaning: “Flax”

Pronunciation: LY-nus

146. Livius

Meaning: “Blue, envious”

Pronunciation: LIV-ee-us

147. Longinus

Meaning: “Long”

Pronunciation: lon-JY-nus

148. Loris

Meaning: “Laurel”

Pronunciation: LOR-is

149. Lucan

Meaning: “From Lucania”

Pronunciation: LOO-kan

150. Lucas

Meaning: “Light-giving”

Pronunciation: LOO-kas

151. Lucian

Meaning: “Light”

Pronunciation: LOO-shun

152. Lucius

Meaning: “Light”

Pronunciation: LOO-shus

153. Lucretius

Meaning: “Profit, wealth”

Pronunciation: loo-KREE-shus

154. Ludo

Meaning: “Game, sport”

Pronunciation: LOO-doh

155. Ludwig

Meaning: “Famous warrior”

Pronunciation: LOOD-vig

156. Luis

Meaning: “Famous warrior”

Pronunciation: loo-EES

157. Lupus

Meaning: “Wolf”

Pronunciation: LOO-pus

158. Luther

Meaning: “Army of the people”

Pronunciation: LOO-ther

159. Lux

Meaning: “Light”

Pronunciation: LUKS

160. Lycius

Meaning: “From Lycia”

Pronunciation: LY-see-us

Irish Names for Boys That Start with L


161. Lachlan

Meaning: “From the land of lakes”

Pronunciation: LOCK-lan

162. Lael

Meaning: “Of God”

Pronunciation: LAY-el

163. Lagan

Meaning: “Little hollow”

Pronunciation: LAG-an

164. Laith

Meaning: “Lion”

Pronunciation: LAYTH

165. Lanny

Meaning: “Attendant”

Pronunciation: LAN-ee

166. Larkin

Meaning: “Fierce”

Pronunciation: LAR-kin

167. Larry

Meaning: “Laurel-crowned”

Pronunciation: LAR-ee

168. Lassiter

Meaning: “Arrow maker”

Pronunciation: LAS-i-ter

169. Latham

Meaning: “From the barn farm”

Pronunciation: LAY-thum

170. Laughlin

Meaning: “Descendant of Lochlann”

Pronunciation: LOCK-lin

171. Laurence

Meaning: “From Laurentum”

Pronunciation: LOR-ens

172. Laverty

Meaning: “Descendant of Flaithbheartach”

Pronunciation: LAV-er-tee

173. Lawrence

Meaning: “From Laurentum”

Pronunciation: LOR-ens

174. Leachlainn

Meaning: “Descendant of Lochlann”

Pronunciation: LOCK-lin

175. Leary

Meaning: “Keeper of calves”

Pronunciation: LEER-ee

176. Leath

Meaning: “Gray”

Pronunciation: LEETH

177. Leathan

Meaning: “Broad”

Pronunciation: LAY-han

178. Lee

Meaning: “Descendent of Laoidhigh”

Pronunciation: LEE

179. Lennon

Meaning: “Lover”

Pronunciation: LEN-un

180. Leo

Meaning: “Lion”

Pronunciation: LEE-oh

181. Liam

Meaning: “Resolute protection”

Pronunciation: LEE-um

182. Livingstone

Meaning: “From the farm of Leving”

Pronunciation: LIV-ing-stun

183. Lochlann

Meaning: “Land of lakes”

Pronunciation: LOCK-lan

184. Logan

Meaning: “Little hollow”

Pronunciation: LOH-gan

185. Lonán

Meaning: “Little blackbird”

Pronunciation: LOH-nawn

186. Lorcan

Meaning: “Little fierce one”

Pronunciation: LOR-kan

187. Louis

Meaning: “Famous warrior”

Pronunciation: LOO-ee

188. Loyal

Meaning: “Faithful”

Pronunciation: LOY-al

189. Lucas

Meaning: “Bringer of light”

Pronunciation: LOO-kas

190. Lucian

Meaning: “Light”

Pronunciation: LOO-shun

191. Luke

Meaning: “Light-giving”

Pronunciation: LOOK

192. Lugh

Meaning: “Shining one”

Pronunciation: LOO

193. Lynch

Meaning: “Descendant of Loingseach”

Pronunciation: LINCH

194. Lysander

Meaning: “Liberator”

Pronunciation: ly-SAN-der

195. Lachlainn

Meaning: “From the land of lakes”

Pronunciation: LOCK-lin

196. Lachtna

Meaning: “Gray”

Pronunciation: LOCK-na

197. Laighean

Meaning: “Spear”

Pronunciation: LY-an

198. Laisrén

Meaning: “Flame”

Pronunciation: LASH-reen

199. Laoghaire

Meaning: “Calf-herder”

Pronunciation: LEER-ee

200. Laserian

Meaning: “Flame”

Pronunciation: la-SEER-ee-an

Scottish Names for Boys That Start with L


201. Lachlan

Meaning: “From the land of lakes”

Pronunciation: LOCK-lan

202. Laird

Meaning: “Lord”

Pronunciation: LAYRD

203. Laith

Meaning: “Joyful”

Pronunciation: LAYTH

204. Lamont

Meaning: “Lawman”

Pronunciation: luh-MONT

205. Lanark

Meaning: “Clear space”

Pronunciation: LAN-ark

206. Lander

Meaning: “Lion man”

Pronunciation: LAN-der

207. Laoghaire

Meaning: “Calf herder”

Pronunciation: LEE-ree

208. Laren

Meaning: “Fierce”

Pronunciation: LAR-en

209. Latharn

Meaning: “Fox”

Pronunciation: LAH-tharn

210. Lauder

Meaning: “Stream”

Pronunciation: LAW-der

211. Laurie

Meaning: “Laurel tree”

Pronunciation: LOR-ee

212. Lawrie

Meaning: “Laurel crowned”

Pronunciation: LAW-ree

213. Leathan

Meaning: “Broad”

Pronunciation: LEE-than

214. Lennon

Meaning: “Lover”

Pronunciation: LEN-on

215. Lennox

Meaning: “Elm grove”

Pronunciation: LEN-oks

216. Leod

Meaning: “Ugly”

Pronunciation: LEE-od

217. Leslie

Meaning: “Garden of hollies”

Pronunciation: LEZ-lee

218. Lewis

Meaning: “Famous warrior”

Pronunciation: LOO-is

219. Liam

Meaning: “Resolute protection”

Pronunciation: LEE-am

220. Lindsay

Meaning: “Linden trees near the water”

Pronunciation: LIN-zee

221. Linton

Meaning: “Flax settlement”

Pronunciation: LIN-ton

222. Lochlan

Meaning: “Land of lakes”

Pronunciation: LOCK-lan

223. Lockie

Meaning: “From the lake”

Pronunciation: LOCK-ee

224. Logan

Meaning: “Little hollow”

Pronunciation: LOH-gan

225. Logie

Meaning: “Hollow”

Pronunciation: LOH-gee

226. Lothian

Meaning: “From Lothian” (region in Scotland)

Pronunciation: LOH-thee-an

227. Loudon

Meaning: “Low hill”

Pronunciation: LOW-don

228. Lovat

Meaning: “Son of the wolf”

Pronunciation: LUH-vat

229. Loyal

Meaning: “Faithful”

Pronunciation: LOY-al

230. Ludo

Meaning: “Famous warrior”

Pronunciation: LOO-doh

231. Ludovic

Meaning: “Famous warrior”

Pronunciation: LOO-duh-vik

232. Lusk

Meaning: “Cave”

Pronunciation: LUSK

233. Lyle

Meaning: “From the island”

Pronunciation: LYLE

234. Lyndsay

Meaning: “Linden trees near the water”

Pronunciation: LIN-zee

235. Lachie

Meaning: “Lake”

Pronunciation: LOCK-ee

236. Laddie

Meaning: “Young man”

Pronunciation: LAD-ee

237. Laing

Meaning: “Long”

Pronunciation: LAYNG

238. Lammie

Meaning: “Lamb”

Pronunciation: LAM-ee

239. Lancelot

Meaning: “Servant”

Pronunciation: LAN-suh-lot

240. Leith

Meaning: “Broad river”

Pronunciation: LEETH

French Names for Boys That Start with L


241. Louis

Meaning: “Famous warrior”

Pronunciation: loo-EE

242. Luc

Meaning: “Light”

Pronunciation: look

243. Laurent

Meaning: “Laurel-crowned”

Pronunciation: lo-RAHN

244. Léo

Meaning: “Lion”

Pronunciation: lay-O

245. Lucas

Meaning: “Man from Lucania”

Pronunciation: loo-KA

246. Loïc

Meaning: “Famous warrior”

Pronunciation: lo-EEK

247. Léon

Meaning: “Lion”

Pronunciation: lay-ON

248. Lucien

Meaning: “Light”

Pronunciation: loo-SYAN

249. Lionel

Meaning: “Little lion”

Pronunciation: lee-o-NEL

250. Léonard

Meaning: “Brave lion”

Pronunciation: lay-o-NAR

251. Ludovic

Meaning: “Famous warrior”

Pronunciation: loo-do-VEEK

252. Léandre

Meaning: “Lion man”

Pronunciation: lay-AHN-druh

253. Louka

Meaning: “Light”

Pronunciation: loo-KA

254. Lazare

Meaning: “God has helped”

Pronunciation: la-ZAR

255. Léopold

Meaning: “Bold people”

Pronunciation: lay-o-POLD

256. Lilian

Meaning: “Lily” or “a flower”

Pronunciation: lee-LYAHN

257. Léontin

Meaning: “Lion-like”

Pronunciation: lay-on-TAN

258. Lothaire

Meaning: “Famous warrior”

Pronunciation: lo-TER

259. Loup

Meaning: “Wolf”

Pronunciation: loo

260. Landry

Meaning: “Ruler of the land”

Pronunciation: lahn-DREE

261. Léonard

Meaning: “Brave lion”

Pronunciation: lay-o-NAR

262. Ludovic

Meaning: “Famous warrior”

Pronunciation: loo-do-VEEK

263. Loris

Meaning: “Laurel”

Pronunciation: lo-REES

264. Léonce

Meaning: “Lion”

Pronunciation: lay-OHNS

265. Lino

Meaning: “Flax”

Pronunciation: lee-NO

266. Lucien

Meaning: “Light”

Pronunciation: loo-SYAN

267. Léandre

Meaning: “Lion man”

Pronunciation: lay-AHN-druh

268. Louison

Meaning: “Famous warrior”

Pronunciation: loo-ee-SOHN

269. Loan

Meaning: “Light”

Pronunciation: lo-AHN

270. Lenny

Meaning: “Lion strength”

Pronunciation: le-NEE

271. Lysandre

Meaning: “Liberator”

Pronunciation: lee-SAHN-druh

272. Lancelot

Meaning: “Servant”

Pronunciation: lahn-suh-LO

273. Lubin

Meaning: “Beloved”

Pronunciation: loo-BAN

274. Léopold

Meaning: “Bold people”

Pronunciation: lay-o-POLD

275. Lyam

Meaning: “Resolute protection”

Pronunciation: lee-AHM

276. Livio

Meaning: “Envious”

Pronunciation: lee-VEE-o

277. Laszlo

Meaning: “Glorious ruler”

Pronunciation: LAHS-lo

278. Loïs

Meaning: “Famous warrior”

Pronunciation: lo-EES

279. Léontin

Meaning: “Lion-like”

Pronunciation: lay-on-TAN

280. Lorenz

Meaning: “From Laurentum”

Pronunciation: lo-RENZ

German Names for Boys That Start with L


281. Ludwig

Meaning: “Famous warrior”

Pronunciation: LOOD-vig

282. Lukas

Meaning: “From Lucania”

Pronunciation: LOO-kas

283. Leon

Meaning: “Lion”

Pronunciation: LEH-on

284. Luca

Meaning: “Bringer of light”

Pronunciation: LOO-ka

285. Lennart

Meaning: “Brave as a lion”

Pronunciation: LEN-art

286. Lorenz

Meaning: “From Laurentum”

Pronunciation: LO-rents

287. Leander

Meaning: “Lion man”

Pronunciation: leh-AN-der

288. Leo

Meaning: “Lion”

Pronunciation: LEH-o

289. Leonhard

Meaning: “Brave lion”

Pronunciation: LEH-on-hart

290. Lothar

Meaning: “Famous warrior”

Pronunciation: LO-tar

291. Linus

Meaning: “Flax”

Pronunciation: LEE-nus

292. Lars

Meaning: “Crowned with laurel”

Pronunciation: LARS

293. Liam

Meaning: “Resolute protection”

Pronunciation: LEE-am

294. Levin

Meaning: “Dear friend”

Pronunciation: LEH-vin

295. Leopold

Meaning: “Bold people”

Pronunciation: LEH-o-pold

296. Lasse

Meaning: “Crowned with laurel”

Pronunciation: LAH-se

297. Levi

Meaning: “Joined”

Pronunciation: LEH-vee

298. Laurenz

Meaning: “From Laurentum”

Pronunciation: LAU-rents

299. Lucian

Meaning: “Light”

Pronunciation: LOO-see-an

300. Lenard

Meaning: “Brave lion”

Pronunciation: LEH-nard

301. Ludger

Meaning: “Famous spear”

Pronunciation: LOOD-ger

302. Lennox

Meaning: “Elm grove”

Pronunciation: LEN-oks

303. Leif

Meaning: “Heir”

Pronunciation: LAYF

304. Leonidas

Meaning: “Lion-like”

Pronunciation: lee-OH-ni-das

305. Laurin

Meaning: “Laurel crowned”

Pronunciation: LAU-rin

306. Leberecht

Meaning: “Live rightly”

Pronunciation: LEH-be-resht

307. Luitpold

Meaning: “Bold people”

Pronunciation: LOOT-pold

308. Landolf

Meaning: “Land wolf”

Pronunciation: LAN-dolf

309. Ludolf

Meaning: “Famous wolf”

Pronunciation: LOO-dolf

310. Lewin

Meaning: “Dear friend”

Pronunciation: LEH-vin

311. Lasse

Meaning: “Crowned with laurel”

Pronunciation: LAH-se

312. Lennert

Meaning: “Brave as a lion”

Pronunciation: LEN-ert

313. Ludo

Meaning: “Famous warrior”

Pronunciation: LOO-do

314. Leonhard

Meaning: “Brave lion”

Pronunciation: LEH-on-hart

315. Lebrecht

Meaning: “Live rightly”

Pronunciation: LEH-bresht

316. Lutz

Meaning: “Famous warrior”

Pronunciation: LOOTS

317. Ludbert

Meaning: “Bright famous”

Pronunciation: LOOD-bert

318. Luitbert

Meaning: “Bright people”

Pronunciation: LOOT-bert

319. Leander

Meaning: “Lion man”

Pronunciation: leh-AN-der

320. Lambert

Meaning: “Land bright”

Pronunciation: LAM-bert

Spanish Names for Boys That Start with L


321. Luis

Meaning: “Famous warrior”

Pronunciation: loo-EES

322. Lorenzo

Meaning: “From Laurentum”

Pronunciation: lo-REN-zo

323. Leonardo

Meaning: “Brave lion”

Pronunciation: le-o-NAR-do

324. Lucas

Meaning: “Light-giving”

Pronunciation: LOO-kas

325. Leandro

Meaning: “Lion man”

Pronunciation: le-AN-dro

326. León

Meaning: “Lion”

Pronunciation: le-ON

327. Luciano

Meaning: “Light”

Pronunciation: loo-SYAH-no

328. Lázaro

Meaning: “God has helped”

Pronunciation: LA-za-ro

329. Lino

Meaning: “Flax”

Pronunciation: LEE-no

330. Lisandro

Meaning: “Liberator”

Pronunciation: lee-SAN-dro

331. Luca

Meaning: “Bringer of light”

Pronunciation: LOO-ka

332. Laureano

Meaning: “Crowned with laurel”

Pronunciation: law-re-AH-no

333. Leopoldo

Meaning: “Bold people”

Pronunciation: le-o-POL-do

334. Lionel

Meaning: “Young lion”

Pronunciation: lee-o-NEL

335. Lope

Meaning: “Wolf”

Pronunciation: LO-pe

336. Lucho

Meaning: “Light”

Pronunciation: LOO-cho

337. Lucio

Meaning: “Light”

Pronunciation: LOO-syo

338. Liberto

Meaning: “Freed”

Pronunciation: lee-BER-to

339. Leoncio

Meaning: “Lion”

Pronunciation: le-ON-syo

340. Lalo

Meaning: “Cheerful”

Pronunciation: LA-lo

341. Luís

Meaning: “Famous warrior”

Pronunciation: loo-EES

342. Loreto

Meaning: “Laurel”

Pronunciation: lo-RE-to

343. Lautaro

Meaning: “Swift hawk”

Pronunciation: law-TA-ro

344. Líber

Meaning: “Free”

Pronunciation: LEE-ber

345. Levi

Meaning: “Joined”

Pronunciation: LE-vee

346. Lamberto

Meaning: “Land bright”

Pronunciation: lam-BER-to

347. Ludovico

Meaning: “Famous warrior”

Pronunciation: loo-do-VEE-ko

348. Ladislao

Meaning: “Glorious ruler”

Pronunciation: la-dees-LA-o

349. Lucero

Meaning: “Bright star”

Pronunciation: loo-SE-ro

350. Leónidas

Meaning: “Lion-like”

Pronunciation: le-O-nee-das

351. Livio

Meaning: “Bluish”

Pronunciation: LEE-vyo

352. Lander

Meaning: “Lion man”

Pronunciation: LAN-der

353. Lázaro

Meaning: “God has helped”

Pronunciation: LA-za-ro

354. Lenín

Meaning: “From the Lena River”

Pronunciation: le-NEEN

355. Librado

Meaning: “Delivered”

Pronunciation: lee-BRA-do

356. Longino

Meaning: “Long”

Pronunciation: lon-HEE-no

357. Leoncio

Meaning: “Lion”

Pronunciation: le-ON-syo

358. Lucrecio

Meaning: “Profit”

Pronunciation: loo-KRE-syo

359. Lisandro

Meaning: “Liberator”

Pronunciation: lee-SAN-dro

360. Luján

Meaning: “Light”

Pronunciation: loo-HAN

Italian Names for Boys That Start with L


361. Lorenzo

Meaning: “From Laurentum”

Pronunciation: loh-REN-zoh

362. Luca

Meaning: “Bringer of light”

Pronunciation: LOO-kah

363. Luigi

Meaning: “Famous warrior”

Pronunciation: loo-EE-jee

364. Leonardo

Meaning: “Brave lion”

Pronunciation: leh-oh-NAR-doh

365. Luciano

Meaning: “Light”

Pronunciation: loo-CHAH-noh

366. Leandro

Meaning: “Lion man”

Pronunciation: leh-AN-droh

367. Ludovico

Meaning: “Famous warrior”

Pronunciation: loo-doh-VEE-koh

368. Livio

Meaning: “To envy”

Pronunciation: LEE-vyoh

369. Lanfranco

Meaning: “Free land”

Pronunciation: lahn-FRAN-koh

370. Leone

Meaning: “Lion”

Pronunciation: leh-OH-neh

371. Lauro

Meaning: “Laurel”

Pronunciation: LOW-roh

372. Lamberto

Meaning: “Land bright”

Pronunciation: lahm-BER-toh

373. Lazzaro

Meaning: “God has helped”

Pronunciation: LAHT-sah-roh

374. Libero

Meaning: “Free”

Pronunciation: LEE-beh-roh

375. Lionello

Meaning: “Little lion”

Pronunciation: lyoh-NEL-loh

376. Loris

Meaning: “Laurel”

Pronunciation: LOH-rees

377. Lino

Meaning: “Flax”

Pronunciation: LEE-noh

378. Lodovico

Meaning: “Famous warrior”

Pronunciation: loh-doh-VEE-koh

379. Lelio

Meaning: “The sun”

Pronunciation: LEH-lyoh

380. Loreto

Meaning: “Laurel grove”

Pronunciation: loh-REH-toh

381. Lidio

Meaning: “From Lydia”

Pronunciation: LEE-dyoh

382. Landolfo

Meaning: “Famous wolf”

Pronunciation: lahn-DOHL-foh

383. Lucio

Meaning: “Light”

Pronunciation: LOO-choh

384. Lando

Meaning: “Land”

Pronunciation: LAHN-doh

385. Lino

Meaning: “Flax”

Pronunciation: LEE-noh

386. Lapo

Meaning: “Wolf”

Pronunciation: LAH-poh

387. Letterio

Meaning: “Free”

Pronunciation: let-TEH-ryoh

388. Laurenzio

Meaning: “From Laurentum”

Pronunciation: law-REN-tsyoh

389. Lido

Meaning: “Shore”

Pronunciation: LEE-doh

390. Liviano

Meaning: “To envy”

Pronunciation: lee-VYAH-noh

391. Ludano

Meaning: “Famous warrior”

Pronunciation: loo-DAH-noh

392. Lancillotto

Meaning: “Servant”

Pronunciation: lahn-cheel-LOT-toh

393. Lucrezio

Meaning: “Profit”

Pronunciation: loo-KREH-tsyoh

394. Lazzarino

Meaning: “God has helped”

Pronunciation: laht-sah-REE-noh

395. Luchino

Meaning: “Light”

Pronunciation: loo-KEE-noh

396. Liberatore

Meaning: “Liberator”

Pronunciation: lee-beh-rah-TOH-reh

397. Lattanzio

Meaning: “Milk”

Pronunciation: laht-TAHN-tsyoh

398. Lisandro

Meaning: “Liberator of man”

Pronunciation: lee-SAHN-droh

399. Lorenzetto

Meaning: “Little Lorenzo”

Pronunciation: loh-ren-ZEHT-toh

400. Lupo

Meaning: “Wolf”

Pronunciation: LOO-poh

Wrapping Up

This collection of 400 boy’s names starting with “L” offers many options for parents seeking the right name.

From common names like Leo and Luca that represent brightness and power, to less common selections like Lysander and Lyle that stand out in a crowd, each name carries its own special meaning.

With meanings that range from “light-bringer” to “strong as a lion,” you’ll find a name that fits your baby boy’s future personality.

Take time to look through this list and find a name that feels right for your family. The process of selecting the perfect “L” name can be an enjoyable part of preparing for your baby’s arrival.

What name from our list caught your attention? Share your favorites in the comments below!

And if you found this helpful, check out our other baby name lists organized by letters of the alphabet to find even more inspiration for your little one.

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