Step-by-Step Guide for Playing 8-Card Golf

how to play golf card game

Have you ever played a card game that’s as fun and strategic as golf but without the need for clubs or a green? That’s exactly what the 8-card golf card game offers.

Many card game enthusiasts are puzzled when first encountering this unique variation. Learning how to play the golf card game can seem tricky at first.

But fear not! By the end of this post, readers will be ready to deal with the cards and start playing like pros. This article will review the rules, setup, and gameplay of 8-card golf.

It will cover everything from dealing with the cards to scoring and even touch on some basic strategy tips to help lower your “golf score” in this addictive card game.

Setting Up the Game

Deck and Players

For this game, you’ll need two decks of 54 cards. Don’t forget to include the jokers! This setup works great for two to four players.

Do you have more friends who want to join? No problem! Just add more decks to the mix.

Dealing the Cards

Now, let’s get those cards out. Each player gets eight cards, all face-down. Arrange them in a neat 4×2 grid in front of you.

It’s like setting up a mini-card table for each player.

Starting Position

Here’s where it gets interesting. Each player picks two of their cards to turn face up. Choose wisely!

These cards will be your starting point for the game.

Basic Rules and Objective 

1. Primary Objective

Let’s get one thing straight – you want to be the loser in this game! Well, sort of. Your main goal is to get the lowest score when the game ends.

It’s like golf – the fewer points, the better!

2. Drawing and Discarding

When it’s your turn, you have a choice. You can grab a card from the stockpile (the face-down deck) or snag the top card from the discard pile.

Then comes the fun part—do you swap this new card with one of your eight or toss it away? Choose carefully!

3. Flipping Cards

As the game continues, more and more of your cards will face up. The round keeps going until one player has all their cards showing.

It’s like a slow reveal of your hand – exciting and nerve-wracking!

Scoring System of Golf Card Game

Card Values

  • Aces are your low scorers – just 1 point each.
  • Have they got a 2? Lucky you! They’re worth -2 points. That’s right, they help lower your score.
  • Number cards from 3 to 10 do what you’d expect – they’re worth their face value.
  • Watch out for Jacks and Queens! They’ll cost you 10 points each.
  • Kings are the neutral players – 0 points. Not bad, not great.
  • Jokers are your best friends in this game. They’re worth -5 points each!

Pairing Mechanism

Here’s where things get clever. If you end up with a pair of equal cards in the same column, they cancel each other out.

That means zero points for that column. It’s like they never existed!

Gameplay Mechanics

Gameplay Mechanics

Player Turns

Let’s walk through what happens on your turn

  1. First, you draw a card. You can pick from the face-down pile or the top card of the discard pile.
  2. Next, you decide what to do with that card. You have two choices:
    • Swap it with one of your eight cards. If you do this, put your old card in the discard pile.
    • If you don’t want the card, toss it into the discard pile.
  3. If you swap a card, the new one goes face-up in your grid.
  4. Your turn ends, and the play moves to the next person.

End of Round

 The round keeps going until someone flips over their last face-down card. But wait, it’s not over yet!

Everyone else gets one more turn. This last-chance turn can be a game-changer, so make it count!

Winning the Game

1. Scoring Rounds

 When a round ends, it’s time to tally up those points! Here’s how it works

Everyone flips over any remaining face-down cards. Add up the points for each card in your grid. Remember, pairs in the same column count as zero!

Write down each player’s score for the round. Keep these scores handy – you’ll need them later! We play nine rounds in total.

Think of each round as a “hole” in golf. It’s a nod to the game’s name!

2. Determining the Winner

 After all nine rounds are complete, the real excitement begins! Add up each player’s scores from all nine rounds.

The player with the lowest total score is our champion! You could play an extra round as a tiebreaker in case of a tie.

Strategy and Variations for the Game

Strategic Tips

Want to up your game? Here are some handy hints: Focus on pairing cards when you can.

Two Queens in one column? That’s zero points instead of 20! Keep an eye on those face-down cards. Flipping them early can help you plan better.

Be careful with high-value cards like Jacks and Queens. Try to swap them out or pair them quickly.

Don’t forget about those handy 2s and Jokers. Their negative points can help lower your score.

Pay attention to what other players discard. It might give you clues about what they’re collecting.

Game Variations

8-card golf isn’t the only game in town. Here are some other fun versions to try: 4-card golf

It’s a quicker game with just four cards per player. Great for a speedy round! 6-card golf: The classic version. It’s played with six cards in a 3×2 grid. 9-card golf:

Also known as “Crazy Nines.” You play with nine cards in a 3×3 grid. 10-card golf: For those who want an extra challenge. Ten cards are arranged in five columns of two.


Mastering the 8-card Golf card game is both entertaining and straightforward.

Understanding the rules, organizing the setup, and familiarizing yourself with the gameplay sequence can enhance your skills and strategy.

The game encourages sharp memory, quick decision-making, and friendly competition, making it a perfect choice for gatherings.

Whether playing casually with friends or in a more competitive setting, the key to success lies in practice and keen observation.

Enjoy the process of learning and improving, as the true essence of 8-card Golf lies in the fun and camaraderie it brings.

Embrace the challenges, celebrate your wins, and, most importantly, savor each moment spent playing this engaging card game.

Happy gaming!

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