400 Unique Boys’ Names That Start with ‘H’

Choosing the perfect name for a baby boy is both exciting and challenging.
Looking for something special that starts with H? You’re in the right place! The letter H brings a strong, friendly sound to any name. It stands out without trying too hard.
This collection features 400 boy names beginning with H from around the world. Some are popular classics, and others are hidden gems. From short and sweet to longer and unique, there’s something for every family.
Each name carries its own story and meaning. Some have ancient roots, while others feel modern and fresh. Browse through traditional options or find something truly rare.
Take your time. Say them out loud. Picture calling your little one by these names for years to come. The perfect H name for your special boy might be just a scroll away.
List of 400 Boy’s Names That Start With H
English Names for Boys That Start with H
1. Henry
Meaning: “Estate ruler”
Pronunciation: HEN-ree
2. Harrison
Meaning: “Son of Harry”
Pronunciation: HAR-i-suhn
3. Hudson
Meaning: “Son of Hugh”
Pronunciation: HUD-suhn
4. Hunter
Meaning: “One who hunts”
Pronunciation: HUN-ter
5. Hugo
Meaning: “Mind” or “intellect”
Pronunciation: HYOO-goh
6. Hayden
Meaning: “Fire” or “heath”
Pronunciation: HAY-duhn
7. Harley
Meaning: “Hare’s meadow”
Pronunciation: HAR-lee
8. Harvey
Meaning: “Battle worthy”
Pronunciation: HAR-vee
9. Hector
Meaning: “Holding fast”
Pronunciation: HEK-ter
10. Harold
Meaning: “Army ruler”
Pronunciation: HAR-uhld
11. Hugh
Meaning: “Mind” or “spirit”
Pronunciation: HYOO
12. Hank
Meaning: “Estate ruler”
Pronunciation: HANGK
13. Hayes
Meaning: “Hedged area”
Pronunciation: HAYZ
14. Harry
Meaning: “Estate ruler”
Pronunciation: HAR-ee
15. Holden
Meaning: “Hollow valley”
Pronunciation: HOHL-duhn
16. Hendrix
Meaning: “Son of Henry”
Pronunciation: HEN-driks
17. Heath
Meaning: “Heathland dweller”
Pronunciation: HEETH
18. Hutton
Meaning: “Settlement on a ridge”
Pronunciation: HUT-uhn
19. Harris
Meaning: “Son of Harry”
Pronunciation: HAR-is
20. Hamish
Meaning: “Supplanter”
Pronunciation: HAY-mish
21. Howard
Meaning: “High guardian”
Pronunciation: HOW-erd
22. Huxley
Meaning: “From Hugh’s meadow”
Pronunciation: HUKS-lee
23. Hartley
Meaning: “Stag’s meadow”
Pronunciation: HART-lee
24. Houston
Meaning: “Hugh’s town”
Pronunciation: HYOO-stuhn
25. Hadley
Meaning: “Heather field”
Pronunciation: HAD-lee
26. Harlan
Meaning: “Rocky land”
Pronunciation: HAR-luhn
27. Huntley
Meaning: “Hunter’s meadow”
Pronunciation: HUNT-lee
28. Harper
Meaning: “Harp player”
Pronunciation: HAR-per
29. Hawkins
Meaning: “Son of Hawkin”
Pronunciation: HAW-kinz
30. Heston
Meaning: “Hedge town”
Pronunciation: HES-tuhn
31. Hale
Meaning: “Hero”
Pronunciation: HAYL
32. Hal
Meaning: “Army ruler”
Pronunciation: HAL
33. Hanson
Meaning: “Son of Hans”
Pronunciation: HAN-suhn
34. Harlow
Meaning: “Army hill”
Pronunciation: HAR-loh
35. Harding
Meaning: “Tough” or “brave”
Pronunciation: HAR-ding
36. Hans
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: HAHNS
37. Harley
Meaning: “Hare’s meadow”
Pronunciation: HAR-lee
38. Hezekiah
Meaning: “God gives strength”
Pronunciation: hez-uh-KY-uh
39. Hubert
Meaning: “Bright mind”
Pronunciation: HYOO-bert
40. Horatio
Meaning: “Timekeeper”
Pronunciation: huh-RAY-shee-oh
Biblical Names for Boys That Start with H
41. Habakkuk
Meaning: “Embrace” or “wrestle”
Pronunciation: huh-BAK-uhk
42. Hachaliah
Meaning: “Whom Jehovah enlightens”
Pronunciation: hak-uh-LY-uh
43. Hadad
Meaning: “Mighty”
Pronunciation: HAY-dad
44. Hadadezer
Meaning: “Hadad is help”
Pronunciation: had-ad-EE-zer
45. Haddai
Meaning: “Festive” or “my joy”
Pronunciation: HAD-ay
46. Hadoram
Meaning: “Noble honor”
Pronunciation: huh-DOH-ram
47. Hagab
Meaning: “Locust”
Pronunciation: HAY-gab
48. Haggai
Meaning: “Festive”
Pronunciation: HAG-ay-eye
49. Haggith
Meaning: “Festive”
Pronunciation: HAG-ith
50. Hakkoz
Meaning: “Thorn”
Pronunciation: HAK-oz
51. Hallel
Meaning: “Praise”
Pronunciation: huh-LEL
52. Ham
Meaning: “Hot” or “burnt”
Pronunciation: HAM
53. Haman
Meaning: “Magnificent”
Pronunciation: HAY-muhn
54. Hamath
Meaning: “Fortress”
Pronunciation: HAY-math
55. Hammelech
Meaning: “The king”
Pronunciation: ham-MEH-lek
56. Hamor
Meaning: “Donkey”
Pronunciation: HAY-mor
57. Hamuel
Meaning: “Heat of God”
Pronunciation: HAM-yoo-el
58. Hanani
Meaning: “Gracious”
Pronunciation: huh-NAY-nye
59. Hananiah
Meaning: “God has favored”
Pronunciation: han-uh-NY-uh
60. Hanoch
Meaning: “Dedicated”
Pronunciation: HAY-nok
61. Hanun
Meaning: “Gracious”
Pronunciation: HAY-nun
62. Haran
Meaning: “Mountaineer”
Pronunciation: HAY-ran
63. Harbona
Meaning: “Ass-driver”
Pronunciation: har-BOH-nuh
64. Harim
Meaning: “Dedicated”
Pronunciation: HAY-rim
65. Harnepher
Meaning: “Panting”
Pronunciation: HAR-nef-er
66. Harod
Meaning: “Trembling”
Pronunciation: HAY-rod
67. Harsha
Meaning: “Enchanter”
Pronunciation: HAR-shuh
68. Hasadiah
Meaning: “God has shown kindness”
Pronunciation: has-uh-DY-uh
69. Hashabiah
Meaning: “God has considered”
Pronunciation: hash-uh-BY-uh
70. Hashem
Meaning: “The Name”
Pronunciation: HAH-shem
71. Hashub
Meaning: “Considerate”
Pronunciation: HAY-shub
72. Hashuph
Meaning: “Stripped”
Pronunciation: HAY-shuf
73. Hasrah
Meaning: “Poverty”
Pronunciation: HAZ-ruh
74. Hatach
Meaning: “Verily”
Pronunciation: HAY-tak
75. Hathath
Meaning: “Terror”
Pronunciation: HAY-thath
76. Hattush
Meaning: “Assembled”
Pronunciation: HAT-ush
77. Hauran
Meaning: “Caverns”
Pronunciation: HAW-ran
78. Havilah
Meaning: “Circle”
Pronunciation: HAV-ih-luh
79. Hazael
Meaning: “God sees”
Pronunciation: HAZ-ay-el
80. Hazarmaveth
Meaning: “Court of death”
Pronunciation: hay-zar-MAY-veth
Greek Names for Boys That Start with H
81. Hector
Meaning: “Holding fast”
Pronunciation: HEK-tor
82. Helios
Meaning: “Sun”
Pronunciation: HEE-lee-os
83. Hercules
Meaning: “Glory of Hera”
Pronunciation: HUR-kyuh-leez
84. Hermes
Meaning: “Messenger”
Pronunciation: HUR-meez
85. Heron
Meaning: “Hero”
Pronunciation: HEE-ron
86. Hieronymos
Meaning: “Sacred name”
Pronunciation: hee-eh-RO-nee-mos
87. Hippocrates
Meaning: “Horse power”
Pronunciation: hi-POK-ruh-teez
88. Homer
Meaning: “Pledge”
Pronunciation: HOH-mer
89. Hyacinth
Meaning: “Blue larkspur flower”
Pronunciation: HYE-uh-sinth
90. Hypatos
Meaning: “Highest”
Pronunciation: HIP-a-tos
91. Haralambos
Meaning: “Joy-bringer”
Pronunciation: ha-ra-LAM-bos
92. Heliodoros
Meaning: “Gift of the sun”
Pronunciation: hee-lee-o-DO-ros
93. Hephaestus
Meaning: “God of fire and metalworking”
Pronunciation: hi-FES-tus
94. Hermogenes
Meaning: “Born of Hermes”
Pronunciation: her-MO-je-nees
95. Hesiod
Meaning: “He who sends forth song”
Pronunciation: HEE-see-uhd
96. Hierotheos
Meaning: “Consecrated to God”
Pronunciation: hee-eh-RO-the-os
97. Hippolytos
Meaning: “Freer of horses”
Pronunciation: hi-PO-li-tos
98. Hyllos
Meaning: “Woody”
Pronunciation: HIL-los
99. Hyperion
Meaning: “The high one”
Pronunciation: hy-PEE-ree-on
100. Hypatios
Meaning: “Supreme”
Pronunciation: hi-PA-tee-os
101. Herakles
Meaning: “Glory of Hera” (Greek form of Hercules)
Pronunciation: HE-ra-kleez
102. Herodotus
Meaning: “Gift of Hera”
Pronunciation: he-ROD-uh-tus
103. Hesychios
Meaning: “Quiet, tranquil”
Pronunciation: he-SY-khee-os
104. Hilarion
Meaning: “Cheerful”
Pronunciation: hi-LA-ree-on
105. Hippias
Meaning: “Of horses”
Pronunciation: HIP-ee-as
106. Horos
Meaning: “Boundary”
Pronunciation: HO-ros
107. Hylas
Meaning: “Of the woods”
Pronunciation: HY-las
108. Hymen
Meaning: “God of marriage”
Pronunciation: HY-men
109. Hypnos
Meaning: “Sleep”
Pronunciation: HIP-nos
110. Hypsistos
Meaning: “Highest”
Pronunciation: hip-SIS-tos
111. Haris
Meaning: “Grace”
Pronunciation: HA-ris
112. Heliodor
Meaning: “Gift of the sun”
Pronunciation: HEE-lee-uh-dor
113. Heraclius
Meaning: “Glory of Hera”
Pronunciation: he-RAK-lee-us
114. Hermias
Meaning: “Of Hermes”
Pronunciation: HER-mee-as
115. Hesperos
Meaning: “Evening star”
Pronunciation: HES-pe-ros
116. Hieros
Meaning: “Sacred”
Pronunciation: HYE-ros
117. Hippodamos
Meaning: “Horse tamer”
Pronunciation: hi-PO-da-mos
118. Hoplites
Meaning: “Armed soldier”
Pronunciation: HOP-li-teez
119. Hyakinthos
Meaning: “Hyacinth flower”
Pronunciation: hy-a-KIN-thos
120. Hylaktos
Meaning: “Barking”
Pronunciation: hy-LAK-tos
Latin Names for Boys That Start with H
121. Hadrian
Meaning: “From Hadria” (a town in Italy)
Pronunciation: HAY-dree-uhn
122. Hamilton
Meaning: “Flat-topped hill”
Pronunciation: HAM-il-tuhn
123. Hannibal
Meaning: “Grace of Baal”
Pronunciation: HAN-i-buhl
124. Harold
Meaning: “Army ruler”
Pronunciation: HAR-uhld
125. Harrison
Meaning: “Son of Harry”
Pronunciation: HAR-i-suhn
126. Hector
Meaning: “Holding fast”
Pronunciation: HEK-tor
127. Helio
Meaning: “Sun”
Pronunciation: HEE-lee-oh
128. Helios
Meaning: “Sun”
Pronunciation: HEE-lee-ohs
129. Henry
Meaning: “Home ruler”
Pronunciation: HEN-ree
130. Herbert
Meaning: “Bright army”
Pronunciation: HUR-burt
131. Hercules
Meaning: “Glory of Hera”
Pronunciation: HUR-kyuh-leez
132. Herman
Meaning: “Army man”
Pronunciation: HUR-muhn
133. Hilario
Meaning: “Cheerful”
Pronunciation: ee-LAH-ree-oh
134. Hilary
Meaning: “Cheerful”
Pronunciation: HIL-uh-ree
135. Hiro
Meaning: “Generous”
Pronunciation: HEE-roh
136. Homer
Meaning: “Pledge”
Pronunciation: HOH-mur
137. Horace
Meaning: “Timekeeper”
Pronunciation: HOR-is
138. Horatio
Meaning: “Timekeeper”
Pronunciation: huh-RAY-shee-oh
139. Howard
Meaning: “High guardian”
Pronunciation: HOW-urd
140. Hugo
Meaning: “Mind, intellect”
Pronunciation: HYOO-goh
141. Humberto
Meaning: “Bright warrior”
Pronunciation: oom-BER-toh
142. Hunter
Meaning: “One who hunts”
Pronunciation: HUN-tur
143. Hubert
Meaning: “Bright mind”
Pronunciation: HYOO-burt
144. Hugh
Meaning: “Mind, intellect”
Pronunciation: HYOO
145. Humphrey
Meaning: “Peaceful warrior”
Pronunciation: HUM-free
146. Honorato
Meaning: “Honored”
Pronunciation: oh-noh-RAH-toh
147. Hadley
Meaning: “Heather field”
Pronunciation: HAD-lee
148. Hale
Meaning: “Hero”
Pronunciation: HAYL
149. Halbert
Meaning: “Bright stone”
Pronunciation: HAL-burt
150. Halden
Meaning: “Half Danish”
Pronunciation: HAL-den
151. Hamlin
Meaning: “Little home”
Pronunciation: HAM-lin
152. Hardy
Meaning: “Brave, strong”
Pronunciation: HAR-dee
153. Harris
Meaning: “Son of Harry”
Pronunciation: HAR-is
154. Harvey
Meaning: “Battle worthy”
Pronunciation: HAR-vee
155. Hawthorne
Meaning: “Lives by the hawthorn hedge”
Pronunciation: HAW-thorn
156. Heath
Meaning: “Heathland dweller”
Pronunciation: HEETH
157. Hector
Meaning: “Holding fast”
Pronunciation: HEK-tor
158. Hendrix
Meaning: “Son of Henry”
Pronunciation: HEN-driks
159. Henley
Meaning: “High meadow”
Pronunciation: HEN-lee
160. Hollis
Meaning: “Dweller by the holly trees”
Pronunciation: HOL-is
Irish Names for Boys That Start with H
161. Hagan
Meaning: “Young”
Pronunciation: HAY-gun
162. Hanley
Meaning: “Champion”
Pronunciation: HAN-lee
163. Hanrahan
Meaning: “Descendant of Anrachain”
Pronunciation: han-RAH-han
164. Haran
Meaning: “From the high place”
Pronunciation: HAR-an
165. Harkin
Meaning: “Little fair one”
Pronunciation: HAR-kin
166. Harney
Meaning: “Descendant of the soldier”
Pronunciation: HAR-nee
167. Harold
Meaning: “Army ruler”
Pronunciation: HAR-uld
168. Harry
Meaning: “Home ruler”
Pronunciation: HAR-ee
169. Harvey
Meaning: “Battle worthy”
Pronunciation: HAR-vee
170. Hayes
Meaning: “Descendant of Aodh”
Pronunciation: HAYZ
171. Healy
Meaning: “Ingenious”
Pronunciation: HEE-lee
172. Heber
Meaning: “Edge”
Pronunciation: HEE-ber
173. Hedley
Meaning: “From the heather field”
Pronunciation: HED-lee
174. Henry
Meaning: “Home ruler”
Pronunciation: HEN-ree
175. Hogan
Meaning: “Young”
Pronunciation: HOH-gan
176. Hoyt
Meaning: “Long stick”
Pronunciation: HOYT
177. Hugh
Meaning: “Mind, intellect”
Pronunciation: HYOO
178. Hugo
Meaning: “Mind, intellect”
Pronunciation: HYOO-goh
179. Hurley
Meaning: “Sea tide”
Pronunciation: HUR-lee
180. Hutchinson
Meaning: “Son of Hugh”
Pronunciation: HUCH-in-sun
181. Hynes
Meaning: “Descendant of Eidhin”
Pronunciation: HYNZ
182. Hackett
Meaning: “Little hack”
Pronunciation: HAK-it
183. Halpin
Meaning: “Descendant of Alpin”
Pronunciation: HAL-pin
184. Hamish
Meaning: “Supplanter”
Pronunciation: HAY-mish
185. Hannan
Meaning: “Little Aine”
Pronunciation: HAN-an
186. Heffernan
Meaning: “Demon”
Pronunciation: HEF-er-nan
187. Hennessy
Meaning: “Descendant of Aonghus”
Pronunciation: HEN-uh-see
188. Hickey
Meaning: “Descendant of Iceadh”
Pronunciation: HIK-ee
189. Holland
Meaning: “From the ridge land”
Pronunciation: HOL-and
190. Holloway
Meaning: “From the hollow way”
Pronunciation: HOL-oh-way
191. Houlihan
Meaning: “Descendant of Uallachan”
Pronunciation: HOO-li-han
192. Howard
Meaning: “High warden”
Pronunciation: HOW-ard
193. Howlett
Meaning: “Little Hugh”
Pronunciation: HOW-let
194. Hoy
Meaning: “Fire”
Pronunciation: HOY
195. Hubert
Meaning: “Bright mind”
Pronunciation: HYOO-bert
196. Hudson
Meaning: “Son of Hugh”
Pronunciation: HUD-sun
197. Humphrey
Meaning: “Peaceful warrior”
Pronunciation: HUM-free
198. Hunter
Meaning: “One who hunts”
Pronunciation: HUN-ter
199. Hussey
Meaning: “Descendant of Eochu”
Pronunciation: HUS-ee
200. Hutton
Meaning: “From the settlement on the ridge”
Pronunciation: HUT-un
Scottish Names for Boys That Start with H
201. Haegan
Meaning: “Little fire”
Pronunciation: HAY-gan
202. Haldane
Meaning: “Half-Dane”
Pronunciation: HAL-dane
203. Haldor
Meaning: “Thor’s rock”
Pronunciation: HAL-dor
204. Halkett
Meaning: “From the hall-cot”
Pronunciation: HAL-ket
205. Halley
Meaning: “From the hall meadow”
Pronunciation: HAL-ee
206. Hamish
Meaning: “Supplanter”
Pronunciation: HAY-mish
207. Hamlin
Meaning: “Little home lover”
Pronunciation: HAM-lin
208. Hank
Meaning: “Estate ruler”
Pronunciation: HANK
209. Harcourt
Meaning: “From the court of the hare”
Pronunciation: HAR-kort
210. Hardie
Meaning: “Bold”
Pronunciation: HAR-dee
211. Harding
Meaning: “Son of the brave one”
Pronunciation: HAR-ding
212. Hardy
Meaning: “Brave”
Pronunciation: HAR-dee
213. Harris
Meaning: “Son of Harry”
Pronunciation: HAR-is
214. Harry
Meaning: “Home ruler”
Pronunciation: HAR-ee
215. Harvey
Meaning: “Battle worthy”
Pronunciation: HAR-vee
216. Hay
Meaning: “Enclosure”
Pronunciation: HAY
217. Hector
Meaning: “Holding fast”
Pronunciation: HEK-tor
218. Hendry
Meaning: “Home ruler”
Pronunciation: HEN-dree
219. Henry
Meaning: “Home ruler”
Pronunciation: HEN-ree
220. Hepburn
Meaning: “High grave”
Pronunciation: HEP-burn
221. Hew
Meaning: “Mind, intellect”
Pronunciation: HYU
222. Highland
Meaning: “From the high land”
Pronunciation: HY-land
223. Hilton
Meaning: “Hill town”
Pronunciation: HIL-ton
224. Horne
Meaning: “One who plays the horn”
Pronunciation: HORN
225. Houston
Meaning: “Hugh’s town”
Pronunciation: HYOO-ston
226. Howie
Meaning: “Heart, mind”
Pronunciation: HOW-ee
227. Hubert
Meaning: “Bright mind”
Pronunciation: HYU-bert
228. Hugh
Meaning: “Mind, intellect”
Pronunciation: HYU
229. Hugo
Meaning: “Mind, intellect”
Pronunciation: HYU-go
230. Hunter
Meaning: “One who hunts”
Pronunciation: HUN-ter
231. Hutcheson
Meaning: “Son of Hugh”
Pronunciation: HUTCH-e-son
232. Hutton
Meaning: “From the hut town”
Pronunciation: HUT-on
233. Hynd
Meaning: “Hind, deer”
Pronunciation: HYND
234. Hynde
Meaning: “Hind, deer”
Pronunciation: HYND
235. Haig
Meaning: “Enclosure”
Pronunciation: HAYG
236. Hailes
Meaning: “From the nooks”
Pronunciation: HAYLZ
237. Halbert
Meaning: “Bright stone”
Pronunciation: HAL-bert
238. Haliburton
Meaning: “Manor house near a fortress”
Pronunciation: hal-i-BUR-ton
239. Halkerston
Meaning: “Hawk’s town”
Pronunciation: HAL-ker-ston
240. Hannay
Meaning: “Son of Seanach”
Pronunciation: HAN-ay
French Names for Boys That Start with H
241. Henri
Meaning: “Home ruler”
Pronunciation: ahn-REE
242. Hugo
Meaning: “Mind” or “intellect”
Pronunciation: oo-GO
243. Hubert
Meaning: “Bright mind”
Pronunciation: oo-BEHR
244. Hervé
Meaning: “Battle worthy”
Pronunciation: er-VAY
245. Hector
Meaning: “Holding fast”
Pronunciation: ek-TOR
246. Hugues
Meaning: “Mind” or “intellect”
Pronunciation: oog
247. Hippolyte
Meaning: “Freer of horses”
Pronunciation: ee-po-LEET
248. Honoré
Meaning: “Honored”
Pronunciation: o-no-RAY
249. Hadrien
Meaning: “From Hadria”
Pronunciation: a-dree-AN
250. Hilaire
Meaning: “Cheerful”
Pronunciation: ee-LEHR
251. Harold
Meaning: “Army ruler”
Pronunciation: a-ROLD
252. Herbert
Meaning: “Bright army”
Pronunciation: er-BEHR
253. Hélier
Meaning: “Merciful”
Pronunciation: ay-lee-AY
254. Horace
Meaning: “Timekeeper”
Pronunciation: o-RAS
255. Hortense
Meaning: “Garden”
Pronunciation: or-TAHNS
256. Hérold
Meaning: “Army ruler”
Pronunciation: ay-ROLD
257. Hermès
Meaning: “Messenger”
Pronunciation: er-MES
258. Hyacinthe
Meaning: “Hyacinth flower”
Pronunciation: ya-SANT
259. Héribert
Meaning: “Bright army”
Pronunciation: ay-ree-BEHR
260. Hédelin
Meaning: “Noble”
Pronunciation: ed-LAN
261. Hélie
Meaning: “The Lord is my God”
Pronunciation: ay-LEE
262. Héloïs
Meaning: “Healthy”
Pronunciation: ay-lo-EES
263. Herluin
Meaning: “Noble friend”
Pronunciation: er-LWAN
264. Humberto
Meaning: “Bright intellect”
Pronunciation: um-BER-to
265. Hyppolite
Meaning: “Freer of horses”
Pronunciation: ee-po-LEET
266. Hédéric
Meaning: “Estate ruler”
Pronunciation: ay-day-REEK
267. Hoel
Meaning: “Eminent”
Pronunciation: o-EL
268. Hilarion
Meaning: “Cheerful”
Pronunciation: ee-la-ree-ON
269. Hylaire
Meaning: “Cheerful”
Pronunciation: ee-LEHR
270. Hugolin
Meaning: “Little mind” or “little intellect”
Pronunciation: oo-go-LAN
271. Héracle
Meaning: “Glory of Hera”
Pronunciation: ay-ra-KL
272. Hannibal
Meaning: “Grace of Baal”
Pronunciation: a-nee-BAL
273. Hamon
Meaning: “Home”
Pronunciation: a-MON
274. Hégésippe
Meaning: “Leader of horses”
Pronunciation: ay-zhay-ZEEP
275. Hébert
Meaning: “Bright army”
Pronunciation: ay-BEHR
276. Hildebrand
Meaning: “Battle sword”
Pronunciation: eel-de-BRAHN
277. Hildevert
Meaning: “Bright in battle”
Pronunciation: eel-de-VEHR
278. Hincmar
Meaning: “Home famous”
Pronunciation: ank-MAR
279. Homère
Meaning: “Hostage” or “pledge”
Pronunciation: o-MEHR
280. Hormisdas
Meaning: “Given by Ormuzd”
Pronunciation: or-mees-DAS
German Names for Boys That Start with H
281. Hans
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: HAHNS
282. Hannes
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: HAH-nes
283. Harald
Meaning: “Army ruler”
Pronunciation: HAR-ald
284. Hartmut
Meaning: “Bold courage”
Pronunciation: HART-moot
285. Heinrich
Meaning: “Home ruler”
Pronunciation: HYNE-rikh
286. Helmut
Meaning: “Brave mind”
Pronunciation: HEL-moot
287. Herbert
Meaning: “Bright army”
Pronunciation: HER-bert
288. Hermann
Meaning: “Army man”
Pronunciation: HER-mahn
289. Horst
Meaning: “Wood, thicket”
Pronunciation: HORST
290. Hubert
Meaning: “Bright mind”
Pronunciation: HOO-bert
291. Hugo
Meaning: “Mind, intellect”
Pronunciation: HOO-go
292. Hanno
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: HAH-no
293. Henning
Meaning: “Home ruler”
Pronunciation: HEN-ing
294. Heiko
Meaning: “Home ruler”
Pronunciation: HYE-ko
295. Heinz
Meaning: “Home ruler”
Pronunciation: HYNES
296. Helge
Meaning: “Holy, sacred”
Pronunciation: HEL-guh
297. Hellmuth
Meaning: “Brave protector”
Pronunciation: HEL-moot
298. Hendrik
Meaning: “Ruler of the home”
Pronunciation: HEN-drik
299. Henryk
Meaning: “Home ruler”
Pronunciation: HEN-rik
300. Holger
Meaning: “Island spear”
Pronunciation: HOL-ger
301. Heinz-Günter
Meaning: “Home ruler” + “War of the Goths”
Pronunciation: HYNES-gun-ter
302. Hubertus
Meaning: “Bright mind”
Pronunciation: hoo-BER-tus
303. Hagen
Meaning: “Enclosure”
Pronunciation: HAH-gen
304. Haimo
Meaning: “Home”
Pronunciation: HYE-mo
305. Hannibal
Meaning: “Grace of Baal”
Pronunciation: HAH-ni-bal
306. Hartwig
Meaning: “Brave in battle”
Pronunciation: HART-vig
307. Hasso
Meaning: “From Hesse”
Pronunciation: HAH-so
308. Heiner
Meaning: “Home ruler”
Pronunciation: HYE-ner
309. Heinfried
Meaning: “Peaceful home ruler”
Pronunciation: HYNE-freet
310. Helfried
Meaning: “Peaceful hero”
Pronunciation: HEL-freet
311. Hellmut
Meaning: “Brave protector”
Pronunciation: HEL-moot
312. Henner
Meaning: “Ruler of the home”
Pronunciation: HEN-er
313. Herwig
Meaning: “Army battle”
Pronunciation: HER-vig
314. Hieronymus
Meaning: “Sacred name”
Pronunciation: hee-eh-RO-ni-mus
315. Hilmar
Meaning: “Famous will”
Pronunciation: HIL-mar
316. Hinrich
Meaning: “Home ruler”
Pronunciation: HIN-rikh
317. Hubertus
Meaning: “Bright mind”
Pronunciation: hoo-BER-tus
318. Heribert
Meaning: “Bright army”
Pronunciation: HE-ri-bert
319. Hildebrand
Meaning: “Battle sword”
Pronunciation: HIL-de-brant
320. Horst-Dieter
Meaning: “Wood” + “People’s ruler”
Pronunciation: HORST-dee-ter
Spanish Names for Boys That Start with H
321. Hugo
Meaning: “Mind, intellect”
Pronunciation: OO-goh
322. Héctor
Meaning: “Holding fast”
Pronunciation: EK-tor
323. Horacio
Meaning: “Timekeeper”
Pronunciation: oh-RAH-syoh
324. Hernán
Meaning: “Adventurer”
Pronunciation: er-NAN
325. Hernando
Meaning: “Bold voyager”
Pronunciation: er-NAN-doh
326. Hilario
Meaning: “Cheerful”
Pronunciation: ee-LAH-ryoh
327. Hipólito
Meaning: “Releaser of horses”
Pronunciation: ee-PO-lee-toh
328. Homero
Meaning: “Security, pledge”
Pronunciation: oh-ME-roh
329. Honorio
Meaning: “Man of honor”
Pronunciation: oh-NO-ryoh
330. Humberto
Meaning: “Bright warrior”
Pronunciation: oom-BER-toh
331. Heriberto
Meaning: “Bright army”
Pronunciation: eh-ree-BER-toh
332. Herminio
Meaning: “Messenger”
Pronunciation: er-MEE-nyoh
333. Helios
Meaning: “Sun”
Pronunciation: EH-lyos
334. Hiram
Meaning: “Exalted brother”
Pronunciation: EE-ram
335. Hermes
Meaning: “Messenger”
Pronunciation: ER-mes
336. Higinio
Meaning: “Healthy”
Pronunciation: ee-HEE-nyoh
337. Héber
Meaning: “Companion”
Pronunciation: E-ber
338. Haroldo
Meaning: “Army ruler”
Pronunciation: ah-ROL-doh
339. Hesiquio
Meaning: “Quiet”
Pronunciation: eh-SEE-kyoh
340. Heliodoro
Meaning: “Gift of the sun”
Pronunciation: eh-lyo-DO-roh
341. Hermilo
Meaning: “Little Hermes”
Pronunciation: er-MEE-loh
342. Hércules
Meaning: “Glory of Hera”
Pronunciation: ER-koo-les
343. Heraldo
Meaning: “Herald”
Pronunciation: eh-RAL-doh
344. Heberto
Meaning: “Bright army”
Pronunciation: eh-BER-toh
345. Heraclio
Meaning: “Glory of Hera”
Pronunciation: eh-RA-klyoh
346. Homar
Meaning: “Life”
Pronunciation: oh-MAR
347. Herculano
Meaning: “Of Hercules”
Pronunciation: er-koo-LA-noh
348. Honorato
Meaning: “Honored”
Pronunciation: oh-no-RA-toh
349. Hildebrando
Meaning: “Battle sword”
Pronunciation: eel-deh-BRAN-doh
350. Hermenegildo
Meaning: “Complete sacrifice”
Pronunciation: er-meh-neh-HEEL-doh
351. Heleodoro
Meaning: “Gift of the sun”
Pronunciation: eh-leh-oh-DO-roh
352. Hermelindo
Meaning: “Bright snake”
Pronunciation: er-meh-LEEN-doh
353. Hierónimo
Meaning: “Sacred name”
Pronunciation: yeh-RO-nee-moh
354. Habacuc
Meaning: “Embrace”
Pronunciation: ah-ba-KOOK
355. Humbertino
Meaning: “Little bright warrior”
Pronunciation: oom-ber-TEE-noh
356. Hilario
Meaning: “Cheerful”
Pronunciation: ee-LA-ryoh
357. Heliodoro
Meaning: “Gift of the sun”
Pronunciation: eh-lyo-DO-roh
358. Hernani
Meaning: “Brave as an eagle”
Pronunciation: er-NA-nee
359. Hortenso
Meaning: “Of the garden”
Pronunciation: or-TEN-so
360. Hércules
Meaning: “Glory of Hera”
Pronunciation: ER-koo-les
Italian Names for Boys That Start with H
361. Hamlet
Meaning: “Small village”
Pronunciation: AHM-let
362. Hugo
Meaning: “Mind” or “intellect”
Pronunciation: OO-go
363. Hector
Meaning: “Holding fast”
Pronunciation: EH-toh-reh
364. Helios
Meaning: “Sun”
Pronunciation: EH-lyos
365. Herkules
Meaning: “Glory of Hera”
Pronunciation: ER-koh-leh
366. Hans
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: AHNS
367. Hermes
Meaning: “Messenger”
Pronunciation: ER-mes
368. Horatio
Meaning: “Timekeeper”
Pronunciation: oh-RAH-tsyoh
369. Hannibal
Meaning: “Grace of Baal”
Pronunciation: AH-nee-bal
370. Heinrich
Meaning: “Home ruler”
Pronunciation: AYN-reekh
371. Herman
Meaning: “Army man”
Pronunciation: ER-mah-noh
372. Harold
Meaning: “Army ruler”
Pronunciation: AH-rold
373. Hilario
Meaning: “Cheerful”
Pronunciation: ee-LAH-ryoh
374. Homer
Meaning: “Pledge”
Pronunciation: OH-mer
375. Harvey
Meaning: “Battle worthy”
Pronunciation: AR-vee
376. Horace
Meaning: “Timekeeper”
Pronunciation: OH-rah-cheh
377. Henry
Meaning: “Home ruler”
Pronunciation: EN-ree
378. Humberto
Meaning: “Bright heart”
Pronunciation: oom-BER-toh
379. Harald
Meaning: “Army ruler”
Pronunciation: AH-rald
380. Hernando
Meaning: “Brave traveler”
Pronunciation: er-NAN-doh
381. Hezekiah
Meaning: “God strengthens”
Pronunciation: eh-zeh-KEE-ah
382. Hieronymus
Meaning: “Sacred name”
Pronunciation: yeh-ROH-nee-mus
383. Hadrian
Meaning: “From Hadria”
Pronunciation: AH-dree-ahn
384. Herbert
Meaning: “Bright army”
Pronunciation: ER-bert
385. Hale
Meaning: “Hero”
Pronunciation: AH-leh
386. Harmony
Meaning: “Agreement”
Pronunciation: ar-MOH-nee
387. Hank
Meaning: “Home ruler”
Pronunciation: AHNK
388. Hogan
Meaning: “Descendant of Ogan”
Pronunciation: OH-gan
389. Harley
Meaning: “Hare’s meadow”
Pronunciation: AR-lee
390. Hudson
Meaning: “Son of Hugh”
Pronunciation: UUD-son
391. Hayden
Meaning: “Fire”
Pronunciation: AY-den
392. Howie
Meaning: “Bright mind”
Pronunciation: OW-ee
393. Holden
Meaning: “Hollow valley”
Pronunciation: OHL-den
394. Harris
Meaning: “Son of Harry”
Pronunciation: AR-rees
395. Hunter
Meaning: “One who hunts”
Pronunciation: UN-ter
396. Humphrey
Meaning: “Peaceful warrior”
Pronunciation: UM-free
397. Houston
Meaning: “Hugh’s town”
Pronunciation: YOO-ston
398. Halsey
Meaning: “Hallsea”
Pronunciation: AL-see
399. Harrison
Meaning: “Son of Harry”
Pronunciation: AR-ree-son
400. Harding
Meaning: “Hardy”
Pronunciation: AR-ding
Wrapping It Up!
With 400 options, hopefully, a few names have caught your attention.
The right name feels special when you say it. It fits just right. Maybe you’ve found that perfect H name in this list. Or perhaps you’ve narrowed it down to a few favorites.
Remember, a name is a gift that lasts a lifetime. Take your time with this choice. Say each option out loud. Please write it down. Picture it on birthday cards and school projects.
Some families choose names with special meanings. Others pick names that honor loved ones. Many choose what sounds best to their ears.
Trust your instincts. The name that keeps coming back to your mind might be the one.
Whatever H name you choose will become part of your child’s identity and story. And that makes any name on this list even more special when it becomes his.