What Are Some Quiet Games to Play at A Sleepover?

Have you ever been at a sleepover where the noise level threatened to wake the whole house?
I’ve been there too! But don’t worry, I’ve got a solution that’ll keep the fun going without disturbing anyone’s beauty sleep.
In this post, I’ll share some of my favorite sleepover games that are both exciting and quiet.
These games will ensure you and your friends have a blast without being silenced by parents or neighbors.
From creative challenges to brain teasers, I’ve got a mix that’ll suit every group. Whether you are looking for something silly or thought-provoking, these games will keep you entertained all night.
So, get ready to turn your next sleepover into an unforgettable, whisper-filled adventure!
1. Question Ball
Let’s dive into the Question Ball game – it’s a real crowd-pleaser at sleepovers! Here’s how it works:
I grab a beach ball and write fun questions all over it. Then, we sit in a circle and toss the ball around.
When someone catches it, they have to answer the question right under their thumb. It’s that simple!
The best part? It keeps everyone talking in hushed tones, perfect for late-night chats.
I love how it encourages us to share silly stuff or even open up about things we’ve never told anyone.
Some questions I like to use are:
- “What’s the grossest food your mom ever made you eat?”
- “If you could have any superpower, what would it be?”
- “What’s your biggest fear?”
This game is great because it helps break the ice and gets everyone involved. Plus, it’s a sneaky way to learn more about your friends!
Remember, the key is to keep your voice low.
It’s all about having fun without waking up the whole house!
2. Mirrorless Makeover
Let’s talk about the Mirrorless Makeover game – it’s a hoot! Here’s the scoop: I give each person a set of makeup tools and set a timer for a few minutes.
The challenge? Everyone has to do their makeup without a mirror!
You can aim for a glam look or a funny “make-under” if you’re feeling silly.
Some wild ideas I’ve seen:
- Drawing on a unibrow with lipstick
- Putting green blush all over
- Creating blue eyeshadow “spots” on the cheeks
This game is perfect for quiet giggles. No loud noises, just silent laughter!
It’s a great way to let creativity flow without disturbing others in the house. Plus, the results are always hilarious. I like to snap a few pics for memories.
Remember, it’s all about having fun, not looking perfect!
3. Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board
Let’s chat about “Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board” – it’s an old favorite of mine!
Here’s how we play it:
We pick one person as the “body” and another as the storyteller. The “body” lies down on the floor, nice and still.
The rest of us gather around, each putting two fingers under the “body.” Our storyteller then spins a spooky tale about how the “body” got there.
After the story, we all start chanting “Light as a feather, stiff as a board” repeatedly.
The cool part? It feels like the person is rising off the ground! It’s all done in whispers, perfect for late-night fun.
This game always gives me goosebumps in the best way. It’s a great mix of storytelling and teamwork, all while keeping things quiet.
Plus, it’s fun to get everyone involved and create a spooky atmosphere.
Remember – it’s all in good fun; no real spirits are involved.
4. Pillowcase Decorating
Pillowcase Decorating is a fun, quiet sleepover activity.
Here’s what you need:
- Plain white pillowcases
- Fabric markers, glitter, ribbons, fabric glue
How to do it: Set up a craft station with all the supplies. Give each person a plain pillowcase to decorate.
Some cool ideas:
- Draw favorite animals
- Write inspiring quotes
- Create patterns with dots and lines
It’s a great way to be creative without making noise. Everyone takes home a special memento.
This activity lets imaginations calmly run wild. It’s perfect for winding down after more energetic games.
Remember, there’s no wrong way to decorate – have fun!
5. Candy Challenge
Let’s talk about the Candy Challenge – a sweet and quiet game! Here’s how to play:
Fill a big bowl with colorful candies like M&Ms or Skittles. Everyone sits in a circle and takes turns.
With eyes closed, pick two candies from the bowl. Ask if they’re the same color.
If yes, you can eat them. If not, keep them in your mouth. The game continues until someone gets matching colors.
It’s fun to see who can guess right! This game keeps everyone focused and quiet.
Plus, who doesn’t love a game with candy? It’s a great way to enjoy treats without making a fuss.
Remember to keep your voices low – it’s all about silent fun!
6. Spotlight Charades
Let’s chat about Spotlight Charades – a fun twist on a classic game! Here’s how we play:
Turn off the lights and use a flashlight as a spotlight. One person acts out a movie, song, or book title.
The rest of us try to guess what it is. We keep our voices low to add to the mystery.
It’s like regular charades but with a cool, dramatic vibe. The darkness makes it more challenging and exciting.
You can use gestures, facial expressions, and silent actions. Just remember to stay in the spotlight!
This game is great for quiet nights and sparking creativity. Plus, it’s hilarious to see friends act in the spotlight!
Remember, choose topics everyone knows to keep the game flowing and fun!
I hope these quiet sleepover games have given you some great ideas for your next get-together.
From the Question Ball to Spotlight Charades, each game offers a unique way to have fun without waking up the whole house.
These games do more than keep the noise down. They help you bond with friends, spark creativity, and create lasting memories.
Whether decorating pillowcases or guessing candy colors, you will have a blast.
Remember, balancing fun and consideration for others is the key to a great sleepover. With these games, you can do just that.
Why not give these games a try at your next sleepover? You might discover a new favorite!
And don’t forget to share your experiences in the comments below. What’s your go-to quiet sleepover game?
Frequently Asked Questions
How Can I Make Sure the Games Stay Quiet?
Answer: Set ground rules at the start. Remind everyone to use “inside voices” and lead by example. Choose games that naturally encourage whispering or silent play.
Are There Any Quiet Games that Don’t Require Special Materials?
Yes! Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board is a classic that requires only imagination. Spotlight Charades also requires a flashlight and some creativity.
How Long Should Each Game Last?
It depends on the game and the group’s interest. Generally, 15-30 minutes per game works well. Watch for signs of boredom and switch games if needed.