18-Month Sleep Regression: Understanding the Causes and Tips to Manage

As a parent, it is obvious for you to want the best for your baby in every aspect, be it nutrition or their sleeping patterns. Sleeping is one of the most important factors in your toddler’s life, as it leaves quite an impact on the baby’s mood, growth, and development.
So, it is obvious that one would not like to compromise the sleeping schedule of their toddlers; however, as your baby grows a bit and enters into their toddler stage, some problems in sleeping patterns might arise.
The toddler stage of a kid is very exciting, with new motor and social skills changes. But with these exciting changes come several setbacks, and 18-month sleep regression is one of them.
This problem is quite natural, so one needs not to worry. However, this article helps you understand the problem in detail, its causes, and how to handle it effectively.
What is 18-Month Sleep Regression?
As a child grows and develops new abilities, it can directly or indirectly affect their sleeping schedules. This sudden change or interruption in a baby’s sleeping quality and time is known as 18-month sleep regression. Some people refer to this as one of the toughest sleep regressions of all in a kid’s growing days.
Now one may ask how is this 18-month sleep regression any different from the other sleep regressions. Well, the answer to the same is quite simple. Earlier, your kid was not able to speak or walk, making it quite easy for parents to manage them. However, while struggling with 18-month sleep regression, the child can now speak and walk, meaning toddlers at this age are demanding.
This makes it challenging for parents to teach their kids about the importance of a sound sleeping schedule. But hey, don’t lose hope. With some creativity and innovation in caregiving practices, this 18-month sleep regression can be effectively managed, and you may be able to offer a healthy sleep cycle to your toddlers.
Signs of 18-Month Sleep Regression
Now one may ask how to know if the sleeping change is related to 18-month sleep regression. If a baby experiences difficulty or a noticeable change in their sleeping patterns for more than two days, they are likely experiencing sleep regression.
When the kid is around 18 months old, experts suggest a good sleep of around 11-12 hours; if the toddler isn’t able to get the same, it might affect their day-to-day energy.
Here are some of the signs that might be quite evident in telling you if your baby is suffering from 18-month sleep regression.
- Resistance to Bedtime: If your toddler earlier had a healthy sleeping cycle but now resists taking a nap, then it is one of the signs of sleep regression.
- Hindered Sleeping Cycles: It is not uncommon for a kid to suddenly wake up and start crying while going through 18-month sleep regression.
- Fighting Naptime: If you’re having difficulty convincing your baby to tuck in and follow their usual sleeping schedules, then it might be because of sleep regression.
- Fussy Behaviour: If there is a change in the general behavior of your little one like he starts crying out suddenly or is irritated at most times, it means they aren’t able to sleep properly.
Causes of 18-Month Sleep Regression
As a baby, when your little ones were not at all able to understand whatever was happening around them, it was still easier to convince them to follow a certain routine. However, now when they are slowly entering into toddlerhood, they are gaining a little understanding of themselves and their environment. This change makes them more enthusiastic and, sometimes, hinders their sleeping patterns. It is also a bit difficult for parents to easily convince their child at this age. Here are some of the major causes that may be the reason behind your little one 18 month sleep regression.
1. Growth and Development
Earlier, as a parent, you were completely responsible for your toddler’s diet, sleeping schedules, and everyday routine. But as they enter toddlerhood, they grow and learn new skills like speaking, walking, and so on. Development of these skills can not be just exciting for parents but for babies themselves as well. They may want to practice these skills at all times, and thus, resistance to following everyday sleeping schedules comes into the picture.
2. Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety is one of the most prominent causes of 18-month sleep regression. The fear of being separated from their caregiver can not only make a toddler upset but interrupt their regular sleeping patterns as well.
With a little understanding of their surroundings, your toddler might want to be with you at all times.
3. Teething Problems
Teething is one of the most common problems that can hinder your toddler’s sleep. It might be a bit uncomfortable for a kid when their new molars are just coming through their gums.
Such discomfort can keep the child awake at night, and thus, babies at this age require more parental care and comfort.
4. Nap Transitions
A majority of toddlers around the age of 18 months see a general change in their napping schedules. It changes to one nap from two in a day. These sudden changes can have a negative impact on their overall sleeping cycles.
5. Changes in Routine
It may sound new to you, but even your everyday life and routine changes can also affect the toddler’s sleep at this age. For instance, if one has traveled and, thus, has witnessed changes in their bedtime or has been sleeping deprived for a few days, then the same can affect your toddler’s sleep transitions as well.
6. Nightmares
With growing age, the abilities of a toddler to imagine things and dreams also grows. Around 18 months, your toddler may start imagining things like monsters and demons and develop new fears related to darkness, nightmares, and more which can affect their sleeping schedules, thus causing 18-month sleep regression.
The Lasting Time of 18-Month Sleep Regression
According to experts, there isn’t any specific time frame to say as to how long this 18-month sleep regression lasts. For some toddlers, it can be a matter of a few days, while for others, it may take up to a few weeks. This disruption in sleeping patterns can be different in every child.
The time frame of 18-month sleep regression mostly depends on the causes affecting the sleeping schedule of a toddler. Thus, for distinct causes, the lasting time of sleep regression differs as well. Sometimes the causes might be unexpected and unexplainable as well. However, one needs to be calm and understand that this phase is temporary and quite natural.
Simply try restoring the normal sleep of your toddler by following a specific routine and offering extra care because your response plays a major role in helping the child recover from this regression. However, even after recovering from 18-month sleep regression, a toddler can witness some kind of ups and downs in their sleeping patterns. One needs not worry and understand patience is the key here.
Does Every Toddler Go Through 18-Month Sleep Regression?
Well, the answer to this question is no. Not every toddler is exposed to the signs of 18-month sleep regression. There might be cases where a toddler doesn’t suffer from the 18-month sleep regression at all.
As mentioned, the causes for this sleep disruption differ; a toddler can witness this sleep regression even before or after 18 months.
This ultimately means that one needs to understand that such sleep disturbances are just simple phases and not universal or fixed stages in a baby’s growing age. These are not compulsory or pre-destined stages that must occur at a supposed period.
How to Handle These Sleep Interruptions?
Sleep regressions can be quite uncomfortable for kids and parents both. As a caregiver, one might be having sleepless nights and tiredness while soothing their toddlers and helping them have a healthy sleep. However, there is no cure to simply eliminate this sleep disruption, but there are ways that can help one cope with the problem and enhance the chances of restoring the normal sleep cycle of your little ones. Let’s have a look at some of those ways/ ideas.
1. Avoid Disrupting Your Baby’s Daily Routine
The best way to ensure there are no interruptions in your toddler’s bedtime is to maintain consistency.
As the baby grows, it is natural to feel more burdened and responsible. Nevertheless, the feeling and duties can keep you busy but try not to disrupt and change your toddler’s napping schedule in this busyness. This sudden change can take a toll on their routine, causing sleep regression.
2. Following A Consistent Bedtime Routine
According to experts, following a consistent bedtime routine has been super helpful in improving a child’s sleep. Make a bedtime routine including activities like soothing lighting, comforting your toddler, singing a lullaby, goodnight kisses, and so on.
Such a consistent routine will help the little one adjust to the same and can subtly drop hints for your toddler so they know it’s naptime.
3. Enhancing Bedtime Experience
When it comes to nap time, the importance of a nice bedtime environment cannot be simply overstated. Try building a cozy and comfortable environment for your little ones to eliminate their sleeping problems. One may use good bedding essentials, comfortable sheets and pillows, dim lighting, and other accessories to ensure your toddler’s sleep is not just comfortable but free from all types of distractions.
4. Sleep Training
You must have sleep-trained your little angels in their early growing days, and the time has come to redo it. If, for any reason, you weren’t able to sleep train your kid, you may start it from scratch.
There are several methods like chair method, Ferber, fading, customized training, and more. One may read about these methods and try practicing the same with their kids.
5. Coping with Separation Anxiety
As discussed earlier, separation anxiety is one of the most prominent reasons for 18-month sleep regression. Nevertheless, we know that fear is quite natural, and one can still resort to some effective measures to cope with this problem.
For instance, try not co-sleep with your little ones. Make them comfortable in their beds. Introducing soft toys at this age can also help soothe the child’s irritable behavior. Soft toys can help toddlers feel safe and accompanied.
6. Helping with Teething Problems
As mentioned earlier, different factors can distinctively affect your toddler’s sleep quality and quantity.
Struggling with illness and growing molars are one of those factors. These growing teeth can be a bit painful and uncomfortable for the child hindering their sleep quality. In such cases, it is recommended to massage their gums or offer them teething rings for extra comfort.
7. Keeping the Toddler Active in The Daytime
Have you ever noticed how one gets a good and easy sleep after a tiring day? The same goes for your baby as well.
Making the daytime of your baby engaging and active with a lot of activities can help them release their extra energy in the daytime itself. This will help them calmly have a good sleep in the night.
When to See a Doctor
18-month sleep regression is a natural process, and one needs not worry. However, if your baby’s sleep regression lasts more than a couple of weeks, then consulting a doctor is suggested.
Additionally, if you have tried everything possible in your capacity to restore your little one’s normal sleep cycle and nothing is working, then also a pediatrician can help. He may offer some new bedtime strategies or sleep training methods that could be helpful.
18-month sleep regression can be a difficult phase for the baby as well as the caregiver. It might also take a toll on one’s confidence as a parent. But hey, don’t forget it’s a phase and is temporary. You have successfully managed to cope with those earlier regressions as well, and this will pass too.
Simply try to understand the cause behind the sleep regression and effectively work on it while being patient. Following a consistent bedtime routine, building a good bedtime environment, and comforting the baby in ways it wants can help. If you have more tips and techniques to calm down this 18-month sleep regression, then comment below and let us know.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Are the Most Common Signs to Know if The Baby Is Going Through Sleep Regression?
The most common sign to know if the baby is going through a sleep regression is a change in their sleeping cycles. They also might behave fussy and irritated at all times because of their disrupted sleep quality.
What Is the Normal Time Frame for 18-Month Sleep Regression?
There is no normal time frame for 18-month sleep regression. It may last for a few days or a few weeks. However, if it continues to last longer than that, one must call a doctor.
Will My Baby Normally Recover from Sleep Regression?
Yes, babies recover from sleep regression quite normally. It is just a temporary phase that occurs because of bodily, environmental, and several other changes occurring around the baby.