3 Months Pregnant: Signs, Symptoms and Baby Development Progress

Pregnancy can be one of the most daunting yet exciting periods of one’s life. Having a child forces a woman to make healthy lifestyle choices for the well-being of the baby. However, an expanding waistline is not the only change that your body goes through. Changes in the texture of the skin, your food preferences, emotional and mental irregularities, and hormonal fluctuations are some of the other unpleasant signs and symptoms of pregnancy that must be taken seriously.
Once you complete the second month of pregnancy and are 3 months pregnant, an embryo develops into a fetus, and a “baby” begins to grow. What you feel and what you consume will directly have an impact on the health and development of the child.
Here are a few signs and symptoms of pregnancy that you should not miss and a few tips and tricks that you must follow during pregnancy.
Signs of a 3-Month Pregnant Mother
Signs of pregnancy are usually visible by the time a woman reaches the third month. If you are going to be a mother for the first time, the bump will probably start showing somewhere around the twelfth week. There is no hard and fast rule as a bump that is visible to you could simply be your bowels in your pelvis that are being pushed higher in the belly. Several factors govern how and when you might start “showing,” and some of them are-
1. Shape of The Body
If you are short in height, you might start showing earlier as compared to those who are taller. Also, women who are overweight tend to show a distinct baby bump at a later stage than those who have a leaner frame. Therefore, your height, weight, and the overall frame of the body play a significant role.
2. Core Muscles
Women with strong core muscles and a toned body might not have a big bump at an early stage. However, those with a weak core and loose skin might start showing by the eleventh week. It is important to note that both cases are normal, and it completely depends on the physique of a person.
3. Digestion
Certain times, a woman can look pregnant because of excessively swollen thighs, arms, and a bloated stomach in the second month. The reason behind this is hormonal fluctuation. These hormones cause the womb as well as the digestive muscles to relax, which delays the digestion process causing constipation and, consequently, bloating. Many expectant mothers experience severe flatulence issues as the enlarging uterus exerts pressure on the abdominal cavity. Heartburns are also common due to incomplete or slow digestion.
However, there is no reason to fret if you have not started showing by the end of month 3 because it could depend on the size of the baby. If your fetus is small in size, your bump will be smaller consequently.
4. Psychological Signs
Due to high levels of progesterone and estrogen, an expectant 3 months pregnant mother might experience extreme highs and lows. These can be very difficult to manage if it is the first pregnancy.
Symptoms Experienced by a 3 Months Pregnant Woman
In the third month of pregnancy, certain symptoms can be managed with proper diet and yoga. However, some can be quite challenging. Nevertheless, these symptoms may vary from person to person and are, therefore, not the same for everyone.
1. Excessive Vaginal Discharge
During pregnancy, the blood flow toward the vagina increases. Even your estrogen and progesterone hormone levels go up, which makes your body secrete more vaginal discharge in the second trimester. This white or sometimes yellow discharge is sticky in nature but very important for the fetus. It performs the function of keeping the vagina clean by flushing out dead cells.
2. Morning Sickness
Nausea or queasiness is one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy. A woman usually faces acute nausea in the first trimester, and it is triggered when a woman inhales strong aromas released by spices, perfumes, etc. The main cause is high levels of hormone hCG, low blood pressure, an increase in the levels of stomach acid, stress, or even fatigue.
3. Fatigue
Tiredness and sleepiness are other very common symptoms of pregnancy. Since the body is going through many changes and the hormone levels are very high, your body might need some more time to adjust to all these changes. At certain times, women feel more fatigued because their sleep is interrupted by frequent need for urination, leg cramps, nausea, and other such factors.
4. Changes in Skin
Your skin speaks a lot about your health. In the third month of pregnancy, your body will start producing melanin in large quantities, which might cause pigmentation that will darken your skin. You might see dark patches on your skin and on your stomach, particularly from the belly button to the pubic area. Mild itching is common during pregnancy, and so are stretch marks on your belly, thighs, and breasts.
However, you will start getting that pregnancy glow at the beginning of the second trimester because a combination of hormones and a substantial increase in blood flow ensure that all your organs receive ample oxygen and nutrients. A 3 months pregnant woman will experience weight gain, which tightens the skin, making it appear smoother and more luscious. Skin tags, new moles, and breakouts, to name a few, are some of the other changes during pregnancy.
5. Changes in Breast
Breasts usually swell up by the time you reach the third month of pregnancy. In weeks 14 to 27, your breasts will get larger and heavier. You might notice stretch marks on your skin, and veins are noticeable. Areolas become darker, larger and even develop bumps on them. However, not every expectant mother will go through these changes, and some might experience minor changes in the shape and size of their breasts.
6. Constipation
Most of the time, women face this problem due to hormonal release, which might slow down their digestion. Constipation is not a very serious condition during pregnancy; however, if you experience any kind of abdominal pain alternating with diarrhea or there is some kind of blood and mucus secretion, contact your gynecologist immediately.
Development of a Baby
Week 09
With a more erect head and a well-defined neck, the size of the embryo is 22mm in length which is roughly the size of a grape. The head of the baby at this stage is usually large, with an underdeveloped chin. The toes and fingers of the baby are webbed; the eyes of the baby are large but have a minor pigmentation. Major organs like the heart, kidney, brain, lungs, and stomach are gradually growing.
For the 3 months pregnant mother, pregnancy at this stage is not very noticeable, and you will hardly gain any weight at this stage.
Week 10
The baby has distinct fingers and toes and a fully formed heart that beats 180 times every minute. Tiny bud-sized ears protrude on the side of the head prominently, with ear canals developing inside the head. You can make out a well-formed upper lip and nostrils in the ultrasound scan, along with elbows that flex and bend.
For the mother, the size of the uterus is that of a grapefruit. The bump will not be extremely evident at this stage; however, symptoms like mood swings and tardiness will continue to persist.
Week 11
By this time, the baby has developed facial bones with closed eyelids. Teeth have started developing inside the mouth, and the formation of intestines is rapid as they intrude into the umbilical cord. The size of the head is one-third of the entire body, and fingernails are also evident. Growth is extremely rapid at this stage, and the placenta begins to develop swiftly as well.
A woman who is 3 months pregnant will experience her fingernails and hair growing at a fast rate, along with skin getting oily and acne breaking out on her face. Exhaustion is also commonly experienced by expectant mothers who are in their third month of pregnancy.
Week 12
The size of the baby by the end of the third month is 61mm. The genitals of the fetus have started developing, the liver has started producing bile, and the kidneys have started producing urine. Although the baby has started moving inside the womb, you are unlikely to feel anything at this point. The skeleton comprises cartilage which has started converting into hard bones. An expectant mother can relax because the chances of miscarriage reduce drastically.
Once a woman completes 11 weeks of pregnancy, she usually feels more energetic. Normal weight gain at this stage is 1.5 to 5 pounds. You might see dark patches on your face, which are completely harmless.
Do’s and Don’ts for a 3 Months Pregnant Woman
- Expectant mothers must include a diet rich in calcium, like sardines, broccoli, cheese, and so on, for better development of the fetus in week 9.
- Dental hygiene is of utmost importance to prevent any kind of infection. Therefore, a monthly visit to a dentist is a must.
- There is no point in fretting over stretch marks as they will not fade away by applying cosmetic lotions. Usually, these marks disappear after delivery. However, it depends on the natural elasticity of your skin.
- A proper exercise regime that is sustainable for the next 6 months is a must at this stage. Talk to a professional trainer and consult your doctor before starting.
- For someone who is 3 months pregnant, practicing yoga can be very beneficial for your mental as well as physical health. However, practicing power yoga or Bikram yoga is not recommended, for we do not want a mother’s body to be overly stressed.
- Having prenatal multivitamins is highly recommended to all those who are 3 months pregnant. Folic acid, iron, and calcium are important for the mother as well as the child. Omega-3 fats are vital for the proper development of growth of a baby’s brain.
- Consumption of raw meat, deli meat, and unpasteurized milk must be avoided, as you can contract serious infections and illnesses. The presence of bacteria like Listeria in raw milk can pose serious threats to the health of a mother. Make sure that your proteins are properly cooked before you consume them.
- Consumption of alcohol, and drugs, along with smoking cigarettes, is highly dangerous. Therefore, an expectant mother must abstain from consuming such items as they can affect the growth of a baby.
The third month of pregnancy can be stressful for some couples, especially if it is their first child. It is, however, simple to deal with the situation if you read about it, check with your doctor on a frequent basis, and eat a balanced diet. Panicking at the slightest discomfort can worsen the situation and can prove to be detrimental to your as well as your baby’s health.
Therefore, being aware of the signs and symptoms can help a 3 months pregnant woman to manage all these problems much more productively. If you are in your second trimester, please share your experience in the comments section.