115 Beautiful Names that Mean Air for Your Baby

A collection of names that mean air or wind, featuring unique and meaningful options for boys, girls, and unisex names inspired by the sky.

Searching for a name as free and light as the breeze? Air-inspired names might be the perfect choice for your little one!

Air symbolizes freedom, breath, and life itself – qualities many parents wish for their children from the moment they’re born.

Choosing a name is one of your first gifts to your child. A name that means “air” connects them to something essential yet boundless, simple yet profound.

This blog features beautiful air-inspired names from cultures around the world. From names that directly translate to “air” or “wind” to those with more subtle connections to sky and breath.

People often select names like Aura for their gentle feel, while others prefer stronger options like Gale that capture both lightness and power.

Ready to find that perfect airy name? Browse our list to find the ideal name that captures the essence of air for your little one.

Why Air-Inspired Names are Popular?

Air-inspired names have been rising in popularity for several good reasons. They offer a perfect balance of meaning and uniqueness without feeling too unusual or difficult to pronounce.

Parents today often look for names with deeper significance, and air symbolizes something essential to life yet beautifully intangible. These names connect children to qualities like freedom, lightness, and possibility.

Air names work across cultural boundaries, with beautiful options from virtually every language and tradition. They’re also wonderfully gender-flexible, with choices that work for any child.

The simple sound of many air names – Aria, Vent, Sky – makes them appealing and easy to say. Their connection to nature feels timeless yet modern.

Plus, in a world that can feel heavy and complicated, giving a child a name that evokes something light and free feels like a gift.

Names for Boys that Mean Air or Wind

Names for Boys that Mean Air or Wind

  1. Anil
    Origin: Sanskrit
    Pronunciation: AH-neel

  2. Bayu
    Origin: Indonesian
    Pronunciation: BYE-you

  3. Corentin
    Origin: Breton
    Pronunciation: ko-rehn-TAN

  4. Enlil
    Origin: Sumerian
    Pronunciation: EN-lil

  5. Erasmus
    Origin: Greek
    Pronunciation: eh-RAZ-mus

  6. Gale
    Origin: English
    Pronunciation: GAYL

  7. Guthrie
    Origin: Scottish
    Pronunciation: GUTH-ree

  8. Hayate
    Origin: Japanese
    Pronunciation: HA-yah-teh

  9. Ilmari
    Origin: Finnish
    Pronunciation: ILL-mah-ree

  10. Jarek
    Origin: Slavic
    Pronunciation: YAH-rek

  11. Kaze
    Origin: Japanese
    Pronunciation: KAH-zeh

  12. Llewellyn
    Origin: Welsh
    Pronunciation: loo-ELL-in

  13. Mistral
    Origin: French
    Pronunciation: MEES-trahl

  14. Neil
    Origin: Irish
    Pronunciation: NEEL

  15. Notus
    Origin: Greek
    Pronunciation: NOH-tus

  16. Pavana
    Origin: Sanskrit
    Pronunciation: PAH-vuh-nuh

  17. Rai
    Origin: Japanese
    Pronunciation: RYE

  18. Samir
    Origin: Arabic
    Pronunciation: SAH-meer

  19. Sirocco
    Origin: Italian
    Pronunciation: sih-ROH-koh

  20. Tadashi
    Origin: Japanese
    Pronunciation: TAH-dah-shee

  21. Vayu
    Origin: Sanskrit
    Pronunciation: VAH-you

  22. Zephyr
    Origin: Greek
    Pronunciation: ZEF-er

  23. Aether
    Origin: Greek
    Pronunciation: EE-thur

  24. Amun
    Origin: Egyptian
    Pronunciation: AH-moon

  25. Boreas
    Origin: Greek
    Pronunciation: BOR-ee-as

  26. Caelus
    Origin: Latin
    Pronunciation: KAY-lus

  27. Fujin
    Origin: Japanese
    Pronunciation: FOO-jeen

  28. Hermes
    Origin: Greek
    Pronunciation: HER-meez

  29. Javan
    Origin: Hebrew
    Pronunciation: JAY-van

  30. Keanu
    Origin: Hawaiian
    Pronunciation: KAY-ah-noo

  31. Luft
    Origin: German
    Pronunciation: LOOFT

  32. Mercury
    Origin: Latin
    Pronunciation: MER-kyoo-ree

  33. Nodin
    Origin: Native American
    Pronunciation: NOH-din

  34. Odin
    Origin: Norse
    Pronunciation: OH-din

  35. Perun
    Origin: Slavic
    Pronunciation: PEH-roon

  36. Quilo
    Origin: Spanish
    Pronunciation: KEE-loh

Names for Girls that Mean Air or Wind

  1. Aella
    Origin: Greek
    Pronunciation: AY-lah

  2. Alizeh
    Origin: Persian
    Pronunciation: ah-LEE-zay

  3. Amaya
    Origin: Japanese
    Pronunciation: ah-MY-ah

  4. Anemone
    Origin: Greek
    Pronunciation: uh-NEM-oh-nee

  5. Aria
    Origin: Italian
    Pronunciation: AH-ree-ah

  6. Aura
    Origin: Latin
    Pronunciation: OW-rah

  7. Aurelia
    Origin: Latin
    Pronunciation: aw-REEL-ee-ah

  8. Brisa
    Origin: Spanish
    Pronunciation: BREE-sah

  9. Celia
    Origin: Latin
    Pronunciation: SEE-lee-ah

  10. Esme
    Origin: French
    Pronunciation: EZ-may

  11. Lani
    Origin: Hawaiian
    Pronunciation: LAH-nee

  12. Nasima
    Origin: Arabic
    Pronunciation: nah-SEE-mah

  13. Sefarina
    Origin: Latin
    Pronunciation: seh-fah-REE-nah

  14. Sema
    Origin: Turkish
    Pronunciation: SEH-mah

  15. Serafina
    Origin: Hebrew
    Pronunciation: seh-rah-FEE-nah

  16. Skye
    Origin: English
    Pronunciation: SKY

  17. Storm
    Origin: English
    Pronunciation: STORM

  18. Talia
    Origin: Hebrew
    Pronunciation: TAH-lee-ah

  19. Tuuli
    Origin: Finnish
    Pronunciation: TOO-lee

  20. Vaiana
    Origin: Polynesian
    Pronunciation: VYE-ah-nah

  21. Zephyra
    Origin: Greek
    Pronunciation: zeh-FY-rah

  22. Zia
    Origin: Arabic
    Pronunciation: ZEE-ah

  23. Anila
    Origin: Sanskrit
    Pronunciation: AH-nee-lah

  24. Alya
    Origin: Arabic
    Pronunciation: AL-yah

  25. Alizee
    Origin: French
    Pronunciation: ah-lee-ZAY

  26. Amihan
    Origin: Filipino
    Pronunciation: AH-mee-hahn

  27. Anora
    Origin: English
    Pronunciation: ah-NOR-ah

  28. Aveline
    Origin: French
    Pronunciation: AV-uh-leen

  29. Azura
    Origin: Persian
    Pronunciation: ah-ZOO-rah

  30. Briseis
    Origin: Greek
    Pronunciation: bri-SAY-is

  31. Ciela
    Origin: Spanish
    Pronunciation: see-EL-ah

  32. Coral
    Origin: Latin
    Pronunciation: KOR-uhl

  33. Elara
    Origin: Greek
    Pronunciation: eh-LAR-ah

  34. Eteri
    Origin: Georgian
    Pronunciation: EH-teh-ree

  35. Ilma
    Origin: Finnish
    Pronunciation: IL-mah

  36. Vienta
    Origin: Spanish
    Pronunciation: vee-EN-tah

  37. Thalassa
    Origin: Greek
    Pronunciation: tha-LASS-ah

  38. Briseyda
    Origin: Spanish/Greek
    Pronunciation: bree-SAY-dah

  39. Nerida
    Origin: Greek
    Pronunciation: NEH-ree-dah

Unisex Names that Mean Air or Wind

Unisex Names that Mean Air or Wind

  1. Aira
    Origin: Japanese
    Pronunciation: EYE-rah

  2. Anil
    Origin: Sanskrit
    Pronunciation: AH-neel

  3. Ari
    Origin: Hebrew
    Pronunciation: AH-ree

  4. Azure
    Origin: French
    Pronunciation: AZH-oor

  5. Bayu
    Origin: Indonesian
    Pronunciation: BYE-you

  6. Breeze
    Origin: English
    Pronunciation: BREEZ

  7. Kai
    Origin: Hawaiian
    Pronunciation: KYE

  8. Sky
    Origin: English
    Pronunciation: SKY

  9. Skyler
    Origin: Dutch
    Pronunciation: SKY-ler

  10. Storm
    Origin: English
    Pronunciation: STORM

  11. Zephyr
    Origin: Greek
    Pronunciation: ZEF-er

  12. Aella
    Origin: Greek
    Pronunciation: AY-lah

  13. Alya
    Origin: Arabic
    Pronunciation: AL-yah

  14. Anemone
    Origin: Greek
    Pronunciation: uh-NEM-oh-nee

  15. Aria
    Origin: Italian
    Pronunciation: AH-ree-ah

  16. Aura
    Origin: Latin
    Pronunciation: OW-rah

  17. Aurelius
    Origin: Latin
    Pronunciation: aw-REEL-ee-us

  18. Boreas
    Origin: Greek
    Pronunciation: BOR-ee-as

  19. Corentin
    Origin: Breton
    Pronunciation: ko-rehn-TAN

  20. Eira
    Origin: Norse
    Pronunciation: AY-rah

  21. Ilmari
    Origin: Finnish
    Pronunciation: ILL-mah-ree

  22. Jarek
    Origin: Slavic
    Pronunciation: YAH-rek

  23. Keanu
    Origin: Hawaiian
    Pronunciation: KAY-ah-noo

  24. Llewellyn
    Origin: Welsh
    Pronunciation: loo-ELL-in

  25. Notus
    Origin: Greek
    Pronunciation: NOH-tus

  26. Odin
    Origin: Norse
    Pronunciation: OH-din

  27. Vayu
    Origin: Sanskrit
    Pronunciation: VAH-you

  28. Cirrus
    Origin: Latin
    Pronunciation: SEER-us

  29. Solano
    Origin: Spanish
    Pronunciation: soh-LAH-noh

  30. Ventus
    Origin: Latin
    Pronunciation: VEN-tus

  31. Brontë
    Origin: Greek
    Pronunciation: BRON-tee

  32. Zephyrus
    Origin: Greek
    Pronunciation: ZEF-ih-rus

  33. Anemoi
    Origin: Greek
    Pronunciation: AN-eh-moi

  34. Aellopus
    Origin: Greek
    Pronunciation: AEL-oh-pus

  35. Noa
    Origin: Hebrew
    Pronunciation: NOH-ah

  36. Taranis
    Origin: Celtic
    Pronunciation: TAR-ah-nis

  37. Sirocco
    Origin: Italian
    Pronunciation: sih-ROH-koh

  38. Nephele
    Origin: Greek
    Pronunciation: NEF-eh-lee

  39. Anora
    Origin: English
    Pronunciation: ah-NOR-ah

  40. Sephira
    Origin: Hebrew
    Pronunciation: seh-FEER-ah

Wrapping Up: Finding Your Perfect Air-Inspired Name

Choosing a name that means “air” gives your child a connection to something both vital and free – a beautiful symbolism to carry through life.

These names offer a special blend of lightness and strength. Whether you prefer Aura’s gentle presence or Ventus’s bold energy, there’s an air name that fits your vision for your child.

Air names work wonderfully across cultures and genders, making them versatile choices for any family. They’re unique without being complicated – standing out just enough.

A name connected to air can serve as a reminder of life’s endless possibilities. It’s a wish for your child to move through the world with both freedom and purpose.

Which air-inspired name resonates with you? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

What other element-themed names would you like to see featured next?

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