400 Boys’ Names Starting with C and Their Meanings

Choosing the perfect name for your baby boy can feel both exciting and overwhelming.
With so many options out there, where do you even start?
If “C” is the letter that’s caught your eye, then we have an exciting collection for you.
This letter offers a rich array of names, each with its own unique meaning and history.
We’ve compiled a list of 300 boys’ names starting with “C,” complete with their meanings and pronunciations.
Whether you’re looking for something traditional, modern, or completely uncommon, there’s something here for every parent-to-be.
So grab a cup of tea, get comfortable, and let’s explore these wonderful “C” names together.
List of 400 Boy’s Names That Start with C
English Names for Boys That Start with C
1. Caleb
Meaning: “Faithful” or “devoted to God”
Pronunciation: KAY-lub
2. Cameron
Meaning: “Crooked nose”
Pronunciation: KAM-uh-ruhn
3. Carter
Meaning: “One who uses a cart”
Pronunciation: KAHR-ter
4. Charles
Meaning: “Free man”
Pronunciation: CHAHRLZ
5. Christian
Meaning: “Follower of Christ”
Pronunciation: KRIS-chuhn
6. Christopher
Meaning: “Christ-bearer”
Pronunciation: KRIS-tuh-fer
7. Connor
Meaning: “Lover of hounds”
Pronunciation: KON-er
8. Callum
Meaning: “Dove”
Pronunciation: KAL-uhm
9. Colin
Meaning: “Pup”
Pronunciation: KOL-in
10. Caden
Meaning: “Spirit of battle”
Pronunciation: KAY-den
11. Carson
Meaning: “Son of the marsh-dwellers”
Pronunciation: KAHR-suhn
12. Cody
Meaning: “Helpful”
Pronunciation: KOH-dee
13. Cole
Meaning: “Coal black”
Pronunciation: KOHL
14. Calvin
Meaning: “Bald”
Pronunciation: KAL-vin
15. Casey
Meaning: “Vigilant” or “watchful”
Pronunciation: KAY-see
16. Colton
Meaning: “From the coal town”
Pronunciation: KOHL-tuhn
17. Cooper
Meaning: “Barrel maker”
Pronunciation: KOO-per
18. Chase
Meaning: “To hunt”
Pronunciation: CHAYS
19. Cian
Meaning: “Ancient”
Pronunciation: KEE-an
20. Cyrus
Meaning: “Sun”
Pronunciation: SY-ruhs
21. Cedric
Meaning: “Bounty”
Pronunciation: SED-rik
22. Caspian
Meaning: “From Qazvin” (a city in Iran)
Pronunciation: KAS-pee-uhn
23. Cassius
Meaning: “Hollow”
Pronunciation: KASH-uhs
24. Cillian
Meaning: “Church”
Pronunciation: KIL-ee-uhn
25. Colt
Meaning: “Young horse”
Pronunciation: KOHLT
26. Corbin
Meaning: “Raven”
Pronunciation: KOR-bin
27. Clifford
Meaning: “Ford by a cliff”
Pronunciation: KLIF-erd
28. Clyde
Meaning: “Warm”
Pronunciation: KLYD
29. Chester
Meaning: “Fortress” or “camp”
Pronunciation: CHES-ter
30. Cormac
Meaning: “Son of defilement”
Pronunciation: KOR-mak
31. Clint
Meaning: “Fenced settlement”
Pronunciation: KLINT
32. Craig
Meaning: “Rock” or “crag”
Pronunciation: KRAYG
33. Corey
Meaning: “From the hollow”
Pronunciation: KOR-ee
34. Curtis
Meaning: “Courteous”
Pronunciation: KUR-tis
35. Caelan
Meaning: “Slender”
Pronunciation: KAY-lan
36. Clark
Meaning: “Scribe” or “clerk”
Pronunciation: KLARK
37. Cade
Meaning: “Round”
Pronunciation: KAYD
38. Cruz
Meaning: “Cross”
Pronunciation: KROOZ
39. Cael
Meaning: “Slender”
Pronunciation: KAYL
40. Coen
Meaning: “Bold advisor”
Pronunciation: KOH-en
Biblical Names for Boys That Start with C
41. Caleb
Meaning: “Faithful” or “dog”
Pronunciation: KAY-lub
42. Cain
Meaning: “Acquired”
Pronunciation: KAYN
43. Cephas
Meaning: “Rock”
Pronunciation: SEE-fuhs
44. Cleopas
Meaning: “Glory of the father”
Pronunciation: KLEE-oh-puhs
45. Cornelius
Meaning: “Horn”
Pronunciation: kor-NEE-lee-uhs
46. Cyrus
Meaning: “Sun”
Pronunciation: SY-ruhs
47. Caesar
Meaning: “Hairy” or “cut from the womb”
Pronunciation: SEE-zur
48. Cush
Meaning: “Black”
Pronunciation: KUSH
49. Caiaphas
Meaning: “Rock” or “depression”
Pronunciation: KYE-uh-fuhs
50. Cosam
Meaning: “To divine”
Pronunciation: KOH-sam
51. Chuza
Meaning: “Seer”
Pronunciation: KOO-zuh
52. Cainan
Meaning: “Possession”
Pronunciation: KAY-nuhn
53. Chloe
Meaning: “Blooming” or “fertility”
Pronunciation: KLOH-ee
54. Crispus
Meaning: “Curly-haired”
Pronunciation: KRIS-puhs
55. Carpus
Meaning: “Fruit”
Pronunciation: KAHR-puhs
56. Claudius
Meaning: “Lame”
Pronunciation: KLAW-dee-uhs
57. Clement
Meaning: “Merciful”
Pronunciation: KLEM-uhnt
58. Chloe’s husband
Meaning: “Husband of Chloe”
Pronunciation: KLOH-eez HUZ-buhnd
59. Chushan-Rishathaim
Meaning: “Doubly wicked Cushan”
Pronunciation: KOO-shan rish-uh-THAY-im
60. Chesed
Meaning: “Increase”
Pronunciation: KES-ed
61. Chenani
Meaning: “My protection”
Pronunciation: keh-NAH-nee
62. Careah
Meaning: “Bald”
Pronunciation: kuh-REE-uh
63. Carmi
Meaning: “My vineyard”
Pronunciation: KAHR-my
64. Chedorlaomer
Meaning: “Servant of the god Lagamar”
Pronunciation: ked-or-lay-OH-mer
65. Chenaniah
Meaning: “Yahweh has planted”
Pronunciation: ken-uh-NYE-uh
66. Chilion
Meaning: “Pining”
Pronunciation: KIL-ee-on
67. Cidiah
Meaning: “Known by Yahweh”
Pronunciation: SID-ee-uh
68. Cis
Meaning: “Bow”
Pronunciation: SIS
69. Caiaphas
Meaning: “Depression”
Pronunciation: KYE-uh-fuhs
70. Chuza
Meaning: “Seer”
Pronunciation: KOO-zuh
71. Crescens
Meaning: “Growing”
Pronunciation: KRES-enz
72. Cushing
Meaning: “Ethiopians”
Pronunciation: KUSH-ing
73. Cozbi
Meaning: “My lie”
Pronunciation: KOZ-bye
74. Colhozeh
Meaning: “Every prophet”
Pronunciation: kol-HOH-zeh
75. Cuniah
Meaning: “Established by Yahweh”
Pronunciation: kuh-NYE-uh
76. Cushi
Meaning: “Ethiopians”
Pronunciation: KOO-shee
77. Chileab
Meaning: “Like his father”
Pronunciation: KIL-ee-ab
78. Cushan
Meaning: “Blackness”
Pronunciation: KOO-shan
79. Cain’s wife
Meaning: “Wife of Cain”
Pronunciation: KAYNZ WYFE
80. Chenaanah
Meaning: “Feminine”
Pronunciation: keh-NAY-uh-nuh
Greek Names for Boys That Start with C
81. Callistus
Meaning: “Most beautiful”
Pronunciation: kuh-LIS-tuhs
82. Chariton
Meaning: “Grace” or “kindness”
Pronunciation: KHAR-i-ton
83. Chrysanthos
Meaning: “Golden flower”
Pronunciation: kri-SAN-thos
84. Cleanthes
Meaning: “Glorious flower”
Pronunciation: klee-AN-theez
85. Cleon
Meaning: “Glory”
Pronunciation: KLEE-on
86. Cosmo
Meaning: “Order” or “universe”
Pronunciation: KOZ-moh
87. Cyril
Meaning: “Lordly”
Pronunciation: SI-ril
88. Castor
Meaning: “Beaver”
Pronunciation: KAS-tor
89. Cephalus
Meaning: “Head”
Pronunciation: SEF-uh-luhs
90. Charalambos
Meaning: “Joy in the dawn”
Pronunciation: khar-uh-LAM-bohs
91. Christos
Meaning: “Anointed”
Pronunciation: KRIS-tohs
92. Cleo
Meaning: “Glory”
Pronunciation: KLEE-oh
93. Cronos
Meaning: “Time”
Pronunciation: KROH-nohs
94. Cyprian
Meaning: “From Cyprus”
Pronunciation: SIP-ree-uhn
95. Calix
Meaning: “Very handsome”
Pronunciation: KAL-iks
96. Cliodna
Meaning: “Shapely”
Pronunciation: KLEE-uhd-nuh
97. Caelius
Meaning: “Heaven”
Pronunciation: SEE-lee-uhs
98. Corin
Meaning: “Spear”
Pronunciation: KOR-in
99. Cadmus
Meaning: “From the east”
Pronunciation: KAD-muhs
100. Crius
Meaning: “Ram”
Pronunciation: KREE-uhs
101. Charon
Meaning: “Fierce brightness”
Pronunciation: KAIR-on
102. Chiron
Meaning: “Hand”
Pronunciation: KY-ron
103. Carian
Meaning: “From Caria”
Pronunciation: KAIR-ee-uhn
104. Cleisthenes
Meaning: “Glory strength”
Pronunciation: KLYS-thuh-neez
105. Corcyrus
Meaning: “From Corfu”
Pronunciation: KOR-si-ruhs
106. Cronus
Meaning: “Time”
Pronunciation: KROH-nuhs
107. Cecrops
Meaning: “Face with a tail”
Pronunciation: SEE-krops
108. Ctesippus
Meaning: “Possessing horses”
Pronunciation: tuh-SIP-uhs
109. Chryses
Meaning: “Golden”
Pronunciation: KRY-seez
110. Clytius
Meaning: “Renowned”
Pronunciation: KLIT-ee-uhs
111. Clytemnestra
Meaning: “Famous wooing”
Pronunciation: kly-tem-NES-truh
112. Calchas
Meaning: “Bronze man”
Pronunciation: KAL-kuhs
113. Carneades
Meaning: “From Cyrene”
Pronunciation: kar-NEE-uh-deez
114. Cleobulus
Meaning: “Famous counsel”
Pronunciation: klee-oh-BYU-luhs
115. Cleomenes
Meaning: “Famous strength”
Pronunciation: klee-OM-uh-neez
116. Crates
Meaning: “Power”
Pronunciation: KRAY-teez
117. Creon
Meaning: “Ruler”
Pronunciation: KREE-on
118. Cresphontes
Meaning: “Strong ruler”
Pronunciation: kres-FON-teez
119. Critias
Meaning: “Judge”
Pronunciation: KRIT-ee-uhs
120. Ctesiphon
Meaning: “Safe building”
Pronunciation: TES-uh-fon
Latin Names for Boys That Start with C
121. Caius
Meaning: “Rejoice”
Pronunciation: KAY-uhs
122. Cassius
Meaning: “Hollow”
Pronunciation: KASH-uhs
123. Claudius
Meaning: “Lame”
Pronunciation: KLAW-dee-uhs
124. Cornelius
Meaning: “Horn”
Pronunciation: kor-NEE-lee-uhs
125. Caelum
Meaning: “Heaven”
Pronunciation: KAY-luhm
126. Cato
Meaning: “Wise”
Pronunciation: KAY-toh
127. Cicero
Meaning: “Chickpea”
Pronunciation: SIS-uh-roh
128. Clemens
Meaning: “Merciful”
Pronunciation: KLEM-enz
129. Constantinus
Meaning: “Constant”
Pronunciation: kon-stan-TEE-nuhs
130. Crispus
Meaning: “Curly-haired”
Pronunciation: KRIS-puhs
131. Cyprianus
Meaning: “From Cyprus”
Pronunciation: sip-ree-AH-nuhs
132. Caecilius
Meaning: “Blind”
Pronunciation: see-SIL-ee-uhs
133. Calidus
Meaning: “Warm” or “hot”
Pronunciation: KAL-i-duhs
134. Camillus
Meaning: “Attendant for religious services”
Pronunciation: kuh-MIL-uhs
135. Cassian
Meaning: “Hollow”
Pronunciation: KASH-uhn
136. Celsus
Meaning: “Tall”
Pronunciation: SEL-suhs
137. Clarus
Meaning: “Clear” or “bright”
Pronunciation: KLAR-uhs
138. Cloelius
Meaning: “One-eyed”
Pronunciation: KLEE-lee-uhs
139. Cordus
Meaning: “Late-born”
Pronunciation: KOR-duhs
140. Corvinus
Meaning: “Raven-like”
Pronunciation: kor-VY-nuhs
141. Crescens
Meaning: “Growing”
Pronunciation: KRES-enz
142. Crispinus
Meaning: “Curly-haired”
Pronunciation: kris-PY-nuhs
143. Cupitus
Meaning: “Desired”
Pronunciation: KOO-pi-tuhs
144. Curtius
Meaning: “Courteous”
Pronunciation: KUR-shee-uhs
145. Caeso
Meaning: “Cut”
Pronunciation: KAY-soh
146. Callistus
Meaning: “Most beautiful”
Pronunciation: kuh-LIS-tuhs
147. Candidus
Meaning: “White” or “pure”
Pronunciation: KAN-di-duhs
148. Caprarius
Meaning: “Goatherd”
Pronunciation: kap-RAR-ee-uhs
149. Castus
Meaning: “Pure”
Pronunciation: KAS-tuhs
150. Celer
Meaning: “Swift”
Pronunciation: SEL-er
151. Censorinus
Meaning: “Belonging to a censor”
Pronunciation: sen-so-RY-nuhs
152. Cinna
Meaning: “Born with hair”
Pronunciation: SIN-uh
153. Clodius
Meaning: “Lame”
Pronunciation: KLOH-dee-uhs
154. Commodus
Meaning: “Convenient” or “suitable”
Pronunciation: KOM-uh-duhs
155. Corbulo
Meaning: “Little crow”
Pronunciation: KOR-byoo-loh
156. Crassus
Meaning: “Thick” or “fat”
Pronunciation: KRAS-uhs
157. Curio
Meaning: “Priest”
Pronunciation: KYOOR-ee-oh
158. Cursor
Meaning: “Runner”
Pronunciation: KUR-sor
159. Cyprius
Meaning: “From Cyprus”
Pronunciation: SIP-ree-uhs
160. Carbo
Meaning: “Coal”
Pronunciation: KAR-boh
Irish Names for Boys That Start with C
161. Cian
Meaning: “Ancient” or “enduring”
Pronunciation: KEE-an
162. Conor
Meaning: “Lover of hounds”
Pronunciation: KON-er
163. Cillian
Meaning: “Church” or “associated with the church”
Pronunciation: KIL-ee-an
164. Callum
Meaning: “Dove”
Pronunciation: KAL-um
165. Cormac
Meaning: “Charioteer”
Pronunciation: KOR-mak
166. Cathal
Meaning: “Battle-mighty”
Pronunciation: KA-hal
167. Ciarán
Meaning: “Little dark one”
Pronunciation: KEER-awn
168. Colm
Meaning: “Dove”
Pronunciation: KOL-um
169. Conn
Meaning: “Chief”
Pronunciation: KON
170. Caelan
Meaning: “Slender”
Pronunciation: KAY-lan
171. Caolán
Meaning: “Slender”
Pronunciation: KEE-lan
172. Cairbre
Meaning: “Charioteer”
Pronunciation: KAR-bry
173. Caoimhín
Meaning: “Handsome birth”
Pronunciation: KWEE-veen
174. Cináed
Meaning: “Born of fire”
Pronunciation: ki-NAYD
175. Conchobar
Meaning: “Lover of hounds”
Pronunciation: KON-kho-var
176. Cúchulainn
Meaning: “Hound of Culann”
Pronunciation: koo-KUL-in
177. Cuán
Meaning: “Little wolf” or “little hound”
Pronunciation: KOO-awn
178. Colum
Meaning: “Dove”
Pronunciation: KOL-um
179. Cúmhaí
Meaning: “Sweet”
Pronunciation: KOO-vee
180. Conan
Meaning: “Little wolf”
Pronunciation: KOH-nan
181. Cashel
Meaning: “Castle” or “stone fort”
Pronunciation: KASH-el
182. Cillín
Meaning: “Little church”
Pronunciation: KIL-een
183. Cadhla
Meaning: “Beautiful”
Pronunciation: KY-la
184. Cabhan
Meaning: “Hollow”
Pronunciation: KAV-an
185. Cavan
Meaning: “Hollow”
Pronunciation: KAV-an
186. Cináed
Meaning: “Born of fire”
Pronunciation: ki-NAYD
187. Coileáin
Meaning: “Whelp” or “young dog”
Pronunciation: KUL-awn
188. Conal
Meaning: “Strong wolf”
Pronunciation: KON-al
189. Conláed
Meaning: “Chaste fire”
Pronunciation: kon-LAYD
190. Cuidightheach
Meaning: “Helper”
Pronunciation: KID-ee-hakh
191. Cuimín
Meaning: “Son of the crooked one”
Pronunciation: KUM-een
192. Cúmhaighe
Meaning: “Hound of the plain”
Pronunciation: KOO-vee
193. Cadhán
Meaning: “Warrior”
Pronunciation: KAY-awn
194. Caoilte
Meaning: “Slender”
Pronunciation: KWEEL-tya
195. Cairell
Meaning: “Peaceful”
Pronunciation: KAR-el
196. Calbhach
Meaning: “Bald”
Pronunciation: KAL-vakh
197. Carrick
Meaning: “Rock”
Pronunciation: KAR-ik
198. Ceallach
Meaning: “Bright-headed”
Pronunciation: KEL-akh
199. Cian
Meaning: “Ancient”
Pronunciation: KEE-an
200. Coilean
Meaning: “Whelp” or “young dog”
Pronunciation: KWI-lan
Scottish Names for Boys That Start with C
201. Callum
Meaning: “Dove”
Pronunciation: KAL-um
202. Cameron
Meaning: “Crooked nose”
Pronunciation: KAM-er-on
203. Campbell
Meaning: “Crooked mouth”
Pronunciation: KAM-bel
204. Colin
Meaning: “Young cub” or “pup”
Pronunciation: KOL-in
205. Craig
Meaning: “Rock” or “crag”
Pronunciation: KRAYG
206. Callan
Meaning: “Battle” or “rock”
Pronunciation: KAL-an
207. Cairn
Meaning: “Pile of stones”
Pronunciation: KAIRN
208. Cailean
Meaning: “Young dog”
Pronunciation: KAY-len
209. Caelan
Meaning: “Victorious people”
Pronunciation: KAY-lan
210. Calen
Meaning: “Slender”
Pronunciation: KAY-len
211. Calder
Meaning: “Rocky water”
Pronunciation: KAL-der
212. Calhoun
Meaning: “From the narrow forest”
Pronunciation: kal-HOON
213. Clyde
Meaning: “Warm” or “Name of a Scottish river”
Pronunciation: KLYD
214. Coburn
Meaning: “Stream with bushes”
Pronunciation: KOH-burn
215. Coll
Meaning: “Hazel tree”
Pronunciation: KOL
216. Colquhoun
Meaning: “Narrow corner” or “narrow wood”
Pronunciation: koh-HOON
217. Cormag
Meaning: “Charioteer”
Pronunciation: KOR-mag
218. Crawford
Meaning: “Crow ford”
Pronunciation: KRAW-ferd
219. Creighton
Meaning: “Rocky settlement”
Pronunciation: KRAY-ton
220. Crichton
Meaning: “Border settlement”
Pronunciation: KRY-ton
221. Cairbre
Meaning: “Charioteer”
Pronunciation: KAR-bre
222. Calum
Meaning: “Dove”
Pronunciation: KAL-um
223. Camren
Meaning: “Crooked nose”
Pronunciation: KAM-ren
224. Carrick
Meaning: “Rock”
Pronunciation: KAR-ik
225. Cináed
Meaning: “Born of fire”
Pronunciation: ki-NAYD
226. Coinneach
Meaning: “Handsome”
Pronunciation: KON-yakh
227. Calgacus
Meaning: “Swordsman”
Pronunciation: KAL-ga-kus
228. Carlyle
Meaning: “From the walled city”
Pronunciation: kar-LYL
229. Cian
Meaning: “Ancient”
Pronunciation: KEE-an
230. Cailean
Meaning: “Young dog”
Pronunciation: KAY-len
231. Cairbre
Meaning: “Charioteer”
Pronunciation: KAR-bre
232. Cardew
Meaning: “Black fort”
Pronunciation: KAR-doo
233. Carswell
Meaning: “Watercress spring”
Pronunciation: KARZ-wel
234. Catrail
Meaning: “Battle fence”
Pronunciation: ka-TRAYL
235. Cawdor
Meaning: “Cold water”
Pronunciation: KAW-dor
236. Clach
Meaning: “Stone”
Pronunciation: KLAKH
237. Connall
Meaning: “Strong wolf”
Pronunciation: KON-al
238. Currie
Meaning: “Wet plain”
Pronunciation: KUR-ee
239. Camdyn
Meaning: “Winding valley”
Pronunciation: KAM-din
240. Caelan
Meaning: “Victorious people”
Pronunciation: KAY-lan
French Names for Boys That Start with C
241. Clément
Meaning: “Merciful”
Pronunciation: kleh-MAH
242. Charles
Meaning: “Free man”
Pronunciation: sharl
243. Claude
Meaning: “Lame”
Pronunciation: klohd
244. Christophe
Meaning: “Bearer of Christ”
Pronunciation: krees-TOFF
245. Cédric
Meaning: “Kindly”
Pronunciation: sey-DREEK
246. Corentin
Meaning: “Hurricane”
Pronunciation: ko-rahn-TAH
247. Cyril
Meaning: “Lordly”
Pronunciation: see-REEL
248. Cyrille
Meaning: “Lordly”
Pronunciation: see-REEL
249. Camille
Meaning: “Young ceremonial attendant”
Pronunciation: ka-MEE
250. Célestin
Meaning: “Heavenly”
Pronunciation: seh-les-TAH
251. César
Meaning: “Head of hair”
Pronunciation: sey-ZAR
252. Côme
Meaning: “Order, decency”
Pronunciation: kohm
253. Constantin
Meaning: “Constant”
Pronunciation: kohn-stahn-TAH
254. Clovis
Meaning: “Famous battle”
Pronunciation: klo-VEES
255. Cyprien
Meaning: “From Cyprus”
Pronunciation: see-pree-AH
256. Constant
Meaning: “Steadfast”
Pronunciation: kohn-STAHN
257. Clovis
Meaning: “Famous battle”
Pronunciation: klo-VEE
258. Corneille
Meaning: “Horn”
Pronunciation: kor-NAY
259. Cassien
Meaning: “Hollow”
Pronunciation: ka-see-AH
260. Calixte
Meaning: “Most beautiful”
Pronunciation: ka-LEEKST
261. Clarence
Meaning: “Bright”
Pronunciation: kla-RAHNS
262. Césaire
Meaning: “Head of hair”
Pronunciation: sey-ZER
263. Clotaire
Meaning: “Famous people”
Pronunciation: klo-TER
264. Chrétien
Meaning: “Christian”
Pronunciation: krey-tee-AH
265. Chantel
Meaning: “Stony place”
Pronunciation: shahn-TEL
266. Clovis
Meaning: “Famous battle”
Pronunciation: klo-VEE
267. Célian
Meaning: “Heaven”
Pronunciation: sey-lee-AH
268. Coline
Meaning: “Victory of the people”
Pronunciation: ko-LEEN
269. Césaire
Meaning: “Long-haired”
Pronunciation: sey-ZER
270. Cléandre
Meaning: “Famous man”
Pronunciation: kley-AHNDR
271. Côme
Meaning: “Order, decency”
Pronunciation: kohm
272. Cyprien
Meaning: “From Cyprus”
Pronunciation: see-pree-AH
273. Christophe
Meaning: “Christ-bearer”
Pronunciation: krees-TOFF
274. Callixte
Meaning: “Most beautiful”
Pronunciation: ka-LEEKST
275. Clovis
Meaning: “Famous battle”
Pronunciation: klo-VEE
276. Cédric
Meaning: “Kindly”
Pronunciation: sey-DREEK
277. Clovis
Meaning: “Famous battle”
Pronunciation: klo-VEE
278. Capucine
Meaning: “Nasturtium flower”
Pronunciation: ka-poo-SEEN
279. Corentin
Meaning: “Hurricane”
Pronunciation: ko-rahn-TAH
280. Cyrille
Meaning: “Lordly”
Pronunciation: see-REEL
German Names for Boys That Start with C
281. Christoph
Meaning: “Bearer of Christ”
Pronunciation: KRIS-toff
282. Christian
Meaning: “Follower of Christ”
Pronunciation: KRIS-tee-ahn
283. Carsten
Meaning: “Christian”
Pronunciation: KAR-sten
284. Clemens
Meaning: “Merciful”
Pronunciation: KLEM-ens
285. Conrad
Meaning: “Brave counsel”
Pronunciation: KON-rad
286. Carl
Meaning: “Free man”
Pronunciation: KARL
287. Claus
Meaning: “Victory of the people”
Pronunciation: KLOWS
288. Cornelius
Meaning: “Horn”
Pronunciation: kor-NEE-lee-us
289. Caspar
Meaning: “Treasurer”
Pronunciation: KAS-par
290. Constantin
Meaning: “Constant”
Pronunciation: kon-stan-TEEN
291. Cedric
Meaning: “Chief”
Pronunciation: SED-rik
292. Cassian
Meaning: “Hollow”
Pronunciation: KAS-ee-an
293. Cuno
Meaning: “Family, clan”
Pronunciation: KOO-no
294. Claudius
Meaning: “Lame”
Pronunciation: KLAW-dee-us
295. Cyrill
Meaning: “Lordly”
Pronunciation: SI-ril
296. Curt
Meaning: “Short”
Pronunciation: KURT
297. Corbinian
Meaning: “Raven”
Pronunciation: kor-BIN-ee-an
298. Cajetan
Meaning: “From Gaeta”
Pronunciation: KAY-uh-tan
299. Cäsar
Meaning: “Head of hair”
Pronunciation: TSE-zar
300. Christof
Meaning: “Bearer of Christ”
Pronunciation: KRIS-tof
301. Cord
Meaning: “Bold counsel”
Pronunciation: KORD
302. Caius
Meaning: “Rejoice”
Pronunciation: KYE-us
303. Corvin
Meaning: “Raven”
Pronunciation: KOR-vin
304. Clas
Meaning: “Victory of the people”
Pronunciation: KLAS
305. Casimir
Meaning: “Destroyer of peace”
Pronunciation: KAZ-i-meer
306. Candid
Meaning: “White, pure”
Pronunciation: KAN-did
307. Curt
Meaning: “Short”
Pronunciation: KURT
308. Coelestin
Meaning: “Heavenly”
Pronunciation: tse-les-TEEN
309. Clemente
Meaning: “Merciful”
Pronunciation: kle-MEN-te
310. Cosmas
Meaning: “Order”
Pronunciation: KOZ-mas
311. Curt
Meaning: “Courteous”
Pronunciation: KURT
312. Canisius
Meaning: “Dog”
Pronunciation: ka-NEE-see-us
313. Christfried
Meaning: “Christ’s peace”
Pronunciation: KRIST-freed
314. Chlodwig
Meaning: “Famous warrior”
Pronunciation: KLOHD-vig
315. Christward
Meaning: “Christ’s guardian”
Pronunciation: KRIST-vard
316. Clas
Meaning: “Victory of the people”
Pronunciation: KLAS
317. Cornelis
Meaning: “Horn”
Pronunciation: kor-NEL-is
318. Christlieb
Meaning: “Christ’s love”
Pronunciation: KRIST-leeb
319. Curt
Meaning: “Short”
Pronunciation: KURT
320. Charibert
Meaning: “Bright army”
Pronunciation: KAR-i-bert
Spanish Names for Boys That Start with C
321. Carlos
Meaning: “Free man”
Pronunciation: KAR-los
322. Cristian
Meaning: “Follower of Christ”
Pronunciation: kris-TYAN
323. César
Meaning: “Head of hair”
Pronunciation: SE-sar
324. Camilo
Meaning: “Attendant for religious services”
Pronunciation: ka-MEE-lo
325. Cruz
Meaning: “Cross”
Pronunciation: KROOS
326. Claudio
Meaning: “Lame”
Pronunciation: KLAW-dyo
327. Carmelo
Meaning: “Garden”
Pronunciation: kar-ME-lo
328. Celestino
Meaning: “Heavenly”
Pronunciation: se-les-TEE-no
329. Ciro
Meaning: “Sun”
Pronunciation: SEE-ro
330. Cornelio
Meaning: “Horn”
Pronunciation: kor-NE-lyo
331. Cayetano
Meaning: “From Gaeta”
Pronunciation: ka-ye-TA-no
332. Cipriano
Meaning: “From Cyprus”
Pronunciation: see-PRYA-no
333. Calixto
Meaning: “Most beautiful”
Pronunciation: ka-LIKS-to
334. Clemente
Meaning: “Merciful”
Pronunciation: kle-MEN-te
335. Cándido
Meaning: “White, pure”
Pronunciation: KAN-dee-do
336. Constantino
Meaning: “Constant”
Pronunciation: kons-tan-TEE-no
337. Casiano
Meaning: “Hollow”
Pronunciation: ka-SYA-no
338. Cosme
Meaning: “Order, decency”
Pronunciation: KOS-me
339. Ceferino
Meaning: “West wind”
Pronunciation: se-fe-REE-no
340. Cirilo
Meaning: “Lordly”
Pronunciation: see-REE-lo
341. Cristóbal
Meaning: “Christ-bearer”
Pronunciation: kris-TO-bal
342. Caetano
Meaning: “From Gaeta”
Pronunciation: ka-e-TA-no
343. Cástulo
Meaning: “Chaste”
Pronunciation: KAS-tu-lo
344. Casimiro
Meaning: “Destroyer of peace”
Pronunciation: ka-see-MEE-ro
345. Cándido
Meaning: “White, pure”
Pronunciation: KAN-dee-do
346. Crisanto
Meaning: “Golden flower”
Pronunciation: kree-SAN-to
347. Cleto
Meaning: “Called forth”
Pronunciation: KLE-to
348. Custodio
Meaning: “Guardian”
Pronunciation: kus-TO-dyo
349. Crisógono
Meaning: “Golden birth”
Pronunciation: kree-SO-go-no
350. Crescencio
Meaning: “To grow”
Pronunciation: kre-SEN-syo
351. Casto
Meaning: “Chaste, pure”
Pronunciation: KAS-to
352. Cielo
Meaning: “Sky, heaven”
Pronunciation: sye-LO
353. Crisóstomo
Meaning: “Golden-mouthed”
Pronunciation: kree-SOS-to-mo
354. Ciriaco
Meaning: “Lord”
Pronunciation: see-RYA-ko
355. Christián
Meaning: “Follower of Christ”
Pronunciation: kris-TYAN
356. Castor
Meaning: “Beaver”
Pronunciation: KAS-tor
357. Crispin
Meaning: “Curly-haired”
Pronunciation: KRIS-pin
358. Candelario
Meaning: “Candlemas”
Pronunciation: kan-de-LA-ryo
359. Crispín
Meaning: “Curly-haired”
Pronunciation: kris-PIN
360. Cándido
Meaning: “White, pure”
Pronunciation: KAN-dee-do
Italian Names for Boys That Start with C
361. Carlo
Meaning: “Free man”
Pronunciation: KAR-lo
362. Cristiano
Meaning: “Follower of Christ”
Pronunciation: kris-tee-AH-no
363. Cesare
Meaning: “Long-haired”
Pronunciation: CHEH-za-reh
364. Claudio
Meaning: “Lame”
Pronunciation: KLAU-dyo
365. Carmine
Meaning: “Song” or “garden”
Pronunciation: kar-MEE-neh
366. Costanzo
Meaning: “Constant”
Pronunciation: kos-TAN-zo
367. Ciro
Meaning: “Sun”
Pronunciation: CHEE-ro
368. Carmelo
Meaning: “Garden”
Pronunciation: kar-MEH-lo
369. Corrado
Meaning: “Brave counsel”
Pronunciation: kor-RAH-do
370. Cosimo
Meaning: “Order, decency”
Pronunciation: KO-zee-mo
371. Clemente
Meaning: “Merciful”
Pronunciation: kleh-MEN-teh
372. Calogero
Meaning: “Beautiful elder”
Pronunciation: ka-lo-JEH-ro
373. Celestino
Meaning: “Heavenly”
Pronunciation: cheh-les-TEE-no
374. Cipriano
Meaning: “From Cyprus”
Pronunciation: chee-pree-AH-no
375. Cristoforo
Meaning: “Christ-bearer”
Pronunciation: kris-TO-fo-ro
376. Ciriaco
Meaning: “Of the Lord”
Pronunciation: chee-ree-AH-ko
377. Ciano
Meaning: “God is gracious”
Pronunciation: CHAH-no
378. Callisto
Meaning: “Most beautiful”
Pronunciation: ka-LEE-sto
379. Columbano
Meaning: “Dove-like”
Pronunciation: ko-loom-BAH-no
380. Cornelio
Meaning: “Horn”
Pronunciation: kor-NEH-lyo
381. Cirino
Meaning: “Lord”
Pronunciation: chee-REE-no
382. Cassio
Meaning: “Hollow”
Pronunciation: KAS-syo
383. Crescenzo
Meaning: “To grow”
Pronunciation: kreh-SHEN-zo
384. Casto
Meaning: “Chaste”
Pronunciation: KAS-to
385. Cataldo
Meaning: “Battle ruler”
Pronunciation: ka-TAL-do
386. Camillo
Meaning: “Attendant for religious services”
Pronunciation: ka-MEE-lo
387. Crispino
Meaning: “Curly-haired”
Pronunciation: kris-PEE-no
388. Crisanto
Meaning: “Golden flower”
Pronunciation: kri-SAN-to
389. Costantino
Meaning: “Constant”
Pronunciation: kos-tan-TEE-no
390. Crocefisso
Meaning: “Crucifix”
Pronunciation: kro-cheh-FEE-so
391. Caio
Meaning: “Rejoice”
Pronunciation: KAH-yo
392. Candido
Meaning: “White, pure”
Pronunciation: KAN-dee-do
393. Cinzio
Meaning: “From Mount Cynthus”
Pronunciation: CHIN-tsyo
394. Coriolano
Meaning: “From Corioli”
Pronunciation: ko-ryo-LAH-no
395. Cassiano
Meaning: “Hollow”
Pronunciation: kas-see-AH-no
396. Casimiro
Meaning: “Destroyer of peace”
Pronunciation: ka-see-MEE-ro
397. Crisostomo
Meaning: “Golden-mouthed”
Pronunciation: kri-SO-sto-mo
398. Castore
Meaning: “Beaver”
Pronunciation: ka-STO-reh
399. Cielo
Meaning: “Sky, heaven”
Pronunciation: CHYEH-lo
400. Cherubino
Meaning: “Angelic”
Pronunciation: keh-roo-BEE-no
Wrapping Up
Naming your son is a personal and meaningful journey. Delving into names that start with “C” opens up a world filled with rich history, diverse cultures, and beautiful sounds.
We hope this extensive list has sparked inspiration and brought you closer to finding the name that feels just right.
Remember, the ideal name is one that speaks to your heart and fits your little one perfectly.
Take your time to consider, say the names aloud, and envision your child growing with it.
And if you’ve discovered a favorite—or even a few—we’d love to hear which ones caught your eye.