94 Delightful Animals That Start with D

Animals that start with “D” show us just how amazing nature can be.
You’ll meet mammals that run through forests, reptiles that hide in deserts, and insects that buzz through gardens.
We’ll look at where these animals live and what makes them special, and we’ll share some cool facts about each one.
I’ll share their scientific names, too, but don’t worry – we’ll keep things simple and fun!
Come along as we learn about these wonderful animals – each one has something unique to teach us about life on Earth.
Birds That Start with D
1. Dark-Eyed Junco
A small, gray-colored songbird with white outer tail feathers, common across North America. These birds hop on the ground looking for seeds and insects.
- Scientific name:Junco hyemalis
- Natural habitat: Coniferous and mixed forests, suburban areas
- Average lifespan: 3-11 years
- Fun fact: They’re often called “snowbirds” because they appear in many areas during winter months
2. Dartford Warbler
A small, long-tailed bird with dark gray-brown feathers and a red throat. These quick-moving birds stay active in shrublands throughout the year.
- Scientific name:Sylvia undata
- Natural habitat: Heathland and gorse-filled areas
- Average lifespan: 3-5 years
- Fun fact: They can withstand cold winters by eating spiders when insects are scarce
3. Dickcissel
A stocky bird with a thick bill, yellow chest, and black V-shaped mark. Males sing their name “dick-dick-cissel” during breeding season.
- Scientific name:Spiza americana
- Natural habitat: Grasslands and prairies
- Average lifespan: 4-6 years
- Fun fact: One bird can sing up to 2,000 times per day during peak breeding season
4. Dikkop
A ground-dwelling bird with large yellow eyes and thick legs. Active at night, these birds make loud calls that echo through their habitat.
- Scientific name:Burhinus capensis
- Natural habitat: Open grasslands and savannas
- Average lifespan: 10-15 years
- Fun fact: They stay completely still when threatened, using their camouflage for protection
5. Dalmatian Pelican
One of the largest flying birds, with silvery-white feathers and a massive orange-red pouch under its bill for catching fish.
- Scientific name:Pelecanus crispus
- Natural habitat: Freshwater lakes and rivers
- Average lifespan: 30-40 years
- Fun fact: Their wingspan can reach up to 3 meters (10 feet)
6. Darwin’s Finches
A group of small birds found in the Galápagos Islands, each with differently shaped beaks adapted to specific food sources.
- Scientific name:Geospizinae (subfamily)
- Natural habitat: Galápagos Islands
- Average lifespan: 4-12 years
- Fun fact: These birds helped Charles Darwin form his theory of evolution
7. Downy Woodpecker
The smallest woodpecker in North America, with black and white feathers and a tiny bill. Males show a red patch on their heads.
- Scientific name:Dryobates pubescens
- Natural habitat: Woodlands and backyard gardens
- Average lifespan: 5-7 years
- Fun fact: They eat the insects that other woodpeckers can’t reach in small branches
Fish Beginning with D
8. Damselfish
A small, colorful tropical fish that forms strong bonds with specific coral areas. These fish stay close to their chosen spots and protect them fiercely.
- Scientific name:Pomacentridae family
- Natural habitat: Coral reefs in tropical oceans
- Average lifespan: 2-6 years
- Fun fact: Males turn brighter colors during mating season and perform special dances
9. Danios
Small, active fish with striped patterns that swim in groups. These fast swimmers are among the most social aquarium fish.
- Scientific name:Danio genus
- Natural habitat: Streams and rivers in South Asia
- Average lifespan: 3-5 years
- Fun fact: They helped scientists study vertebrate development due to their clear embryos
10. Dartfish
Slim-bodied fish with bright stripes that swim in quick, dart-like movements. They often share burrows with bigger sea creatures.
- Scientific name:Ptereleotris genus
- Natural habitat: Tropical coral reefs
- Average lifespan: 4-6 years
- Fun fact: They form partnerships with shrimp, sharing living spaces for protection
11. Disco Clam
A fascinating saltwater clam known for its dazzling light displays, which are created by reflecting light off silica spheres in its lips.
- Scientific name:Ctenoides ales
- Natural habitat: Indo-Pacific coral reefs
- Average lifespan: 1-2 years
- Fun fact: Their flashing light show isn’t bioluminescence but rather the reflection of ambient light by tiny reflective particles.
12. Discus
A round, flat freshwater fish with vibrant patterns, native to South American waters. They exhibit remarkable parental care, feeding their young with a special mucus secreted from their skin.
- Scientific name:Symphysodon genus
- Natural habitat: Amazon River basin
- Average lifespan: 10-15 years
- Fun fact: Both parents contribute to raising their offspring by providing nutrient-rich mucus as food.
13. Dinosaur Shrimp
Resilient, prehistoric-looking crustaceans that have remained virtually unchanged for millions of years. They thrive in temporary pools formed by rainfall.
- Scientific name:Triops longicaudatus
- Natural habitat: Temporary freshwater pools
- Average lifespan: 50-90 days
- Fun fact: Their eggs can remain dormant for years, hatching only when rehydrated by water.
14. Dragon Eel
A strikingly patterned, snake-like fish with powerful jaws, often found hiding in coral reef crevices during the day.
- Scientific name:Enchelycore pardalis
- Natural habitat: Tropical coral reefs
- Average lifespan: 10-15 years
- Fun fact: They can breathe through both their gills and their skin, allowing them to survive in low-oxygen environments.
15. Dragonfish
A deep-sea predator equipped with light-producing organs and fearsome, fang-like teeth. It generates its own light in the pitch-black depths of the ocean.
- Scientific name:Stomiidae family
- Natural habitat: Deep ocean waters
- Average lifespan: 3-5 years
- Fun fact: Some dragonfish species can emit red light, a rare ability in deep-sea creatures that gives them an advantage when hunting.
16. Dried Fruit Moth
A small moth that thrives in stored food, particularly dried fruits and nuts, making it a common household pest.
- Scientific name:Plodia interpunctella
- Natural habitat: Worldwide in stored food
- Average lifespan: 1-6 months
- Fun fact: These moths have an extraordinary sense of smell, allowing them to locate food from long distances.
17. Drum Fish
A group of fish known for their ability to produce drumming sounds by contracting specialized muscles against their swim bladder.
- Scientific name:Sciaenidae family
- Natural habitat: Coastal waters worldwide
- Average lifespan: 5-15 years
- Fun fact: Male drum fish use their drumming sounds to attract mates during the breeding season.
18. Dubia Cockroach
A quiet, clean cockroach species often used as feeder insects for pets. They are unable to climb smooth surfaces or fly.
- Scientific name:Blaptica dubia
- Natural habitat: South and Central America
- Average lifespan: 1.5-2 years
- Fun fact: Unlike many other cockroach species, they cannot climb glass or smooth plastic surfaces, making them easier to contain.
19. Dungeness Crab
A large and meaty crab species found along the Pacific coast of North America, known for its excellent swimming and hunting skills.
- Scientific name:Metacarcinus magister
- Natural habitat: Pacific coastal waters
- Average lifespan: 8-10 years
- Fun fact: Dungeness crabs have the remarkable ability to regenerate lost limbs during their molting cycles.
20. Dung Beetle
A highly resourceful beetle that rolls and buries balls of dung, which serve as both food and a nesting site for its larvae.
- Scientific name:Scarabaeidae family
- Natural habitat: Worldwide except Antarctica
- Average lifespan: 3-5 years
- Fun fact: Dung beetles are incredibly strong, capable of pulling objects 1,141 times their own body weight.
21. Diving Bell Spider
The only spider known to live entirely underwater, relying on air bubbles trapped in its silk webs to breathe.
- Scientific name:Argyroneta aquatica
- Natural habitat: European freshwater
- Average lifespan: 1-2 years
- Fun fact: This spider creates underwater air-filled chambers, functioning like a miniature scuba tank, allowing it to remain submerged for long periods.
Invertebrates Starting with D
22. Dungeness Crab
A large, tasty crab from North America’s west coast that can grow as big as a dinner plate and has strong claws.
- Scientific name:Metacarcinus magister
- Natural habitat: Pacific coastal waters
- Average lifespan: 8-10 years
- Fun fact: They can catch fast fish with their claws and eat up to 40 different sea species.
23. Diving Bell Spider
A special spider that lives its whole life underwater by making air bubbles that work like small underwater homes.
- Scientific name:Argyroneta aquatica
- Natural habitat: European freshwater ponds and slow streams
- Average lifespan: 1-2 years
- Fun fact: They catch bubbles of air and store them in silk webs underwater to breathe.
24. Decorator Crab
A smart crab that puts bits of seaweed, sponges, and small animals on its shell to hide from bigger animals that might eat it.
- Scientific name:Oregonia gracilis
- Natural habitat: Pacific Ocean rocky areas
- Average lifespan: 2-3 years
- Fun fact: They can pick decorations that match their surroundings when moved to new areas.
25. Dinosaur Shrimp
A tiny ancient-looking creature that appears in temporary water pools after heavy rains, looking much like its ancestors from millions of years ago.
- Scientific name:Triops longicaudatus
- Natural habitat: Temporary freshwater pools
- Average lifespan: 50-90 days
- Fun fact: Their eggs can stay dormant for decades in dry soil until rain creates new pools.
Insects and Arachnids Beginning with D
26. Death-Watch Beetle
A small wood-boring beetle that makes ticking sounds in old wooden buildings. The noise is caused by the beetle hitting its head against the wood.
- Scientific name:Xestobium rufovillosum
- Natural habitat: Dead wood in forests and buildings
- Average lifespan: 2-3 years
- Fun fact: Males tap their heads to attract mates in spring
27. Dried Fruit Moth
A small brown moth that seeks out stored foods in homes and warehouses. These moths have a keen sense of smell for finding dried goods.
- Scientific name:Plodia interpunctella
- Natural habitat: Worldwide in food storage areas
- Average lifespan: 1-6 months
- Fun fact: Can detect food sources from several hundred feet away
28. Dubia Cockroach
A quiet, slow-moving cockroach with a calm nature. These insects are clean and don’t make noise like other cockroaches.
- Scientific name:Blaptica dubia
- Natural habitat: South and Central America
- Average lifespan: 1.5-2 years
- Fun fact: Cannot fly or climb smooth surfaces
29. Dung Beetle
A strong insect that rolls balls of animal waste for food and nesting. These beetles help clean ecosystems and spread seeds.
- Scientific name:Scarabaeidae family
- Natural habitat: Worldwide except Antarctica
- Average lifespan: 3-5 years
- Fun fact: Can pull 1,141 times their own body weight
30. Darkling Beetle
A black beetle with hard wing covers. These insects are often kept as pets or used in research.
- Scientific name:Tenebrionidae family
- Natural habitat: Desert and forest areas worldwide
- Average lifespan: 1-2 years
- Fun fact: Their larvae are called mealworms
31. Death’s Head Cockroach
A large, dark cockroach with white marks on its shell. These insects make good pets because they’re clean and calm.
- Scientific name:Blaberus craniifer
- Natural habitat: Central and South America
- Average lifespan: 1-1.5 years
- Fun fact: Has a skull-like pattern on its shell
32. Deathwatch Beetle
A small wood-boring beetle that makes tapping sounds in old wooden buildings. The sound comes from hitting their heads on wood.
- Scientific name:Xestobium rufovillosum
- Natural habitat: Dead wood in forests and buildings
- Average lifespan: 2-3 years
- Fun fact: Males tap to attract mates in spring
33. Desert Locust
A grasshopper that can change color and behavior based on population density. They form large groups during migration.
- Scientific name:Schistocerca gregaria
- Natural habitat: Semi-arid regions of Africa and Asia
- Average lifespan: 3-5 months
- Fun fact: Can eat their own weight in fresh food daily
34. Devil’s Coach Horse Beetle
A long black beetle that raises its tail like a scorpion when threatened. These beetles are active hunters at night.
- Scientific name:Ocypus olens
- Natural habitat: Gardens and woodland areas
- Average lifespan: 1-2 years
- Fun fact: Can spray a bad-smelling liquid when scared
35. Dark-Edged Bee-Fly
A fuzzy fly that looks like a bee and feeds on flower nectar. These insects hover near flowers like tiny helicopters.
- Scientific name:Bombylius major
- Natural habitat: Gardens and meadows
- Average lifespan: 2-3 months
- Fun fact: Uses a long tube-like mouth to reach deep into flowers
36. Dog Tick
A common tick that feeds on dogs and other mammals. These arachnids can survive months without food.
- Scientific name:Dermacentor variabilis
- Natural habitat: Wooded areas and grasslands
- Average lifespan: 2 years
- Fun fact: Can increase their weight up to 100 times after feeding
37. Deer Tick
A tiny tick known for spreading Lyme disease. These arachnids are most active in spring and fall.
- Scientific name:Ixodes scapularis
- Natural habitat: Wooded areas and tall grass
- Average lifespan: 2 years
- Fun fact: Can sense breath, heat, and movement to find hosts
Reptiles Starting with D
38. Desert Ghost Ball Python
A light-colored snake with a special gene that creates faint patterns. These snakes show different colors in various light conditions.
- Scientific name:Python regius (morph)
- Natural habitat: Captive-bred variety
- Average lifespan: 20-30 years
- Fun fact: Their scales can show rainbow-like effects under direct light
39. Desert Kingsnake
A black snake with yellow or white bands that hunts other snakes. These snakes are immune to rattlesnake venom.
- Scientific name:Lampropeltis splendida
- Natural habitat: Desert regions of southwestern US
- Average lifespan: 15-20 years
- Fun fact: Can eat snakes bigger than themselves
40. Desert Tortoise
A large land tortoise that spends most of its time in underground burrows. These creatures can go a year without water.
- Scientific name:Gopherus agassizii
- Natural habitat: Southwestern US deserts
- Average lifespan: 50-80 years
- Fun fact: Their burrows can be up to 30 feet long
41. Diamond Python
A non-venomous snake with diamond-shaped patterns. These snakes are good climbers and spend time in trees.
- Scientific name:Morelia spilota spilota
- Natural habitat: Eastern Australia
- Average lifespan: 15-20 years
- Fun fact: Changes color patterns as it ages
42. Death Adder
A short, thick snake that looks like a viper but belongs to the elapid family. These snakes use their tail as bait for prey.
- Scientific name:Acanthophis genus
- Natural habitat: Australia and New Guinea
- Average lifespan: 10-15 years
- Fun fact: Can strike faster than any other snake
43. Diamondback Rattlesnake
A heavy-bodied pit viper with diamond patterns and a rattle. These snakes warn others by shaking their tail.
- Scientific name:Crotalus atrox
- Natural habitat: Southwestern US and Mexico
- Average lifespan: 15-20 years
- Fun fact: Adds a new rattle segment each time it sheds
44. Dumeril’s Boa
A ground-dwelling snake with intricate patterns that match tree bark. These snakes are known for their gentle nature.
- Scientific name:Acrantophis dumerili
- Natural habitat: Madagascar
- Average lifespan: 20-25 years
- Fun fact: Can change their skin color slightly to match surroundings
45. Dragon Snake
A small, grey snake with ridged scales that look like dragon skin. These shy snakes spend most time in water.
- Scientific name:Xenodermus javanicus
- Natural habitat: Southeast Asian wetlands
- Average lifespan: 8-12 years
- Fun fact: Their scales form rigid rows like armor plates
46. De Kay’s Brown Snake
A small, secretive snake often found in gardens. These snakes help control garden pests.
- Scientific name:Storeria dekayi
- Natural habitat: Eastern North America
- Average lifespan: 4-7 years
- Fun fact: Can flatten their body to hide under very thin objects
47. Deinosuchus
An extinct giant crocodilian from prehistoric times. These massive predators lived alongside dinosaurs.
- Scientific name:Deinosuchus rugosus
- Natural habitat: Coastal areas of ancient North America
- Average lifespan: Unknown (extinct)
- Fun fact: Could grow up to 33 feet long
Amphibians That Begin with D
48. Darwin’s Frog
A small leaf-colored frog that has an odd way of raising young. Male frogs carry their tadpoles in their vocal sacs until they become froglets.
- Scientific name:Rhinoderma darwinii
- Natural habitat: Chilean and Argentine forests
- Average lifespan: 3-5 years
- Fun fact: The male’s throat turns into a nursery where tadpoles grow and change into tiny frogs
49. Desert Rain Frog
A small, round frog with big eyes and a squeaky call that sounds like a toy. These frogs spend most time buried in sand.
- Scientific name:Breviceps macrops
- Natural habitat: Coastal desert areas of South Africa and Namibia
- Average lifespan: 10-15 years
- Fun fact: Makes a high-pitched squeaking sound when touched, making it an internet sensation
Wild Mammals Beginning with D
50. Darwin’s Fox
A small, dark-colored fox found only in a few places in Chile. These foxes eat fruits and small animals in thick forests.
- Scientific name:Lycalopex fulvipes
- Natural habitat: Chilean temperate forests
- Average lifespan: 7-12 years
- Fun fact: Only about 250 remain in the wild
51. De Brazza’s Monkey
A monkey with white beard and orange crown. These monkeys stay quiet and still to avoid being seen.
- Scientific name:Cercopithecus neglectus
- Natural habitat: Central African forests
- Average lifespan: 20-25 years
- Fun fact: Can sit motionless for hours when they sense danger
52. Deer
Hoofed mammals with antlers that males shed yearly. These animals can process food twice by chewing their cud.
- Scientific name:Cervidae family
- Natural habitat: Forests, grasslands worldwide
- Average lifespan: 10-20 years
- Fun fact: Their antlers are the fastest growing bone in any mammal
53. Deer Mouse
A small rodent with big eyes and white feet. These mice are excellent climbers and jumpers.
- Scientific name:Peromyscus maniculatus
- Natural habitat: North American forests and fields
- Average lifespan: 1-2 years
- Fun fact: Can sing complex songs to attract mates
54. Dingo
A wild dog native to Australia. These canines rarely bark but make howling sounds to communicate.
- Scientific name:Canis lupus dingo
- Natural habitat: Australian mainland
- Average lifespan: 10-13 years
- Fun fact: Can rotate their wrists, unlike other dogs
55. Diminutive Woodrat
A small rat that builds big stick houses. These rats collect shiny objects for their nests.
- Scientific name:Neotoma lepida
- Natural habitat: Western North American deserts
- Average lifespan: 2-4 years
- Fun fact: Their homes can last for generations of rats
56. Dhole
A social wild dog from Asia that hunts in groups. These dogs work together to catch prey bigger than themselves.
- Scientific name:Cuon alpinus
- Natural habitat: Asian forests
- Average lifespan: 10-12 years
- Fun fact: They whistle to coordinate during hunts
57. Dolphin
Smart marine mammals that use sounds to find food and talk to each other. These animals sleep with half their brain awake.
- Scientific name:Delphinidae family
- Natural habitat: Oceans worldwide
- Average lifespan: 20-30 years
- Fun fact: Can remember whistles of other dolphins for decades
58. Dormouse
A small rodent that spends half its life sleeping. These mice store fat in their tails for winter.
- Scientific name:Gliridae family
- Natural habitat: European woodlands
- Average lifespan: 4-6 years
- Fun fact: Can lower their body temperature to save energy while sleeping
59. Douc
A colorful monkey that looks like it’s wearing makeup. These monkeys eat mostly young leaves.
- Scientific name:Pygathrix genus
- Natural habitat: Southeast Asian forests
- Average lifespan: 25 years
- Fun fact: Called “the most beautiful monkey” due to their colors
60. Dusky Langur
A dark-colored monkey with white rings around its eyes. These monkeys form strong family bonds.
- Scientific name:Trachypithecus obscurus
- Natural habitat: Southeast Asian forests
- Average lifespan: 20-25 years
- Fun fact: Babies are born bright orange and change color as they grow
61. Desert Wolf
A smaller version of the gray wolf adapted to hot climates. These animals have larger ears for better cooling.
- Scientific name:Canis lupus arabs
- Natural habitat: Arabian Peninsula
- Average lifespan: 12-15 years in the wild
- Fun fact: Can go without water for long periods by getting moisture from prey
Domestic Dog Breeds Beginning with D
62. Dachshund Mix
A varied dog type that mixes Dachshund traits with other breeds. Each dog shows unique blends of their parent breeds.
- Scientific name:Canis lupus familiaris
- Natural habitat: Domestic settings
- Average lifespan: 12-15 years
- Fun fact: Their body shape can range from long to standard depending on the mix
63. Dandie Dinmont Terrier
A small dog with a pear-shaped head and long body. These rare terriers have a soft, wavy coat on their top.
- Scientific name:Canis lupus familiaris
- Natural habitat: Domestic settings
- Average lifespan: 12-15 years
- Fun fact: Only dog breed named after a fictional character
64. Daniff
A mix between Great Dane and Mastiff. These large dogs combine the best traits of both giant breeds.
- Scientific name:Canis lupus familiaris
- Natural habitat: Domestic settings
- Average lifespan: 8-12 years
- Fun fact: Can weigh up to 200 pounds when fully grown
65. Danish Swedish Farmdog
A small, compact dog with a smooth coat. These dogs excel at catching mice and rats on farms.
- Scientific name:Canis lupus familiaris
- Natural habitat: Domestic settings
- Average lifespan: 11-13 years
- Fun fact: Can learn complex tasks in very few tries
66. Dapple Dachshund
A Dachshund with spotted coat patterns. These dogs look like small spotted sausages with legs.
- Scientific name:Canis lupus familiaris
- Natural habitat: Domestic settings
- Average lifespan: 12-16 years
- Fun fact: Their spots come from the same gene that creates merle patterns in other dogs
67. Daug
A mix of Dachshund and Pug. These small dogs have a Pug’s face on a longer body.
- Scientific name:Canis lupus familiaris
- Natural habitat: Domestic settings
- Average lifespan: 10-14 years
- Fun fact: Often inherit the Pug’s curly tail and the Dachshund’s length
68. Deer Head Chihuahua
A Chihuahua with a longer muzzle and legs. These dogs look more like tiny deer than the apple-head variety.
- Scientific name:Canis lupus familiaris
- Natural habitat: Domestic settings
- Average lifespan: 12-20 years
- Fun fact: Usually taller and more athletic than apple-head Chihuahuas
69. Dogo Argentino
A large, white dog bred for hunting big game. These muscular dogs have strong protective instincts.
- Scientific name:Canis lupus familiaris
- Natural habitat: Domestic settings
- Average lifespan: 10-12 years
- Fun fact: Can track scents while running at high speeds
70. Dogue De Bordeaux
A large French dog with wrinkled face and powerful build. These dogs have the biggest head among all dog breeds.
- Scientific name:Canis lupus familiaris
- Natural habitat: Domestic settings
- Average lifespan: 5-8 years
- Fun fact: Their massive heads can be up to 30 inches around
71. Dorgi
A mix between Dachshund and Corgi. These small dogs mix the short legs of both parent breeds.
- Scientific name:Canis lupus familiaris
- Natural habitat: Domestic settings
- Average lifespan: 12-15 years
- Fun fact: Often inherit the Corgi’s love of herding despite their small size
72. Dorkie
A mix of Dachshund and Yorkshire Terrier. These tiny dogs combine the best traits of two small breeds.
- Scientific name:Canis lupus familiaris
- Natural habitat: Domestic settings
- Average lifespan: 13-16 years
- Fun fact: Often have the Yorkie’s silky coat with Dachshund’s body shape
73. Double Doodle
A mix of two different Doodle breeds. These smart dogs come from Goldendoodle, Labradoodle, or Bernedoodle parents.
- Scientific name:Canis lupus familiaris
- Natural habitat: Domestic settings
- Average lifespan: 12-15 years
- Fun fact: Their coats can change texture and color as they age
74. Dutch Shepherd
A medium-sized dog with brindle coat from the Netherlands. These dogs can work all day without getting tired.
- Scientific name:Canis lupus familiaris
- Natural habitat: Domestic settings
- Average lifespan: 11-14 years
- Fun fact: Can learn complex tasks in less than five tries
75. Dalmadoodle
A mix of Dalmatian and Poodle. These dogs may or may not have spots mixed with curly fur.
- Scientific name:Canis lupus familiaris
- Natural habitat: Domestic settings
- Average lifespan: 10-14 years
- Fun fact: Their spots can change and develop throughout their first year
76. Dalmador
A mix of Dalmatian and Labrador. These dogs combine the spots of a Dalmatian with a Lab’s friendly nature.
- Scientific name:Canis lupus familiaris
- Natural habitat: Domestic settings
- Average lifespan: 10-14 years
- Fun fact: Some are born without spots but develop them later
Other Domestic Animals Beginning with D
77. Devon Rex (Cat)
A small cat with large ears and wavy fur. These cats have short, fine coats that feel like suede.
- Scientific name:Felis catus
- Natural habitat: Domestic settings
- Average lifespan: 12-15 years
- Fun fact: Their fur is similar to a sheep’s wool due to a genetic mutation
78. Donkey
A sturdy working animal with long ears and a distinctive bray. These social animals form strong bonds with their companions.
- Scientific name:Equus asinus
- Natural habitat: Domesticated worldwide
- Average lifespan: 25-30 years
- Fun fact: They can remember other donkeys they met 25 years ago
79. Dutch Rabbit
A small rabbit with a distinctive white stripe on its face. These rabbits have a calm and friendly personality.
- Scientific name:Oryctolagus cuniculus
- Natural habitat: Domestic settings
- Average lifespan: 5-8 years
- Fun fact: Their markings follow a specific pattern called “Dutch marking”
80. Dwarf Hamster
A tiny hamster that fits in the palm of your hand. These small pets are quick and active, especially at night.
- Scientific name:Phodopus genus
- Natural habitat: Domestic settings
- Average lifespan: 1.5-2 years
- Fun fact: Can run up to 8 kilometers in one night on their exercise wheel
Extinct Animals Beginning with D
81. Daeodon
A pig-like mammal with huge jaws that lived 23 million years ago. This massive animal was one of North America’s top predators.
- Scientific name:Daeodon shoshonensis
- Natural habitat: Ancient North American plains
- Average lifespan: Unknown (extinct)
- Fun fact: Had a head as large as a bison’s
82. Deinocheirus
A huge dinosaur with long arms and duck-like bill. This odd creature had a hump on its back like a camel.
- Scientific name:Deinocheirus mirificus
- Natural habitat: Ancient Asian wetlands
- Average lifespan: Unknown (extinct)
- Fun fact: Its arms were 8 feet long, the longest of any two-legged animal
83. Dilophosaurus
An early meat-eating dinosaur with two thin crests on its head. This swift hunter lived in the early Jurassic period.
- Scientific name:Dilophosaurus wetherilli
- Natural habitat: Ancient North American forests
- Average lifespan: Unknown (extinct)
- Fun fact: Was much bigger than shown in popular movies
84. Dimetrodon
A sail-backed reptile that lived before dinosaurs. This creature used its sail to control body temperature.
- Scientific name:Dimetrodon limbatus
- Natural habitat: Ancient swamps and forests
- Average lifespan: Unknown (extinct)
- Fun fact: More closely related to mammals than to dinosaurs
85. Dinocrocuta
A large prehistoric hyena with strong jaws. This animal could crush bones as thick as a human arm.
- Scientific name:Dinocrocuta gigantea
- Natural habitat: Ancient Asian grasslands
- Average lifespan: Unknown (extinct)
- Fun fact: Had the strongest bite force of any mammal in its time
86. Dinofelis
A prehistoric big cat with long knife-like teeth. This cat was built for power rather than speed.
- Scientific name:Dinofelis barlowi
- Natural habitat: Ancient African savannas
- Average lifespan: Unknown (extinct)
- Fun fact: May have hunted early humans
87. Dinopithecus
A giant prehistoric baboon that lived in Africa. This primate was twice the size of modern baboons.
- Scientific name:Dinopithecus ingens
- Natural habitat: Ancient African woodlands
- Average lifespan: Unknown (extinct)
- Fun fact: Males were as big as modern gorillas
88. Diplodocus
A very long dinosaur with a whip-like tail. This plant-eater could reach lengths of 88 feet.
- Scientific name:Diplodocus carnegii
- Natural habitat: Ancient North American plains
- Average lifespan: Unknown (extinct)
- Fun fact: Could use its tail like a whip to make sonic boom sounds
89. Diprotodon
The largest marsupial that ever lived. This giant wombat relative was as big as a car.
- Scientific name:Diprotodon optatum
- Natural habitat: Ancient Australian grasslands
- Average lifespan: Unknown (extinct)
- Fun fact: Had a pouch large enough to carry multiple young
90. Dire Wolf
A prehistoric wolf larger than any modern wolf. These social hunters lived in packs like today’s wolves.
- Scientific name:Aenocyon dirus
- Natural habitat: Ancient North and South America
- Average lifespan: Unknown (extinct)
- Fun fact: Had shorter legs but stronger jaws than modern wolves
91. Desmostylus
A hippo-sized marine mammal that lived in shallow waters. This odd creature walked on the sea floor to eat plants.
- Scientific name:Desmostylus hesperus
- Natural habitat: Ancient Pacific coastal waters
- Average lifespan: Unknown (extinct)
- Fun fact: Had tusks that grew in clusters like organ pipes
92. Dodo
A flightless bird from Mauritius that went extinct in the 1600s. These birds had no natural fear of humans.
- Scientific name:Raphus cucullatus
- Natural habitat: Mauritius forests
- Average lifespan: Unknown (extinct)
- Fun fact: Laid only one egg at a time
93. Doedicurus
A car-sized armadillo relative with a spiked tail club. This armored giant used its tail for defense.
- Scientific name:Doedicurus clavicaudatus
- Natural habitat: Ancient South American grasslands
- Average lifespan: Unknown (extinct)
- Fun fact: Its tail club had spikes as long as bowling pins
94. Dunkleosteus
A massive armored fish with bony plates instead of teeth. This sea creature could bite with incredible force.
- Scientific name:Dunkleosteus terrelli
- Natural habitat: Ancient oceans worldwide
- Average lifespan: Unknown (extinct)
- Fun fact: Could open its mouth in less than 1/50th of a second
And there you have it – 94 fascinating animals that all start with the letter D!
From the tiny Dark-eyed Junco to the massive dinosaurs of the past, this list shows just how diverse and amazing the animal kingdom truly is.
Whether they’re pets, farm animals, or extinct giants, each creature has its own unique features and fun facts that make it special.
So the next time you’re looking for a cool animal that starts with D, you have plenty of options!
Let me know in the comments which one is your favorite – I’d love to hear your thoughts!