19+ Fruits that Start with Z with Facts and Pictures

Fruits that Start with Z

Finding fruits that start with Z can be tricky. I’ve been there, scratching my head and wondering if any exist!

But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. In this post, I’ll reveal a surprising variety of Z-fruits that’ll make you go, “Wow, I didn’t know that existed!”

From common grocery store finds to rare tropical collections, we’ll explore over 19+ fruits, beginning with Z. You’ll learn fun facts about each one and see pictures to help you spot them.

By the end, you’ll be a Z-fruit expert, ready to impress your friends with your newfound knowledge.

Let’s dive into this fruity adventure!

1. Zucchini


Zucchini is a versatile fruit often mistaken for a vegetable. It has a mild flavor and is commonly used in various dishes, from savory to sweet.

  • Place of Origin: Americas
  • Scientific Name: Cucurbita pepo
  • Famous Alternative Names: Courgette

Nutritional Content per 100 grams:

Nutrient Amount
Calories 17 kcal
Fat 0.3 g
Carbohydrates 3.1 g
Protein 1.2 g
Fiber 1.0 g
Sugars 2.5 g

Health Benefits:

  • Zucchini is low in calories and water content, making it great for weight loss.
  • It is rich in antioxidants, which help reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Zucchini provides vitamin A, which is important for eye health.
  • The dietary fiber in zucchini aids digestion and helps maintain a healthy gut.

2. Zwetschge (German Plum)

Zwetschge (German Plum)

Zwetschge is a European variety of plum known for its sweet and slightly tart flavor. It is commonly used in baking and making jams.

  • Place of Origin: Europe
  • Scientific Name: Prunus domestica subsp. domestica
  • Famous Alternative Names: German Prune, Quetsche

Nutritional Content per 100 grams:

Nutrient Amount
Calories 46 kcal
Fat 0.3 g
Carbohydrates 11.4 g
Protein 0.7 g
Fiber 1.4 g
Sugars 9.9 g

Health Benefits:

  • Zwetschge is rich in vitamins C and K, which support immune function and bone health.
  • The fruit contains antioxidants that protect cells from damage.
  • Zwetschge is high in dietary fiber, aiding digestion and promoting gut health.
  • Its low glycemic index makes it suitable for people with diabetes.

3. Ziziphus (Jujube)

Ziziphus (Jujube)

Ziziphus, also known as jujube, is a small, sweet fruit often dried and used in traditional medicine, especially in Asia.

  • Place of Origin: Asia
  • Scientific Name: Ziziphus jujuba
  • Famous Alternative Names: Chinese Date, Red Date

Nutritional Content per 100 grams:

Nutrient Amount
Calories 79 kcal
Fat 0.2 g
Carbohydrates 20.2 g
Protein 1.2 g
Fiber 3.0 g
Sugars 17.0 g

Health Benefits:

  • Ziziphus is high in vitamin C, which boosts the immune system.
  • It contains antioxidants that reduce inflammation and oxidative stress.
  • The dietary fiber in jujube promotes healthy digestion.
  • Ziziphus has calming properties and is often used in herbal medicine to improve sleep quality.

4. Zhe Fruit (Maclura tricuspidata)

Zhe Fruit (Maclura tricuspidata) (1)

Zhe fruit is a lesser-known fruit from East Asia. It is similar in taste to mulberries and is often used in traditional medicine.

  • Place of Origin: East Asia
  • Scientific Name: Maclura tricuspidata
  • Famous Alternative Names: Che, Cudrang

Nutritional Content per 100 grams:

Nutrient Amount
Calories 48 kcal
Fat 0.3 g
Carbohydrates 12.0 g
Protein 1.0 g
Fiber 2.0 g
Sugars 9.0 g

Health Benefits:

  • Zhe fruit is rich in antioxidants, which protect the body from free radicals.
  • It contains vitamin C, which supports skin health and immune function.
  • The fruit is a good source of dietary fiber, aiding in digestion.
  • Zhe fruit is used in traditional medicine to promote overall wellness.

5. Zante Currant (Black Corinth Grape)

Zante Currant (Black Corinth Grape)

Zante currant, also known as Black Corinth grape, is a small, seedless grape variety often dried and used in baking.

  • Place of Origin: Greece
  • Scientific Name: Vitis vinifera
  • Famous Alternative Names: Black Corinth, Zante Grape

Nutritional Content per 100 grams:

Nutrient Amount
Calories 69 kcal
Fat 0.3 g
Carbohydrates 18.1 g
Protein 0.9 g
Fiber 1.1 g
Sugars 15.5 g

Health Benefits:

  • Zante currants are rich in natural sugars, providing a quick energy boost.
  • They contain polyphenols, which have antioxidant properties.
  • The fruit is a good source of iron, supporting blood health.
  • Zante currants are high in dietary fiber, promoting healthy digestion.

6. Zuchon (Hybrid Citrus Fruit)

Zuchon (Hybrid Citrus Fruit)

Zuchon is a hybrid fruit, a cross between a citron and a shaddock, known for its sweet and tangy flavor.

  • Place of Origin: Asia
  • Scientific Name: Citrus medica x Citrus maxima
  • Famous Alternative Names: Sweet Lemon, Citron Shaddock Hybrid

Nutritional Content per 100 grams:

Nutrient Amount
Calories 43 kcal
Fat 0.2 g
Carbohydrates 11.1 g
Protein 0.9 g
Fiber 1.8 g
Sugars 9.0 g

Health Benefits:

  • Zuchon is rich in vitamin C, which boosts the immune system and skin health.
  • The fruit contains flavonoids that act as antioxidants and reduce inflammation.
  • Zuchon helps in detoxifying the body due to its high water content.
  • It aids in digestion and helps maintain healthy skin.

7. Zhe (Paper Mulberry)

Zhe (Paper Mulberry)

Zhe is the fruit of the paper mulberry tree, known for its edible qualities and traditional uses.

  • Place of Origin: East Asia
  • Scientific Name: Broussonetia papyrifera
  • Famous Alternative Names: Paper Mulberry Fruit, Tapa Cloth Tree Fruit

Nutritional Content per 100 grams:

Nutrient Amount
Calories 44 kcal
Fat 0.3 g
Carbohydrates 11.2 g
Protein 0.8 g
Fiber 2.0 g
Sugars 9.5 g

Health Benefits:

  • Zhe fruit is a good source of vitamins A and C, which are important for vision and immune health.
  • It contains antioxidants that protect against oxidative stress.
  • The dietary fiber in Zhe fruit aids in digestion and prevents constipation.
  • Traditionally, it is used in various Asian medicines for its health benefits.

8. Zalzalak (Hawthorn)

Zalzalak (Hawthorn)

Zalzalak, or hawthorn, is a small fruit from the hawthorn tree. It is known for its tart flavor and medicinal properties.

  • Place of Origin: Europe, Asia
  • Scientific Name: Crataegus
  • Famous Alternative Names: Hawthorn Berry, Mayhaw

Nutritional Content per 100 grams:

Nutrient Amount
Calories 52 kcal
Fat 0.2 g
Carbohydrates 13.0 g
Protein 1.0 g
Fiber 2.0 g
Sugars 10.5 g

Health Benefits:

  • Zalzalak is rich in vitamin C, which boosts immunity and promotes skin health.
  • The fruit contains antioxidants that protect against cardiovascular diseases.
  • It has been traditionally used to regulate blood pressure and improve heart health.
  • The dietary fiber in hawthorn aids in digestion and promotes a healthy gut.

9. Zambara (Wild Passionfruit)

Zambara (Wild Passionfruit)

Zambara is an African variety of passionfruit known for its tart and sweet flavor. It is commonly used in various culinary dishes.

  • Place of Origin: Africa
  • Scientific Name: Passiflora foetida
  • Famous Alternative Names: Stinking Passionflower, Wild Water Lemon

Nutritional Content per 100 grams:

Nutrient Amount
Calories 36 kcal
Fat 0.4 g
Carbohydrates 9.5 g
Protein 1.1 g
Fiber 3.3 g
Sugars 7.8 g

Health Benefits:

  • Zambara is high in vitamin A, which supports eye health and vision.
  • The fruit is a good dietary fiber source, aiding digestion and preventing constipation.
  • Zambara contains antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals.
  • It is traditionally used in African medicine to treat various ailments.

10. Zill Mango

Zill Mango

Zill Mango is a sweet and fragrant mango variety popular in tropical regions. It is known for its creamy texture and rich flavor.

  • Place of Origin: Florida, USA
  • Scientific Name: Mangifera indica
  • Famous Alternative Names: Zill Aam

Nutritional Content per 100 grams:

Nutrient Amount
Calories 60 kcal
Fat 0.4 g
Carbohydrates 15.0 g
Protein 0.8 g
Fiber 1.6 g
Sugars 13.7 g

Health Benefits:

  • Zill Mango is high in vitamin C, which boosts immunity and promotes skin health.
  • The fruit contains dietary fiber, aiding in digestion and preventing constipation.
  • Zill Mango is a good source of vitamin A, which is important for eye health.
  • The antioxidants in mangoes help protect the body from oxidative stress.

11. Zhegui (Wild Cucurbit)

Zhegui (Wild Cucurbit)

Zhegui is a wild fruit found in Asia, resembling a small melon, and used in traditional medicine.

  • Place of Origin: Asia
  • Scientific Name: Trichosanthes kirilowii
  • Famous Alternative Names: Chinese Snake Gourd, Wild Melon

Nutritional Content per 100 grams:

Nutrient Amount
Calories 31 kcal
Fat 0.2 g
Carbohydrates 7.4 g
Protein 0.6 g
Fiber 1.8 g
Sugars 5.8 g

Health Benefits:

  • Zhegui is rich in dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and supports gut health.
  • The fruit contains vitamin C, which boosts the immune system.
  • Zhegui is used in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • It is believed to help in detoxifying the body and promoting overall health.

12. Zhe Apple

Zhe Apple

Zhe Apple is a fruit commonly found in China. It is known for its sweet and crisp taste, similar to that of regular apples.

  • Place of Origin: China
  • Scientific Name: Malus asiatica
  • Famous Alternative Names: Chinese Apple, Mountain Apple

Nutritional Content per 100 grams:

Nutrient Amount
Calories 52 kcal
Fat 0.2 g
Carbohydrates 13.8 g
Protein 0.3 g
Fiber 2.4 g
Sugars 10.4 g

Health Benefits:

  • The apple is high in dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and promotes gut health.
  • The fruit contains vitamin C, supporting the immune system.
  • Zhe Apples provide antioxidants that protect against cellular damage.
  • They are a good source of natural sugars, providing a quick energy boost.

13. Zhero (Wild Grape)

Zhero (Wild Grape)

Zhero is a wild grape variety found in mountainous regions. It is known for its tart flavor and is often used in jams.

  • Place of Origin: Mountainous Regions of Europe and Asia
  • Scientific Name: Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris
  • Famous Alternative Names: Wild Vitis, Sylvester Grape

Nutritional Content per 100 grams:

Nutrient Amount
Calories 69 kcal
Fat 0.2 g
Carbohydrates 18.1 g
Protein 0.7 g
Fiber 1.6 g
Sugars 15.8 g

Health Benefits:

  • Zhero grapes are rich in antioxidants, which protect the body from free radicals.
  • The fruit contains vitamin C, which supports skin health and immune function.
  • Zhero grapes are a good source of dietary fiber, aiding in digestion.
  • They have a low glycemic index, making them suitable for people with diabetes.

14. Ziziphus Spinosa (Spiny Jujube)

Ziziphus Spinosa (Spiny Jujube)

Ziziphus Spinosa is a spiny version of the jujube fruit, known for its slightly sour taste and medicinal properties.

  • Place of Origin: Asia
  • Scientific Name: Ziziphus spinosa
  • Famous Alternative Names: Spiny Jujube, Wild Jujube

Nutritional Content per 100 grams:

Nutrient Amount
Calories 79 kcal
Fat 0.3 g
Carbohydrates 20.2 g
Protein 1.2 g
Fiber 3.0 g
Sugars 17.0 g

Health Benefits:

  • Ziziphus Spinosa is high in vitamin C, which boosts the immune system.
  • The fruit contains antioxidants that reduce inflammation and oxidative stress.
  • It is used in traditional medicine to improve sleep quality and reduce anxiety.
  • The dietary fiber in Ziziphus Spinosa promotes healthy digestion.

15. Zuccherina Di Noto (Italian Winter Squash)

Zuccherina Di Noto (Italian Winter Squash)

Zuccherina Di Noto is a sweet variety of winter squash known for its use in Italian desserts.

  • Place of Origin: Italy
  • Scientific Name: Cucurbita maxima
  • Famous Alternative Names: Sweet Italian Pumpkin, Noto Squash

Nutritional Content per 100 grams:

Nutrient Amount
Calories 26 kcal
Fat 0.1 g
Carbohydrates 6.5 g
Protein 1.0 g
Fiber 1.5 g
Sugars 3.5 g

Health Benefits:

  • Zuccherina Di Noto is rich in beta-carotene, which is important for eye health.
  • The fruit contains dietary fiber, promoting digestive health.
  • It is low in calories, making it a good option for weight management.
  • The antioxidants in this squash help protect the body from chronic diseases.

16. Zasmin (Fruit from Zasmin Tree)

Zasmin (Fruit from Zasmin Tree)

Zasmin is a tropical fruit native to Southeast Asia, known for its sweet and juicy flavor.

  • Place of Origin: Southeast Asia
  • Scientific Name: Artocarpus odoratissimus
  • Famous Alternative Names: Marang, Madang

Nutritional Content per 100 grams:

Nutrient Amount
Calories 73 kcal
Fat 0.6 g
Carbohydrates 18.9 g
Protein 1.5 g
Fiber 2.8 g
Sugars 16.5 g

Health Benefits:

  • Zasmin is high in vitamin C, which boosts the immune system.
  • The fruit is a good source of dietary fiber, aiding in digestion.
  • Zasmin contains antioxidants that protect the body from oxidative stress.
  • It provides essential vitamins and minerals that support overall health.

17. Ziziphus Mauritiana (Indian Jujube)

Ziziphus Mauritiana (Indian Jujube)

Ziziphus Mauritiana is a sweet and tangy variety of jujube, commonly used in Indian traditional medicine.

  • Place of Origin: India
  • Scientific Name: Ziziphus mauritiana
  • Famous Alternative Names: Indian Plum, Ber

Nutritional Content per 100 grams:

Nutrient Amount
Calories 79 kcal
Fat 0.3 g
Carbohydrates 20.2 g
Protein 1.2 g
Fiber 3.0 g
Sugars 17.0 g

Health Benefits:

  • Ziziphus Mauritiana is rich in vitamin C, supporting immune health.
  • The fruit contains dietary fiber, aiding in digestion and preventing constipation.
  • It is used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments.
  • Ziziphus Mauritiana provides antioxidants that help reduce inflammation.

18. Zabel (Wild Pear)

Zabel (Wild Pear) (1)

Zabel is a wild pear variety that grows in mountainous regions. It is known for its tart flavor and firm texture.

  • Place of Origin: Europe, Asia
  • Scientific Name: Pyrus pyraster
  • Famous Alternative Names: Wild Pear, European Wild Pear

Nutritional Content per 100 grams:

Nutrient Amount
Calories 50 kcal
Fat 0.2 g
Carbohydrates 13.0 g
Protein 0.4 g
Fiber 2.2 g
Sugars 9.8 g

Health Benefits:

  • Zabel pears are high in dietary fiber, which aids in digestion.
  • The fruit contains vitamin C, which boosts the immune system.
  • Zabel provides antioxidants that protect against cellular damage.
  • It is low in calories, making it a healthy snack option.

19. Zubutl (Wild Plum)

Zubutl (Wild Plum)

Zubutl is a wild plum variety known for its sour flavor and use in traditional remedies.

  • Place of Origin: Europe, Asia
  • Scientific Name: Prunus cerasifera
  • Famous Alternative Names: Wild Cherry Plum, Myrobalan

Nutritional Content per 100 grams:

Nutrient Amount
Calories 46 kcal
Fat 0.3 g
Carbohydrates 11.4 g
Protein 0.7 g
Fiber 1.4 g
Sugars 9.9 g

Health Benefits:

  • Zubutl plums are rich in vitamins A and C, supporting eye health and immune function.
  • The fruit contains dietary fiber, aiding in digestion and promoting gut health.
  • Zubutl provides antioxidants that help reduce inflammation and protect the body from oxidative stress.
  • It is used in traditional remedies for various health conditions.

20. Zibethus (Ceylon Almond)

Zibethus (Ceylon Almond)

Zibethus, also known as the Ceylon almond, is a tropical fruit that is not widely known but is cherished in some regions for its unique taste and nutritional benefits.

  • Place of Origin: South Asia
  • Scientific Name: Canarium zeylanicum
  • Famous Alternative Names: Ceylon Almond, Wild Almond

Nutritional Content per 100 grams:

Nutrient Amount
Calories 580 kcal
Fat 50.0 g
Carbohydrates 20.0 g
Protein 15.0 g
Fiber 7.0 g
Sugars 5.0 g

Health Benefits:

  • Zibethus is high in healthy fats, particularly omega-3 fatty acids, which support heart health.
  • The fruit contains significant amounts of protein, making it a good source of plant-based protein.
  • It is rich in dietary fiber, which promotes healthy digestion and helps regulate blood sugar levels.
  • Zibethus provides essential vitamins and minerals, including magnesium and vitamin E, which support overall well-being.

21. Zambo (African Horned Cucumber)

zambo african horned cucumber

Zambo, also known as the African horned cucumber, is a unique-looking fruit with a spiky exterior and a jelly-like interior. It is known for its refreshing taste.

  • Place of Origin: Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Scientific Name: Cucumis metuliferus
  • Famous Alternative Names: African Horned Melon, Kiwano

Nutritional Content per 100 grams:

Nutrient Amount
Calories 44 kcal
Fat 1.3 g
Carbohydrates 8.0 g
Protein 1.8 g
Fiber 3.0 g
Sugars 5.3 g

Health Benefits:

  • Zambo is rich in vitamin C, which supports the immune system and promotes healthy skin.
  • The fruit is a good source of magnesium, which helps regulate muscle and nerve function.
  • It is high in water content, making it hydrating and great for maintaining electrolyte balance.
  • Zambo contains antioxidants that protect against oxidative stress and promote overall health.


And there you have it – a tasty tour of fruits that start with Z! Who knew there were so many? I hope this list has sparked your curiosity and even inspired you to try new flavors.

From the familiar zucchini to the exotic zapote, each fruit has its unique story and taste.
Remember, exploring new fruits isn’t just fun – it’s a great way to add variety to your diet and discover new favorites.

Next time you’re at the grocery store or farmers market, watch for these Z-fruits. You might be surprised at what you find!

Have you tried any of these fruits before? Or do you know of any Z-fruits I missed?

I’d love to hear about your experiences in the comments below!

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