How to Conquer the New Mom Work Juggle

Does your morning begin with board meetings and baby bottles? Do you feel like you’re juggling a diaper bag in one hand and a briefcase in the other? Have you ever googled “how to potty train” and “how to negotiate a raise” on the same day? Or maybe even found yourself researching free certifications for your resume in between diaper changes? If so, this guide is definitely for you.
Those first few months after giving birth are a whirlwind of activity, especially if you’re returning to work after maternity leave. As moms, it feels like we’re constantly juggling dozens of responsibilities, from excelling in our careers to raising kids, taking care of the household chores, hanging out with friends, being a wife, and the list goes on…
If you’re ready to get back out there and balance your career and being a new mom, I’m here to help. This article will go over 5 of the best tips to conquer the new mom work juggle, so that you can conquer both roles with confidence and ease.
Discuss Your Return to Work With Your Boss
Before you jump back into the daily grind, have a serious discussion with your boss. Be upfront about your needs and expectations as a new mom returning to work. This is the perfect time to discuss any lingering concerns that you may have!
For example, how do you plan to transition back to work? Would it be possible to have a phased return to work (i.e. working a few days a week and gradually increasing your hours), or does your employer expect you to jump all in?
Are there any major changes to your working style? Perhaps you prefer not to work weekends anymore, or you won’t be able to answer calls after 5 pm.
Likewise, explore whether there’s any wiggle room for flexible work arrangements, such as remote work or a hybrid schedule. Even a few days at home can really make a difference in managing your new mom duties.
The most important takeaway here is to make sure every detail is discussed and that the solution works for both of you.
Delegate & Communicate!
Once you’ve had ‘the conversation’ with your boss, it’s time to do the same with your partner (albeit, maybe over a glass of wine instead of a conference room table!). Parenthood is a two-way street, and it’s so important to have an open and honest conversation about how you’ll share responsibilities, both in the home and with childcare.
Both of you will need to openly communicate your expectations and divide tasks fairly — perhaps you’ll be on diaper duty while your partner is in charge of cleaning the house, or you’ll alternate during wake-up calls.
By fostering teamwork and having each other’s backs, you’ll create a supportive environment where both of you can thrive as parents (and professionals!)
Schedules Will Be Your New Best Friend
During the first few months, having a (somewhat) organized schedule was one of the biggest lifesavers for me.
From noting the baby’s feeding time to blocking out time for work calls, scheduling the nanny, and penciling in some self-care (which I’ll get to in a minute), having a clear schedule helped me feel less overwhelmed and more in control of my day.
As mentioned in the previous point, you can also alternate childcare duties — for example, if you handle daycare drop-offs on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, while your partner does Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Most importantly, don’t stress if things don’t always go according to plan! Babies are notorious for having their own agendas (that might not align with yours!), so be ready to roll with the punches and adjust your schedule when needed.
Consider Outsourcing Tasks
Let’s be real, sometimes 24 hours in a day just aren’t enough. Between work deadlines, diaper changes, and trying to sneak in a coffee break, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.
Don’t be afraid to call in reinforcements — and by that, I mean outsourcing some of those energy-sucking tasks! There are so many areas where you can delegate chores, from using online grocery delivery apps to ordering meal prep kits, scheduling a cleaner to make your home sparkle, or even hiring a part-time assistant to stay on top of appointments and keep your home running.
Don’t Forget About Self-Care
Last but definitely not least, don’t forget to put the ‘self’ in self-care! I get it — you’re juggling so much at the moment, and it’s easy to put your own needs last.
Have you ever been on an airplane and watched the safety demo? Especially the part where they mention putting on your own mask first before helping others? The same goes for motherhood.
Go ahead and enjoy a nice hot shower, take a nice stroll outside, read your favorite book genre, or just do what you want — even if it’s for a few minutes. Give yourself time to recharge, you deserve it!