Optimize Your 8-Month-Old’s Sleep with this Sample Schedule

Having an infant at home brings a lot of challenges! Parents face immense stress in adjusting to new sleeping schedules every month. Especially during the eight-month period – the baby’s sleep requirements and habits start to shift significantly. Therefore, setting up a regular sleep routine is essential. However, this comes with a perk! As a parent, even you will get much-needed rest.
If you are all set to have the right schedule for your lil one – go through this guide which is specifically designed for an 8-month-old infant. Above all, it is vital to remember that every child is different. So, you might need to change your plans a bit here and there to suit your baby’s particular needs.
Following this 8-month-old sleep schedule and making the required adjustment in accordance with your infant’s indications can help you establish a calming and restorative sleep habit. So, let’s start with the plan and lay the groundwork for your infant to sleep rest.
How Much Sleep Does An 8-Month-Old Infant Need?
Infants usually need 12 to 14 hours of sleep each day at the age of 8 months. This sleep is often split between naps during the day and night. But as we say, every child is unique, and the number of sleep hours can differ.
Most infants can sleep through the night at this period without needing to eat, while others may need at least one overnight meal. An eight-month-old baby’s nighttime sleep typically lasts between 10 to 12 hours. In addition to this, your 8-month-old will probably require two to three naps throughout the day. This sleep can last anywhere between one and two hours. However, you will only be able to fulfill their need by providing a peaceful sleep environment.
Observing your baby’s indication and modifying their sleep pattern as necessary is crucial. Your child may require extra sleep if they routinely wake up irritable or act overly exhausted during the day. On the other hand, if they continuously exhibit energy and happiness, they could need a little less sleep.
Sample Sleep Schedule For An Eight-Month Old
By now, we know how important it is to build an effective sleep routine. But as parents, you might also be confused about achieving an excellent 8-month-old sleep schedule. With the below-mentioned sample schedule – you and your child will be able to sleep well and have a happy day.
1. Morning Routine
The key to setting the tone for the day and making sure that your 8-month-old has a good start to the day – is essential to establish a regular morning routine. A suggested morning routine for your baby is as follows:
7:00 a.m. – Wake Up
Yay, it’s morning time! Gently rouse your infant to start the day. But first, you be fresh and excited as a parent. It’s morning time – so open the curtains and allow some light into the room. This aids in regulating their biological clock.
7:15 a.m. – Changing And Feeding
It’s been a long night for your baby. Since their tummy has a small capacity, feeding them as soon as possible is necessary. You can bottle or breastfeed the baby to give them the necessary nutrients. During this feeding period, spend time with your child and ensure they are seated comfortably.
Once feeding is done, don’t forget to change the overnight wet nappy. Leaving it unattended for a long time may lead to rashes. Changing the baby’s nappy and clothes makes them feel fresh and less irritable.
7:45 a.m. – Playtime
Similar to adults, babies might also get bored when left aloof. Therefore, playtime should begin immediately after the first feed. A 7:45 a.m. playtime will help your infant fully awaken and burn off some energy. For instance, you can sing songs, play with toys, or prod them to do some tummy time. Since months are their peak age of development, fine motor skills can also be aided by vigorous playing.
8:30 a.m. – Solid Food
It is likely that your baby must have digested the milk by 8:30 a.m. Now you can supplement them with a tiny squishy, pureed fruit or vegetable meal. This is a chance to gently introduce children to new flavors and sensations while promoting a healthy eating routine.
9:00 a.m. – Wind-Down Period
Start easing your infant from playing to a calmer mood at about 9 o’clock in the morning. Dim the lights, tone down the stimulus, and do gentler things like sing a lullaby or read a story. This is the right time to give an indication to your baby that naptime is coming.
By adhering to this morning routine, you create a regular series of activities that assist in gently waking up your baby and laying the groundwork for their first sleep of the day.
2. Morning Nap
Now that you have laid the foundation for naptime, it’s time for your baby to sleep.
9:15 a.m. – 1st Nap
Your 8-month-old sleep schedule begins here, which may usually begin at 9:15 a.m. The 1st nap of the day is a crucial component of his or her sleep cycle. After the morning activities, your baby may relax during their sleep. This will prepare them for a restful day. Place your child in a crib when it’s time for the morning nap when they are still awake but tired. They develop the ability to soothe themselves and learn to fall asleep on their own. However, make sure that the sleeping area is secure and restful. Your baby typically sleeps for 1.5 to 2 hours during the morning nap. Remember, there can be individual differences here.
11:00 a.m. – Waking Up
Gently open the curtains when your infant wakes up to let in natural light. A rejuvenating morning nap gives your baby the rest they require to support their physical and cognitive growth. It also ensures they are ready for explorations and discoveries that lie ahead during the day.
3. Mid-Morning Routine
The 2nd waking-up session can be a bit challenging because it is also time for your chores. Also, this wake-up period is comparatively more significant than the earlier one. Well, not to worry – let’s see what is ahead!
11:15 a.m. – Feeding
It is time for your 8-month-old’s mid-morning routine at about 11:15 a.m. Start by giving your child a bottle or engaging in a nursing session to supply nutrition. You may gradually add more solid meals to your baby’s diet as they continue to develop. Above all, don’t forget to change their nappy after their nap.
11: 45 a.m. – Playtime
Around 11:45 a.m., after the meal, engage your infant in interactive play. For example, play relaxing music, offer building pieces for stacking, and encourage the discovery of various textures. This playtime fosters their curiosity and motor abilities while stimulating their cognitive and sensory development. Having conversations with your infant around this time helps you two become closer. It also supports their social and verbal skills. As your nurture and stimulate your baby’s growth and development throughout this unique mid-morning routine – enjoy this parenting moment!
4. Afternoon Nap
Between 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. – you can even opt for the bathing session, as that is also an activity wherein the child gets tired.
12:30 p.m. – Naptime
Your 8-month-old sleep schedule really must include an afternoon nap. For this, create a peaceful and comfortable sleeping environment for your infant at about 12:30 p.m. Put them in their cot while awake but tired to maintain a pattern. It promotes autonomous sleeping and helps children acquire self-soothing techniques. Your baby will generally snooze in the afternoon for 1.5 to 2 hours.
2:30 p.m. – Wake Up
To ensure your child doesn’t fall asleep too close to bedtime, gently wake them up before 2:30 p.m. It is less likely to disturb their sleep habits at night if you wake them up at this time. This also helps maintain a balance between daytime and night sleep. Consistently allowing your infant to nap in the afternoon boosts brain development, mood, and general well-being. Additionally, it recharges their energy!
You can enjoy this time for yourself or take care of other matters while your baby takes a restful and refreshing afternoon nap.
5. Afternoon Routine
It’s time to start the afternoon routine following your baby’s midday sleep. You can include your 8-month-old in activities that enhance learning, connection, and relaxation at this time.
2:45 p.m. – Feeding
To ensure your baby’s nutritional demands are covered, feed them at about 2:45 p.m. This feeding period gives them nutrients and fulfills their appetite. You can nurse them at this time or give them semi-solid food to stay full longer.
3:15 p.m. – Playtime
After feeding, spend time playing and interacting with your baby calmly. Spend meaningful time together while singing, reading, playing with age-appropriate toys, or just talking. In addition to promoting emotional connection and strengthening the parent-child tie – it also aids their cognitive and sensory development.
During this period, pay attention to your child’s cues and react appropriately. If they exhibit indications of fatigue and fussiness, you can create a relaxing environment for them by lowering the lights or providing calming activities.
6. Evening Routine
Setting up a regular routine for your 8-month-old as the day ends prepares the baby for a peaceful and restful night’s sleep. Follow the evening routine to assist your child in transitioning from the day’s activity to a restful night’s sleep.
4:30 p.m. – Wind-Down Period
Create a relaxing atmosphere and start wind-down time at around 4:30 p.m. Take a warm bath, give them a nice, or spend some peaceful time cuddling when the lights and noise are dimmed. This tells your infant that it is time to relax and get ready for bed in some time.
5:00 p.m. – Feeding
Offer a meal around 5:00 to ensure your baby is content and full before bedtime. It is essential that they feel comforted and can go to sleep without any digestion issues.
5:30 p.m. – Family Time
As of 5:30 p.m., spend time calmly conversing with your child or playing gently. If there are more members in the family – allow your child to explore more relations with them. Before bed, this quality time will foster a feeling of safety and connection.
7. Bedtime Routine
Your 8-month-old sleep schedule must include a proper bedtime routine to assist them in making a transition from day’s activities to a restful long sleep.
7:00 p.m – Bedtime Routine
Start the night-time routine by setting a regular order of activities at about 7:00 p.m. This may entail dressing your infant in cozy pajamas, turning down the lights, and providing a peaceful sleeping atmosphere.
7:30 p.m. – Bedtime
Now, put your infant in their bed at 7:30 p.m. while they are awake yet sleepy. It enables children to gain self-soothing abilities and learn how to do it independently. If they have a pacifier or lovey – give it to them for extra comfort! You can practice relaxing exercises like reading a bedtime tale or humming a lullaby. This encourages relaxation and lets your baby know it’s time to sleep.
Your 8-month-old infant can benefit from having a sleep plan. It will help them develop good sleeping habits and give them a sense of structure and regularity. Don’t forget to have a nappy change after every feeding session. Always be flexible, as each infant is different and may have varied sleeping patterns.
Pay attention to your baby’s indications as you attempt to ensure that the whole family has a restful night’s sleep. Modify the plan as required, and be patient! Consistency is essential since it gives your infant a sense of security and comfort while also assisting them in understanding the daily routine.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Can I Tell Whether My 8-Month-Old Is Receiving Enough Sleep?
Pay attention to your baby’s actions and clues. They probably receive enough sleep if they are typically happy, attentive, and have a regular nap schedule. On the other hand, they can require additional rest if they are wiping their eyes, yawning, or being fussy.
Should I Wake My Infant from a Nap to Keep the Sleep Schedule?
If your child sleeps too close to bedtime, waking them up is usually advised since it could disrupt their night sleep. However, it is alright to let your baby sleep if they are still within an acceptable nap time and aren’t exhibiting tiring symptoms.