What to Do When You’re Pregnant: Preparing for Your Child’s Birth

What to Do When You're Pregnant: Preparing for Your Child's Birth

Finding out you are expecting a baby can leave you with a mix of emotions. You should plan everything so that your delivery is as smooth as possible. Preparing for childbirth involves various steps that you must take across multiple stages of your pregnancy. In this guide, we have broken down your pregnancy cycle into three trimesters and what you should cover within these periods.

First Trimester

This is the earliest time of your pregnancy and lasts from week one to week 13. As an expecting mom, you will feel some common symptoms during these phases such as nausea, fatigue, and frequent urination. If you are experiencing any of these, it is normal and is caused by hormonal changes.

Prenatal Care

You should start getting your body ready to nurture and birth your baby. Start taking prenatal vitamins to boost your system and seek medical advice if necessary. It is also important for you to avoid foods that are risky to your baby at this stage, such as raw eggs and deli meat. The fetus is in its early stages, so take the necessary steps to nurture and protect it. 

Stop Unhealthy Habits

Drinking alcohol, smoking, and caffeine intake are some of the negative habits you should avoid. If you have not previously participated in any of these habits, you are on the right track. Alternatively, if you had one or two of these habits, you would have to stop for the safety of your baby. Caffeine intake does not have to be terminated but can be drastically reduced.  

Verify Insurance

Pregnancy can be expensive and out of pocket, which is why you must verify what your health insurance covers. Some insurance packages cover only prenatal while others cover both prenatal and delivery. Speak with your provider for the coverage available under your plan.  You should also seek postnatal care coverage, which ensures that all your bases are covered. 

Second Trimester

This stage of pregnancy lasts from week 13 to week 27. It is popularly referred to as the honeymoon phase of pregnancy, as the symptoms you experience during the first trimester are reduced or stop altogether. During this period, your fetus grows and develops various organs such as the lungs and ears. 

Prenatal Testing

Genetic testing is important for your fetus as it helps to determine if there are any complications. Discuss this with your healthcare provider, as there are tours and guides you can take that enlighten you about the process. Genetic testing is advantageous because it helps with planning. If there are any genetic abnormalities or problems, your doctor can help you decide the best way forward.

Nutrition and Exercise

Your nutrition should remain consistent and add healthy foods into the mix. At this stage of your pregnancy, it is not all about avoiding foods but also eating healthy. Your baby takes nutrients directly from you, so you should feed yourself with foods rich in the nutrients your baby needs to grow strong. Exercise is also encouraged, as you can enroll and participate in pregnancy yoga classes. These classes are designed for expecting moms, and you will get the workout you need to have a stronger mind and body.  

Nursery Preparation

The nursery is where your baby is going to stay after they are born. This is where you should discuss with your partner. Choose the color, theme, and overall aesthetic of the room. You should also engage in fun activities like building the cradle. Take time to prepare the nursery, which you can do over several days or weeks. 

Third Trimester

This is pregnancy’s final stage, starting from week 27 and ending at week 40. This is a very crucial period for expecting moms as it prepares both them and their child for the birth. By this time, you are already showing heavily, and anyone who sees you knows you’re pregnant. 

Childbirth Classes

Attending childbirth classes is crucial because it lets you know what to expect. You should attend these classes with your partner as they would also learn the best way to support you. These classes typically cover what to do during labor, how to handle contractions, and what to do during delivery. Ask your doctor to recommend childbirth classes that you can attend if you cannot go through the hassle of finding one yourself. 

Relaxation Techniques

Breathing and relaxation techniques will help you get through labor, so you must practice them frequently. If this is your first time having a baby, you would not be familiar with labor and delivery, so it is important not to skip this. Moms passing through the labor process a second time are more familiar with this, making it easier to grasp the technique. 

Hospital Research

Research hospitals thoroughly for the best one with all the facilities you need. This is the most important step of the third trimester. Choosing the right medical team can help you reduce the risk of medical negligence, which unfortunately can lead to serious birth complications. When such negligence occurs, families may pursue birth injury lawsuit settlements


These settlements can provide financial compensation to cover both current medical expenses and future care needs. Protect your unborn child from such avoidable pitfalls by choosing wisely. Examine the years of experience of their doctors. Ask questions about the available services and the equipment for childbirth. This research should not be outsourced, as you know what is best for your child.  


Each trimester of your pregnancy comes with a unique challenge. You must be prepared and plan accordingly to get the safest birth possible. Eliminate your bad habits like smoking and alcohol to keep your baby safe. Improve your intake of healthy foods like fruits and vegetables to boost your immune system and nourish your child. You should also take the time to build a nursery before your child comes, as it is nearly impossible to do so after. Following the steps we have explained above is a surefire way to have a smooth delivery. Always consult a medical professional for further assistance and advice.

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